DIY stocking pig

DIY stocking pigVery soon the most magical holiday of the year is New Year. When decorating your apartment, don’t forget about this year’s symbol. We offer you a master class on making a nylon piglet.

It looks so amazing that you wouldn’t even be ashamed to give it to your relatives. Or you can keep it for yourself for the New Year's mood. A pig made from nylon tights will be an excellent decoration for a New Year tree or composition.

The pig is a symbol of the coming year. Today we want to share with you a master class on making a piglet and some tips.

For the craft, you will need materials that can be found in every home, so you don’t even need to purchase anything special.

What materials are needed for work?

To make the symbol of 2019 we will need:

  1. nylon tights;
  2. filler - synthetic winterizer;
  3. fur from an old jacket;
  4. glue, needle, thread;
  5. elements for decorating a pig;
  6. cosmetical tools.Master class - pig from a nylon stocking

Master class - pig from a nylon stocking for the New Year

Making such a toy is quite simple if you follow the recommendations of the master class. I suggest you start doing the work.

  • You need to take two nylon socks and put one on top of the other.
  • Next, we fill our blank with filler. In the middle we insert a piece of padding polyester rolled up with a roller, which will hold the shape of our workpiece.
  • After this we tie the thread.
  • We take strong threads and tie the body in half.
  • Next, we move on to forming the animal’s mouth; for this we need a needle, with which we pierce the nylon twice.
  • Making a pig's nose. To do this, we need a small piece of nylon, which we fill with filler. And we make two nostrils. You can use two needles or beads.
  • Sew the patch to the head. You can also use superglue.
  • After that we start making eyes. First, you need to accurately measure their locations so that both eyes are at the same distance. We stick the needle in the neck area and drag it onto the face so as not to make unnecessary knots in a visible place.
  • Pull the thread a little. Let's start sewing on the pig's eyes. You can use ordinary black beads or store-bought eyes for toys. You can buy them at any craft store. After this, we pass the thread again all the way to the neck, fasten it and cut it.
  • Next we start making the ears. For this we need a piece of nylon tights. We cut out the ear blanks and sew them together. You can stitch on a sewing machine, or sew by hand. This doesn’t play a big role, it’s just that you can make a toy much faster on a machine.
  • We stuff each piglet ear with stuffing and sew it at the bottom.
  • After this, we begin to sew on the ears for our animal.Apply glue to the front of the ear and apply it, holding it until it dries completely. We do the same with the second ear.
  • And we begin to make the pig's legs. We make notes in advance.
  • We make legs from nylon and sew them to our pig.
  • After this, we begin to make the animal’s handles. To do this, take two pieces of filler and make rollers out of it. You want the foot to be a little elongated. We make two blanks. We outline where the handles should be sewn.
  • We make an indent of about one cm from the neck and begin to sew on the first handle. Then we sew the second one. We fasten the threads and cut them.
  • After that we make the belly button of our piglet. We fasten the threads.
  • Our animal is almost ready, now we can embellish it a little. For our pig's makeup, we will need red blush.
  • Let's draw pink cheeks and a nose for our pig.
  • In the center of the ears, decorate a little with dark shadows or a pencil. Fill in eyebrows and draw eyelashes. For the mouth, you can use either red eye shadow or a felt-tip pen, because lipstick can smudge and ruin the toy. You can also use colored markers or nail polishes to make up our little pig.

But you can also decorate the legs and arms a little to make the animal even more realistic.

Useful tips for creating a pig craft from a stocking

  • If the nylon accidentally breaks during work, it can be covered with colorless varnish or PVA glue.
  • To decorate the pig, you can use various rhinestones, sequins, beads, and lace.
  • This toy will be an excellent decoration for the New Year tree; children will definitely be delighted with it.
  • You can also make a fur cap for a pig.This will make it look even more New Year's.
  • The piglet's eyes can become the most ordinary buttons, the main thing is that they are the same color and size.
  • In order for our piglet to be used as a New Year's toy, it is necessary to sew on a loop.
  • If you made a pig as a gift, do not forget to add pleasant wishes to it. To do this, you need to take a small piece of paper and write a wish in poetic form or in prose. You can use the Internet or write it yourself. After this, we twist our work into a tube. We secure it all with a beautiful red ribbon. Then we tie it to the animal’s hoof.
  • You can also dress the pig in clothes. For example, in beautiful striped pants with straps. Such a toy will look much more beautiful.
  • Using the same principle, you can make any animal. In addition, do not forget to involve your children in the work; they are always interested in doing handicrafts with their parents. As a result, you get not only a beautiful Christmas tree decoration, but also time spent with your child.

Pig from stocking

And don’t forget that the best gift is one made with your own hands! Don't be afraid to show your creativity. With the help of our master class, you will be able to make a beautiful animal, and you can decorate it at your discretion.

But I also want to add that now homemade toys are very popular, and they cost a lot of money. Maybe you will enjoy the process of creating them so much that you can make money from it. I wish you success in your creative endeavors and see you soon!

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