Children's habits. Adults dressed as children

Not only children can dress like adults. It also happens the other way around. In this case, a woman who has long since left adolescence suddenly refuses to meet the expectations of others and rely on elegance. She begins to put together ensembles that her 15–17-year-old neighbor could easily sport. How to feel about this and is it worth adopting the habit? Read more about this.

Why do these adults choose children's clothing?

There are a number of reasons for this. Some of them are rooted in the past (childhood was “stolen”), others reflect the current state of a woman (she feels unprotected, helpless and wants to earn attention and love with all her might). There are other, completely harmless reasons for wanting to wear panda pajamas or an anime heroine costume. In other words, There is no universal answer to the question raised. It is necessary to understand each specific case.

Important! For some, children's clothing is not a whim or a sign of mental disorder, but a source of income.

Is it mental or...?

When a phenomenon becomes widespread, we can talk about a trend. Today we We are seeing a trend towards softening age limits and erasing them. Things that are widely used by older women today were definitely absent from the wardrobes of their mothers and grandmothers 30–50 years ago. It's connected with

  • Children's fashionincreasing life expectancy;
  • achievements of medicine, cosmetology, plastic surgery;
  • changing social structure.

In Pushkin's time, a 30-year-old woman who had not entered into marriage lived with her closest relatives and was respectfully called auntie. She was considered a woman who had irretrievably lost her youth, capable only of handicrafts. In Soviet times, a lady who reached the age of 50 became, first of all, a grandmother. She surrounded herself with grandchildren, who did not care what their beloved grandmother looked like. The main thing is that she bakes delicious pies and fries cutlets.

Today the situation has changed dramatically. Modern women cannot afford to look like grandmothers at 55. They are socially active, work and spend a lot of time outside the home. At the same time, talk began not long ago about extending adolescence for reasons late development of modern youth, as well as a high level of infantilism among those born in the 90s and zeros, an increase in the average age of marriage and the birth of the first child.

strange guyBy adding up both processes - the shift in the moment of the arrival of old age and the end of adolescence - we will understand that there is nothing surprising in the use of children's clothing by adults. This is just a consequence of socio-biological changes.

You should not doubt the mental state of your parents even if they appear before you in a cosplay costume. The world is full of older people who are seriously into role-playing. This is their hobby, not a pathology. The world has changed, and so have the entertainment options for older people. Today, some of them do not plant flowers on windowsills, but are happy to transform themselves into heroes of comic books, manga and anime.

Wherein every hobby has an extreme, pathological form. For example, a person’s habit of systematically posing as a baby cannot be considered normal. In other words, if a person never or almost never leaves the image of a child, then it is worth turning to a specialist for help. It is possible that we are talking about a serious injury suffered as a teenager. From here comes the denial of one’s own “I” and the desire to protect oneself from reality by artificially transferring oneself to the safe environment of childhood.

Very childish images

Some decisions are striking in the discrepancy between the woman’s real age and the clothes she chose. The effect can be interesting or stunning. Everything, again, depends on the context and details of the situation. If you can tell them apart, learn how to “safely” wear children’s things.


There are several women in Russia who are called “Russian Barbies”. They are not 15 or 20 years old. These are adult ladies who have managed to be married several times and become mothers. Moreover, their children are of school age.

Important! Ken's oldest girlfriend from the UK will soon turn 49 years old.

BarbieThey not only look like Barbie, but also surround themselves with the appropriate things. For example, pink cars, which are exact copies of the car of a popular doll. Their actions may seem strange to some, but in fact these women have learned to make money from their own lives. They get paid to attend events, are constantly invited to photo shoots, and their accounts and blogs are successfully monetized.

Important! The image chosen by the female dolls brings in much more money than they could have earned if they had not started copying Ken’s eternal girlfriend. Therefore, there can be no talk of any mental disorder.

Another thing is a partial transformation into Barbie. If a woman of older age with ordinary shapes and a standard appearance puts on such a costume, then at best she will look strange. This is explained by the fact that To use Ken's girlfriend style, it is not enough to have the desire and knowledge of the principles of direction, you need to have certain data.

Important! If you want to wear Barbie clothes, you need to have a doll-like appearance.


CarlsonIt’s paradoxical, but with the return of fashion to the 90s, quite a few Carlsons and Pippi Longstockings appeared on the street. The first ones wear T-shirts, sneakers and denim overalls (or jeans with ripped decor). The latter walk around in short skirts of a frivolous cut, stockings and rough boots. Some of them are 15 years old, while others are really in the prime of life, that is, according to psychologists, must be going through a midlife crisis.


schoolboyOnce upon a time, children's, teenage and adult clothing could be correlated with school, student and professorial (teaching) styles. The last three directions are akin to each other, but at the same time display age gradation. According to her, a teacher cannot look like a student.

But today, due to socio-biological trends, age boundaries are being erased. Some ladies are quite capable of dressing up in the uniform of a Soviet schoolgirl and becoming like their daughters. The key word in the previous sentence is “some”.Many people, let’s be honest, are unable to hide the signs of age. Due to the imprint of the years they have lived, they look downright bad in school clothes.

Little one from the sandbox

If you want to look like this, then wear fabric shorts that fit above the knee and a loose tunic with thin straps. It’s even better if the top and bottom turn out to be fused - then you will definitely hit the mark and copy the children’s outfit, which is called the “sandbox”. Well, the height of the celebration will be the image of a cartoon on the chest.

What kind of adults are forced to dress in children's stores?

barbie womanSmall height and low weight may be a reason to go to children's stores. Without such a step, for example, indispensable for small feet. The bulk of adult products are standardized and are in no way designed for girls with feet size 34.

There are also diseases in which a person looks like a child and is forced to wear clothes for children. One of them - progeria.

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