How to distinguish a natural sheepskin coat from an artificial one

sheepskin coat with beltA sheepskin coat is a comfortable, practical and warm thing. It will warm you in cold weather and decorate its owner. Nowadays the choice of sheepskin coats is so rich that many people buy them without hesitation. At the same time, the quality and competence of the manufacturer is not checked. But with such a variety, you can make a mistake and buy a low-quality fake. After all, few sellers are conscientious and notify about this. Therefore, you need to learn how to choose expensive things correctly. Even before the moment of purchase, you should find out the rules and features of how artificial sheepskin from natural

General rules on how to distinguish natural sheepskin coats

short sheepskin coat
Artificial sheepskins are so good that it is very difficult to distinguish them from natural ones. Modern manufacturers have learned to perfectly disguise counterfeits as high-quality products. Moreover, if the buyer is not a professional in this field, she may make a mistake. There are several operating rules that are easy to remember and apply in practice:

  1. Checking the cuts. Their color should be uniform and neat, without the presence of any light or dark spots. No lint sticking out from the cut;
  2. Evaluation of the texture of the material. Natural sheepskin is smooth and soft. After running your hand over the surface, a mark should remain on the material. It will disappear over time;
  3. Smell. High-quality sheepskin smells exactly like an animal, like a sheep. At the same time, the aroma intensifies if you rub the fabric with your hand. An artificial sheepskin coat emits a synthetic smell, closer to plastic. It has a sharp feel and is unlike sheep. Many people identify an artificial thing by its aroma;
  4. Deformation of the product due to mechanical actions. If you take the hem or sleeve in your hand and squeeze it tightly, then marks and creases will remain on the fake. It takes a long time for it to return to its original form. Fearing this, sellers sometimes prohibit touching the product with your hands. This should immediately alert you. In this case, you need to ask the consultant to carry out the execution;
  5. Moisture absorption. Natural sheepskin has water-repellent properties. If you drop water on its surface, the drops will not stay and roll off. On a synthetic analogue, water will not only linger, but will also be immediately absorbed. After drying, an unsightly stain will remain;
  6. Product weight. Natural sheepskin weighs a lot. If you take it in your hands, you will immediately feel it. And when putting it on, you will feel the weight of the product on your shoulders. There are, of course, varieties of sheepskin coats that are thin and lightweight. For example, products with Tuscan fur. But the main species weigh at least two kilos. Counterfeits are usually very light;
  7. Inspection of seams. You definitely need to inspect the thing from the inside. Threads should not stick out from the seams.In a high-quality product, all the lines are even, without errors. The seams are neat and processed according to the rules.

Important! Another important step when purchasing is to ask for a certificate. The document confirms the quality of the product. And it contains all the data about the sheepskin coat: manufacturer, brand, composition, date of sewing, etc.

Several ways to determine: artificial sheepskin coat or natural

checking the fur of a sheepskin coat
Many buyers are embarrassed to examine an item in a store. Or they are in a hurry to buy, not wanting to waste time due to being busy. And in the process of wearing, doubts arise. Or, one of my friends said that the new thing is a fake. How to find out this in accessible ways? There are several methods to check:

  1. There are always spare pieces of material on the lining. For experimentation, it is better to cut off the fabric from there. Place it on a plate, set it on fire and observe. Natural fabric burns slowly and emits the smell of lamb. Synthetics ignite instantly and turn into a hard charred ball;
  2. The next way of recognition is to look under the villi (between them). You need to push the pile apart from the inside of the product and take a closer look at the growth area. If the item is artificial, the backing (textured fabric) will be visible under the hairs. Real skin will “show” that the pile grows from it;
  3. Wet the fabric. You can moisten an additional piece of cloth with water and squeeze it out with force. The sheepskin will leave the smell of the animal on your palm. The fake will not leave a smell at all. Or it will smell like plastic;
  4. Many people, after purchasing sheepskin coats with fur from Tuscany, after a while the fur begins to come away from the fabric. This means it is glued. Some ladies, not wanting to admit the terrible fact of a fake, calm themselves down, thinking that this is the result of laser processing. In fact - a real fake.No conscientious manufacturer will process an item with a laser to such an extent that the pile begins to fall off. After processing, sheepskin coats look shiny and do not come apart.

Tips to leave no doubt that the sheepskin coat is natural

natural sheepskin coat
A quality sheepskin item will not cost less than 25 thousand rubles. If the price is lower, there is no longer any need to doubt that this is an artificial product. Don't forget to study the label. The manufacturer leaves important information on it.

If after examining the sheepskin coat you still have doubts, it is recommended to examine the inner fur. It should be even in color and uniform in texture. You have to pull the fibers. The native skin holds them tightly. And from synthetics, the lint comes out in a clump.

If upon inspection of the product you find minor defects, such as scratches or streaks, do not be disappointed. On the contrary, it means that the item is natural. Since sheep are restless animals, they often bite and leave scars on each other's fur. These marks cannot be removed even with special treatment. They can only be disguised by painting.

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