How to clean a sheepskin coat at home

Sheepskin coats are outerwear renowned for their practicality and warmth. With prolonged wear, outerwear loses its color, beauty and attractive appearance. Scuffs and stains appear. How can I get rid of this without the help of specialists? Proven folk methods for cleaning delicate fabrics from dirt will help.

How to clean a sheepskin coat at home

how to clean at homeWhich method is best to choose for cleaning will depend on the type of fabric of the product. The following nuances should be taken into account:

  • Suede products are cleaned using dry methods. It is important not to damage the material during processing, so all procedures are carried out carefully and without intense pressure.
  • Shearling leather responds well to dry and wet processing. Here you need to take into account whether the leather is genuine or not, and the color of the product.
  • Outerwear with a water-repellent coating rarely gets dirty, as it is treated with special oils that protect the fabric from external influences. If you manage to smear it, then give preference to wet processing methods.

How to clean natural sheepskin

You can clean natural sheepskin coats using several proven methods.

Store-bought cleaning products

how to clean natural sheepskin
To care for outerwear, proven store products are most often used. They are sold in spray or aerosol form. The product should be sprayed onto the product before wearing. It creates a protective layer, which helps protect the item from external influences. Apply the product 1-2 days before going outside.


starchDistribute 1-2 tablespoons of starch over stains and abrasions on the fabric and rub well inside. Well suited for cleaning items made of dark materials.


semolinaFor the procedure you will need a cotton glove. Pour semolina onto the product and rub it in places where there is dirt or stains. We carry out the procedure until the semolina pellets darken. Then use a fabric brush to brush off the residue.

Bread crusts

bread crustsThis is the safest and most gentle way to clean an item. Take a few bread crusts and thoroughly wipe the contaminated areas. After cleaning, brush off the crumbs with a special clothes brush.


cleaning with rubberAn equally useful cleaning method. To do this, you need to wet the sheepskin coat a little and go over the stains with a small piece of elastic, like an eraser on a piece of paper.

Tooth powder or ammonia

If the sheepskin coat is not critically dirty, you just need to refresh it. Then dissolve 100 g of tooth powder or ammonia in warm water and lubricate the worn areas on the product. After drying, clean the clothes with a brush.

Kerosene or gasoline

flammablesIf none of the above methods help, then you can resort to using kerosene or refined gasoline. To do this, moisten the gauze with the substance and gently wipe the problem areas.After the procedure, be sure to hang your outerwear in the fresh air so that the fumes can evaporate.

Solution for grease stains

To prepare the solution you will need:

  • Soap.
  • Glycerol.
  • Water.
  • Ammonia.

Mode of application:
Grate the soap on a fine grater and add to the water. Pour the remaining ingredients into the soap solution. Wet the sponge and wipe the problem areas on outerwear. After cleaning, dilute 250 g of ammonia and walk through the soaped areas. We leave the item to dry in the room for a day.

How to clean faux sheepskin coat

The most effective cleaning methods include:


cleaning artificial sheepskin coats
Outerwear made from artificial materials will never lose its uniqueness, as it is practical and affordable. However, such things can quickly lose their aesthetic appearance. Washing sheepskin coats is not recommended. But if you cannot do without it, then it is better to do it manually, as follows:

  1. Take powder or gel for delicate washing and dilute it in warm water.
  2. Dip a cloth or sponge into soapy water and treat the entire product.
  3. We rinse the clothes in warm clean water and hang them on a trempel.
  4. Pat the item dry with a paper towel.
  5. Dry the product at room temperature, sometimes you can remove excess moisture with a towel.

On a note: The sheepskin coat does not unscrew after washing, this can ruin the fabric. You can only blot the escaping moisture with a sponge or towel to avoid streaks on the product.

Cleaning imitation suede

Suede does not like moisture and rough mechanical impact. It needs careful care. To clean such outerwear, it is best to use a medium-hard rubber brush. A small piece of rubber also works great.To remove dark stains from fabric, the following is used: table salt, gasoline, and store-bought sprays.
Important! Imitated suede does not dry outside for more than 2.5 hours. This can make the material brittle and stiff.

Cleaning artificial leather

ammonia and powderSheepskin coats and jackets made of artificial leather are not so susceptible to external influences. They are not afraid of water and are less polluted. For them, you can choose a wet cleaning method. At home, products can be cleaned with soapy water, ammonia or laundry soap.
Important! It is prohibited to treat artificial leather products with store-bought products that contain chlorine. It will ruin her!

Tips and tricks

To ensure that your outerwear always looks like new, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

  • We clean the product carefully. We use products for delicate washing without chlorine and other aggressive substances.
  • Before you put your sheepskin coat in the closet during warmer weather, it must be cleaned. Otherwise, the stains cannot be removed later.
  • Before applying a new product, test it on a small piece of fabric. To avoid negative reactions.
  • Remove stains as they appear.
  • Dry the product in a dry room at a temperature of 22-25 degrees.

So that the thing retains its attractiveness for a long time. After cleaning, be sure to treat it with water-repellent sprays to protect it. This will help protect the sheepskin coat from water and dirt during wear. Only proper and careful care will preserve its attractive appearance and ensure long-term wear in any weather.

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