Knitting pattern for a men's jumper

Knitting a jumperA jumper is an integral part of a man's wardrobe. During the cold season, men can combine it with a shirt to create a stylish look. Similarly, a jumper can be worn under a jacket - this will not only keep you warm, but will also look elegant in a business setting.

This type of clothing is perfect for warm spring, early autumn or cold winter for the simple reason that it can be knitted from various materials, and this allows you to choose a light or denser option.

Knitting a men's jumper

Knitting a men's jumper with knitting needles will not be difficult for experienced knitters. However, even beginners in needlework can cope with this task. Rest assured, the result will be appreciated.

Firstly, any man will appreciate such an interesting gift made with his own hands.And, secondly, by choosing high-quality yarn, you can create a unique product with an unusual pattern that will not only warm a man in the cold season, but also make him happy.

Advice! You should not take on an overly complex pattern if you have not previously had experience with it. It is better to choose a simpler but interesting design. Then the work on creating a unique jumper will be more interesting and faster.

Knitting patterns for jumpers

In order to knit a men's jumper, you need to decide on a pattern, which will be used in the product. Of course, you can go the simple route and knit the product with the usual “face stitch”, but if you want to add a “zest”, you can use more complex patterns. You need to choose them based on the purpose of the jumper.

Knitting a jumper

Fortunately, there are now quite a lot of varieties of patterns of different levels of complexity. By using your imagination, you can easily combine several of them into your own unique motif. Thus, you will get a unique product that will warm the owner in the cool season and will definitely not leave anyone indifferent.

Let's look at several basic patterns of different levels of complexity.

Knitting a men's jumper for beginners

The main simple motif can be either a regular satin stitch or an “elastic” stitch. This product will be simple to make, but will look quite stylish.

Model: Men's jumper

Pattern: Jumper pattern

Basic pattern for the entire jumper - This is a classic alternation of front and back loops. The pattern shows the number of loops for different sizes. Sizes correspond to 48/50 (56/58).

For that to tie the back you need to cast on 108 (124) loops and knit 2 p., 2 p. to end.Knit 103 rows and you can knit stripes of a different color if desired. In our version, 20 rows are knitted in blue, 12 in dark blue and 8 in white.

On row 121 you need to close off the loops:

  1. Close off 1 time in 3 loops.
  2. Finish every second by decreasing 1 (3) times for 2 loops.
  3. Carry out decorative decreases: 5 (9) times 1 loop.
  4. There should be 88 stitches left on the needles.

Having knitted 36 (42) rows from the beginning of the armhole, you need to close the loops for the bevels on the shoulder. To do this, cast off 10 stitches, and then cast off 10 stitches twice more in every second row. In the remaining 28 loops, knit in collar.

Front part knit similarly to the back. However, at 34 (40) rows from the beginning of the armhole, you need to put the central 20 loops on an additional needle and bind off the remaining 2 halves of the shoulder loops separately.

After 34 (40) rows from the armhole from the outer shoulder bevel, you need to close 8 loops, and then in every second row twice more 9 loops.

For the sleeve cast on 48 stitches in the same way. In every 8th row, add 1 loop before and after the edge loop. In total, 123 should make 123 loops. In this row, cast off 3 loops once, then in every second row, similarly, 1 (2 or 3) times, 2 loops. Decoratively decrease 1 loop 15 times.

The last stage of creating a jumper with a 2*2 elastic band is to assembly. To do this, you need to slightly moisten the edges of the products and sew the connected parts together.

In this simple way you can knit an interesting product that will appeal not only to the craftswoman, but also to its future owner.

Knitting a men's jumper with braids

A more labor-intensive option would be to knit a jumper with braids.Although in fact there is nothing complicated in tying braids - they just require endurance and careful adherence to the pattern.

Model for size 48/50 (56/58):

Men's jumper with braids

Pattern: Jumper pattern

For a pattern on the edges of the product: sleeves and the main fabric, it should be remembered that its repeat is equal to 11 loops (2 of them are edge loops). In the front row you need to knit like this: 1 edge, 2 knits, 3 purls, 2 knits, 1 purl - and so on until the end of the row, then the last edge loop.

Attention! The reverse, that is, the rows on the wrong side must be knitted exclusively according to the pattern!

The repeat of work for the braid pattern is 18 loops, with 2 edge loops along the edges. It should be knitted according to pattern 56 inclusive.



For knitting the back of the product you should cast on 110 or 128 loops depending on the size and knit 6-7 centimeters with a “strap”, using knitting needles more to start with the main “braid” pattern. In the 96th or 86th row (depending on the size) from the bar you should close 1*3 loops, then in the second row twice 2 loops and twice 1 loop. There should be 92 or 110 loops left.

In the 152nd row from the bar you need to close the shoulder bevels on both sides. To do this, cast off 4 or 5 loops once, and then in each 2nd row cast off 4 or 5 loops twice and once 8 or 9 loops.

Neck close in the middle of the product with 30 loops or 36 depending on the size, and finish the shoulder sides separately.

The front of the jumper knit in the same way as the back, but the neck should start at row 130 and close off the middle 16 or 22 loops.

To create sleeves you should cast on 48 or 56 loops and knit 6-7 centimeters of the “bar” pattern, and then change the knitting needles to larger ones and proceed to the main pattern.To increase sleeves evenly, add 1 stitch in every 8th row.

Make reductions according to this scheme:

  1. In the 120th row from the sleeve bar, cast off 3 loops once.
  2. In each subsequent second row, bind off 2 loops 1 time, then 1 loop 1 time.
  3. Carry out such reductions 7 more times.

The last step in creating a cable jumper is to assemble it. To do this, you need to sew parts of the product at the seams and knit the neckline to the required level.

Knitting a men's jacquard jumper

The jacquard pattern is one of the most unusual and vibrant. It always attracts attention, and products made with it are of extraordinary beauty. This pattern will be difficult to implement for beginners, but if you carefully follow the pattern, there will be no problem.

Model: Men's jumper

Pattern: Jumper pattern

Jacquard pattern pattern:

Knitting patternHow to knit a jacquard pattern according to the pattern?

  • Figure A: 1 time from 1 to 25 loops, repeat from 2 to 25 loops. Perform 1 time from 1 to 32 and repeat from 5 to 32.
  • Figure B: 1 time from 1 to 25 loops, repeat from 2 to 25 loops. Perform 1 time from 1 to 62.

Back for size L, start by casting on 129 stitches with light gray thread and knitting 24 rows with 1*1 rib. Further fabric: 2 rows with stockinette stitch and 81 rows with jacquard pattern A. Knit the next 62 rows with pattern B. After 124 rows from the cast-on edge, you need to close for the armhole in every second row once 4 loops, 1 time 3 stitches, 1 time 2 p. and three times one at a time. And after 188 rows from the knitting edge for the shoulders, you should close in every second row 1 time 7 loops and three times 8 loops. In the same row, close off 33 stitches for the neckline in the middle of the knitting and continue to knit the shoulder seams separately. Close the edges of the cutouts in every second row 1 time with 3 loops and 1 time with 2 loops.

Front part knit similarly to the back with a slight difference in the formation of the neck. In the 172nd row from the edge, cast off the middle 21 loops and then knit separately in every second row, decreasing 3 loops once, 2 times twice, and 1 loop 4 times.

For sleeves you need to cast on 63 loops with a light thread and knit 24 rows with an elastic band, and then start knitting pattern A, then 3 rows with regular stockinette stitch and proceed to knitting pattern B.

Important! When knitting patterns A and B on the sleeves, distribute the 17th loop in the pattern in the middle of the knitting.

To assemble the product You should sew the shoulder seams, knit the neckline and connect all other seams.

An interesting jumper is ready!

With the help of such knitting patterns for men's jumpers, you can create a unique thing that will be an unusual gift, will warm you up during the cold season and may well become your man's favorite item of clothing.

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