An apron made from a curtain in the bathroom, oilcloth or jeans

You need an apron, no matter what for - in order for your daughter to submit her homework for work at school or in order to create culinary masterpieces together. You can purchase new material for these needs, but it will be much more practical to use old things that have long been prepared for reference to the dacha or to be thrown away. Or maybe you have long wanted to change the curtain in the bathroom to a new one? The old one is also perfect as a material for an apron.

apron ideas

What to make an apron from

Any old item made of cotton, linen or water-repellent fabric of a suitable size is suitable for this purpose - a battered sheet, old jeans, a shirt, a robe, a curtain from the bathroom - anything!

Men's shirt

shirt apron

To sew an apron from a men's shirt, you will first need to rip it apart. By the way, if the shirt is intact or with minor damage, it will make two full-size aprons at once, even with bibs. Make belts and neck ties from the sleeves, and a front part from the back.

apron pattern from a shirt

It can be cut out entirely, one piece from the hem to the top of the bib, or it can be cut off along the waist line. Do the same with the shelves as with the back, only first remove the buttons and connect them with a seam along the fastening line. All you have to do is trim the edges and your aprons are ready!

Old dress

Even easier than with a shirt. You will need to rip open the old item, cut off the sleeves, if any, and the hem to the desired length. From the part that was cut from the hem, or from the sleeves, if they are long, make belts and neck ties. Next, stitch all the parts and process the cuts. That's it: you and your daughter are the happy owners of two identical aprons!

from an old dress

Patchwork apron

This option is suitable for those who do not have any worn-out items in their inventory or, conversely, have an abundance of scraps of various fabrics left over from previous creative experiments. Patchwork - This sewing from scraps. Such a product will not require additional decoration; it is enough to select pieces of fabric that beautifully combine with each other in color and texture.

patchwork apron

ATTENTION! This method will require more time and perseverance from you than all the others!

Before you start sewing, lay out the pieces of fabric so that you have an idea of ​​​​what kind of pattern you will get at the end. Keep in mind that it is better to place denser fabrics in those places where the main load falls: belt, pockets. The next step is to make a solid canvas of the required size from scraps (strips, squares, polygons). Next, simply cut out the details of the apron according to your sketch and assemble the product.

IMPORTANT! Be sure to overstitch all seams between pieces to ensure longevity! For “loose” fabrics, it is better to use a linen stitch.

From jeans

You most likely will not wear jeans that are frayed at the seams on your hips - they are not even suitable for shorts. But for an apron – it’s fine! Moreover, you don’t even have to sew on the pockets separately, since they are already there. Difficulties can arise only with the front part, from which the “zipper” will have to be removed as unnecessary. If this is too much of a task for you, just leave it as is.

denim apron

If you have two jeans that are not suitable for wear, then the task is easier: cut off the legs, open the side seams and unpick the waistband from the front - you get a beautiful apron with a ready-made belt with a button. Just remember to stitch the waistband along the underside where it was sewn to the front of the trousers. But the side and bottom cuts on denim do not require mandatory processing. Here it’s just the way you like it – you can simply tousle them, because denim fabric is not “loose”.

denim apron

An old curtain from the bathroom or oilcloth

The good thing about a bathroom curtain is that it doesn’t get wet, and stains are easily removed from it thanks to a special impregnation. Considering that you have an even rectangle, you can cut out an apron of any size and style. Cutting in this case will not differ in any way from the classical design of the product, except that the fabric is not new. When cutting the belt, take into account its length - the optimal strip would be twice as long as the waist circumference, because it will still need to be tied. If there is not enough material, you can make a belt with a button or even make it from another thing.

oilcloth apron

Decor ideas

An apron is a thing that is subject to frequent contamination, so as a decoration it is better to choose something that is not afraid of frequent washing. Transfers, decorations made of beads and threads are inappropriate here, since after a few washes not a trace will remain of them, and things with beads are generally washed by hand with special care. Threads and tassels also require careful handling, so save the idea of ​​such decoration for curtains and stoles. Gatherings and folds are also not the best option. Lace is possible, but choose the most durable ones and handle the seams with special care so that they do not start to unravel. But a sewn applique from motifs of another fabric, patterns from sewn ribbons or embroidery are perfect for an apron.

decor ideas

For example, you can cut a flower or fruit from a piece of other fabric with a printed pattern and sew it onto pockets or a bib - by machine, if it has a zigzag stitch in its arsenal, or by hand with an over-the-edge stitch, if it does not have one.

If you have chosen old jeans as the original item, you can sew colored satin ribbons around the perimeter of the pockets or along their upper edge - simply and at the same time brightly, with a mood. You can also use ribbons and trims to process cuts - both practical and decorative.

decor ideas

Embroidery will look most elegant, but choose this method of decoration only if you are familiar with embroidery techniques. Embroidery without skills rarely has a decorative appearance, rather the opposite.

decor ideas

Sewing an apron from old things is not at all difficult. As can be seen, in some cases sew something You almost don’t have to, most of the work is done with scissors. By analogy with the examples given, you can implement your own ideas.Check the pantry - there will probably be something there that can still serve you in a different capacity, and not for its intended purpose. All you need is a little imagination and a couple of hours of time.

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