How to cut a T-shirt beautifully

A T-shirt is a universal item that fits almost any look. And, of course, it’s a pity to throw it away when it gets a little dirty, torn or has lost its former shape. There are many options to correct this situation.

Beautifully cutting a T-shirt at home

Cut up T-shirtBefore you take your T-shirt to a studio or give it into the wrong hands to make candy out of it, it’s better to think about whether you could do the same or better. After all, you can change your image at virtually no cost. The main thing is to know how to do all this correctly and accurately.

What fabrics can be cut

There are no specific features in dividing the fabric into different pieces. We determine the cutting option ourselves, based on the structure, density and weave. They are more dense and slightly thicker than usual. But cotton and satin can be cut and torn. Thanks to its lightness and structure. However, you should not get carried away with this method; distortions may occur when sewing the product. A silk and it is better to tear chiffon to avoid unevenness, since this fabric is very mobile and difficult to draw and then cut it evenly.

How to choose the right pattern to cut a T-shirt beautifully

Cut up T-shirtThe size of the design has a lot to do with cutting or altering a T-shirt. If the T-shirt already has some kind of design, then it is better to make cuts near it so as not to affect it too much. From the side, from above, from below, as your heart and imagination desire. The design that you want to make with your own hands - drawn, glued with an iron, sewn or cut out - can be done absolutely anywhere and using various tools. If the T-shirt is small, then the design should be small so that it looks beautiful, decent and feminine.

Important! If the T-shirt is large, and your size is smaller than the T-shirt, then the design can be large and voluminous. It all depends on tastes and desires.

How to cut a T-shirt in a stylish and modern way: top 5 fashion ideas

Idea #1: The easiest and most popular way to decorate an old T-shirt is to cut it into even pieces in a certain place. It is necessary to turn the T-shirt inside out, carefully draw out the necessary elements (these can be circles, ovals, lines, etc.) and cut along the contour. Use your imagination and create some kind of pattern using these cuts. Be careful when cutting around the seams of the product; if you touch them, the T-shirt may simply come apart.

Idea #2: An original decoration will be a cutout of some design on the product. You can use the same small cuts, but still cut out a beautiful design. The algorithm is the same: turn the T-shirt inside out, draw the pattern you prefer. Then, along the contour of this drawing, draw the elements that you want to cut out.If you are not sure that you will do it carefully the first time, then you can use cardboard. Initially, cut out the necessary elements there, and then use it to transfer it to the fabric.

T-shirt with stripesIdea #3: You can make a unique T-shirt by cutting it at the bottom. Such stripes are very relevant today. You can leave these stripes like this, or you can braid something out of them. Just tie them together or put beads on them and tie them. There are many options, the main thing is to have ideas.

Idea #4: You can make an original thing from pieces of an old T-shirt. By cutting into even pieces and carefully tying them together, you can make an original scarf that will decorate any outfit.

Idea #5: If you are comfortable with a machine or know how to sew beautifully by hand, then you can replace some elements in an old T-shirt with lace inserts. At the same time, cutting, for example, the side parts or the back and inserting other material there. It looks beautiful and impressive.

Where did the fashion of cutting designs on T-shirts and other items of clothing come from?

Let's look back to ancient times, when the first inscriptions on clothing items appeared. Some of the first inscriptions appeared in Ancient Greece. The Greeks always knew a lot about good clothes, and therefore they tried in every possible way to make them not only comfortable, but also beautiful. Their embroidery was applied to the belts, hems, collars and sleeves of dresses and shirts, which indicated the origin and status of the person. In addition to the usual inscriptions, various patterns and applications were made.

T-shirt cutting technology

In order to cut a T-shirt evenly and beautifully, scissors alone will not be enough.

Top decoration

What tools will you need for your work:

  • T-shirt;
  • scissors, preferably not dull;
  • sewing pins;
  • a thin dry piece of soap or chalk for marking on fabric;
  • ruler or centimeter;
  • cardboard for transferring the drawing.

Secrets of neatness

In order for the cuts to be neat and the design not to come out, you need to work exclusively with well-sharpened objects. Check that the scissors cut well and that the pins are not rusty.

Important! In order for the design to transfer smoothly, the T-shirt must lie neatly, and you can also iron it so that it does not come apart in the future.

Which T-shirts can't be cut?

Mikey from silks, lace and satin are very difficult to cut, much less make any patterns on them. Such fabrics will simply be in puffs and nothing beautiful will come of it. Therefore, before you transform your favorite but old thing, make sure that this transformation will not harm it.

What wardrobe items go with cut-up T-shirts?

Original T-shirts go with almost any style. This T-shirt can be worn under jeans or light-cut skirts.

Important! However, if you decide to wear such a thing under a formal business suit or to an important meeting, then you shouldn’t. Such things simply won’t work and people may simply not understand.

T-shirt and shorts

But if you like to wear a classic style on your free days, then such T-shirts can easily be combined with cropped pants or long stretch skirts - this is simply the squeak of fashion among young people.

Who should wear T-shirts with slits or cut-out designs?

No matter what they say, such T-shirts will suit absolutely everyone. It's fashionable, stylish, original. The main thing is to remember and know what things they go well with. Good luck!

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