How to remove yellow stains on a white T-shirt

Yellow stains on a white T-shirtThe appearance of ingrained yellow stains on adult and children's clothing is a fairly common problem, they are especially noticeable on white T-shirts. Even modern hygiene products in the form of various deodorants and antiperspirants, which create the effect of freshness, are unable to completely protect against traces of sweat. Let's look at simple and practical ways to remove unpleasant formations using ingredients that any housewife can find.

Important! The sooner you start cleaning your favorite item, the more effective the end result will be. Since old marks are considered difficult to wash off.

Removing yellow stains from white T-shirts

Products made from white fabric require delicate care and, therefore, a specific approach to cleaning stains.

Removal by hand or machine washing using detergents

Before any type of washing, it is advisable to always treat the armpit area with laundry soap, which penetrates deeply into the fabric.If stains remain after this, it is recommended to purchase soap from another manufacturer, of better quality. There are many special products from domestic and foreign manufacturers for washing white clothes, which contain components to impart whiteness.

Application of universal oxygen bleaches

Bleaching agentA wide range of these products are available in hardware stores; you just need to choose the appropriate one for a specific type of fabric. According to the attached instructions add the required amount of bleach to the water, soak the clothes for several hours, after which we rinse them the first time in hot water, and again in cold water. Thanks to this method, not only will the stains disappear, but the original level of whiteness will also return.

Available folk methods

Using ammonia for synthetic fabrics: apply a sufficient amount to the treated area, leave for a short time (about 25 minutes) depending on the degree of contamination, then hand wash in soapy water at a temperature of 40 degrees.

Using a combination of baking soda and hydrogen peroxide – perfect for dried stains that are already several days old. The procedure is carried out in the following sequence: put two spoons of soda, three spoons of hydrogen peroxide, one spoon of detergent into a suitable container. All ingredients must be mixed well, the resulting mixture should be placed on the contaminated area and gently rubbed in using a brush with stiff bristles. After about an hour, the item can be washed, the main thing is to rinse thoroughly.

VinegarThanks to concentrated vinegar, which has the ability to displace dirt, it is possible to restore the original whiteness of the product.To do this, you will need to soak the fabric for a while (optimally three to five minutes), then wash it.

REFERENCE! This method has a significant drawback - an unpleasant odor, which can be removed using fabric softener.

Using acetylsalicylic acid: crush two tablets and mix with half a glass of water, apply the resulting solution to the problem area and leave for one to two hours. After washing, it is advisable to dry it in the sun to preserve the brightness of the color.

Using stain removers

They can be purchased in the form of sprays, powder, sticks, and gels. Everyone chooses what is more convenient to use. This product is applied to the area and left to act for a certain time (according to the instructions), then washed off in an acceptable way.

Suitable (safe) and proven methods for children's clothing

T-shirts hangingThe recipe consists of following simple sequential steps. Mix in equal proportions (about two tablespoons) bleach (the composition should not contain chlorine), vegetable oil and stain remover, add four tablespoons of baby detergent. Add the resulting composition to a five-liter container with water (temperature 90 degrees). Add baby clothes and leave to soak until completely cool. Finally, wash and most importantly, rinse well.

Rules of care

Important! Timely care will allow white items to remain in excellent shape for a long time.

Sorting things by colorBefore each wash, you must carefully sort your laundry by color; wash white items separately from all others. When washing by hand, you need to dissolve the powder well in water before loading laundry so that detergent particles are not absorbed into the structure of the fabric.

For each type of fiber, it is necessary to select the appropriate temperature regime: for cotton 60–90 degrees, but for synthetics (polyester) - no higher than 40 degrees, since washing in very hot water will lead to the appearance of a gray or yellow tint.

Attention! Before using the chosen method, you need to test it on an inconspicuous area of ​​the T-shirt (the ideal option is the inner seam).

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