Processing the neck of a knitted T-shirt

The main difficulty when sewing a knitted T-shirt is the correct processing of the neck. Step-by-step instructions and a little practice will help.

How to process the neck of a knitted T-shirt

The preparatory process looks like this:

  1. Measure the circumference separately along the front and back. The resulting values ​​are added and multiplied by ¾. Get the length of the ribana. The width is usually 6 cm.
  2. Cut out a strip of the required length.
  3. Sew down the side seams. This can be done by machine or manually. Sometimes an overlocker is used for this purpose. But this method requires skill.
  4. Iron it.
  5. Fold the T-shirt in half (lengthwise).
  6. Use the seam as a guide and make 4 marks. To do this, fold it so that the seam is on the right edge. A mark is placed on the left edge. Then fold it so that the seam is in the center of the back. Make marks along the edges.
  7. The same is done with the neck. Only now they use the side seams as a guide.
  8. Connect the marks of the middle of the shelf and the back.Mark the middle between them.
  9. Align all the marks and secure with pins. Landmarks have been outlined.
  10. Stretch the ribana along the width of the neckline and secure it with pins in a circle.
  11. Sew on an overlocker and hide the thread.
  12. Iron thoroughly on both sides. Next, finishing is done.

T-shirt neck

When calculating the length of the rib, add 2 cm for allowances. The width is taken without allowances.
Use only steel pins. The plastic head will melt from the hot iron.
The ribana is adjusted so that it is constantly evenly stretched.

How to properly process the neck of a knitted T-shirt

What tools and materials are used in the processing process

Processing the neck of a jersey T-shirt

To perform the processing accurately, you will need the following tools:

  • sewing machine with overlock;
  • stitcher;
  • a set of pins;
  • needle sets;
  • flexible meter;
  • a simple pencil or chalk;
  • metal ruler;
  • tailor's scissors.

And materials:

  • a set of threads;
  • T-shirt without a neck;
  • ribana cloth.

What lines are used

For finishing, 3 types of seam are usually used:

  • double on the cover;
  • chain;
  • double needle on a machine.

How to process the neck of a knitted T-shirt: step-by-step instructions

T-shirt neck treatmentAfter the neck has been ironed, the actual processing begins. You can leave it like that. But, if you hide the seam under the binding, this will give the product a factory look. Typically the following instructions are followed:

  1. Using a flexible meter, measure the length of the neckline along the back - from the right shoulder to the left.
  2. We cut the binding to the required length.
  3. Place the trim right side to the back of the neckline.
  4. Secure with pins.
  5. They sew. You need to stitch exactly into the seam.
  6. Turn back the binding and seam allowance.
  7. Make a finishing stitch, retreating 1 mm from the stitching seam of the binding.
  8. Wrap the allowance in binding.Secure evenly with pins in a circle.
  9. Retreat 1 mm from the edge and stitch.

Important! For overlocking, the optimal binding width is 2 cm.

Unusual ways to process the neck of a T-shirt made from knitwear

Unusual ways to process the neck of a T-shirt made from knitwearThere is an alternative processing method. It is used when the main material serves as the binding. The advantage is that you do not need to calculate the required length of the canvas. First, the right shoulder is overlocked, then the trim is sewn openly. Cut off the required length in place and only then sew on the left shoulder, along with the binding.

The disadvantage of this method is that if you use ribana or similar material as binding, the seam on the second shoulder will be too rough. In this case, cotton with lycra is best suited. It stretches well and is much more convenient to work with.

Reviews and comments
G Galina:

What kind of binding is needed to process a Euro-collar on a knitted T-shirt on an industrial special machine?


