How to starch a medical gown

Everyone knows that the main work clothing of medical personnel is a medical gown. In most cases, doctors wear white coats; the specialist’s reputation depends on their appearance and cleanliness, since if he looks untidy, then patients will not want to trust him.

To maintain the beautiful appearance of a medical gown, you need to know how to properly care for it. If the product has lost its attractive snow-white appearance, then starching will come to the rescue.

How to starch a medical gown

After starching, clothes acquire a beautiful, shiny appearance. It becomes denser and holds its shape perfectly. However, if you overdo it with the solution or neglect precautions, the medical gown can simply be ruined.

Important! You need to starch things once every 2-3 months. Not more often! Before the procedure, the product must be washed thoroughly.

How to starch a medical gown? Today, 3 levels of procedure are used: soft, medium and hard. The type of starching depends on the type of clothing. For doctors' work clothes, a medium degree of starch is best suited. It whitens the product perfectly and does not harm it. For the procedure, regular potato starch is used.

Ideal proportions - the soft way

starch and sodaThe procedure will require a small basin, a tablespoon of starch and a glass of water. Mix the resulting solution well (you should get a liquid slurry). Add a little boiled water to the mixture and mix.
Carefully place the item into the solution and mix the mixture. The fabric must be thoroughly soaked in the solution so that all fragments are wet. If this is not done, the item will not be completely starched.
The procedure is carried out for 15 minutes, then we take out the product and dry it. The product should not dry completely. Iron the damp robe with an iron at the required temperature. There should be no folds or irregularities on it.

On a note! If you need to add shine and shine to your work clothes. You need to add a tablespoon of table salt to the solution with soda. And you need to dry wet clothes in the cold to achieve maximum effect.

How to quickly starch

sprayingTo quickly treat the product with starch and give it a beautiful snow-white appearance. You can use a spray bottle. Today, spray bottles with a ready-made solution for bleaching things are sold on store shelves. You can also prepare the solution at home yourself. To do this, add a teaspoon of starch to 1 liter of water at room temperature. Place the solution on the fire and cook for 7 minutes. After the time has passed, remove from the stove and cool. Pour the resulting solution into a spray bottle.

After filling the device, treat the dry robe with the solution, spraying it all over the fabric. After completing the procedure, the product must be ironed.

Frequent mistakes, recommendations

common mistakesMost often, when starching a product, people make the mistake of choosing the wrong hardness. Because of this, the robe deteriorates, begins to leak air and loses its aesthetic appearance. Pay attention to the type of fabric, the size of the product and the temperature of the water in which the procedure is carried out. This determines what kind of robe you will end up with.

Often, starched clothes rub the skin, causing severe discomfort. To avoid this, follow these recommendations:

  1. Fabric type. Consider what fabric the product is made from. Robes made of linen, cotton, satin are starched. Woolen and synthetic products should not be starched.
  2. Starch. For starching medical clothing, only wheat, potato and corn starch are used.
  3. Taking into account the type of rigidity. Choose the right level of severity of the procedure. For medical workwear, only a medium level of starch is suitable.

Only clean, dry things are starched. This procedure allows you to give the medical gown shine, radiance and cleanliness. Starched products look well-groomed, beautiful and neat, which is important when working in a medical facility.

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