How to fold a medical gown?

medical workerA medical worker or student of a medical academy should always look clean and neat, the robe should be free of stains and streaks, and also perfectly ironed. It is quite easy to achieve cleanliness and neatness, but keeping the shape ironed is difficult. This is especially true for doctors and students, who often carry uniforms in bags or bags.

Several techniques allow you to quickly fold a medical gown for transportation. You can achieve smoothness without any tools, or for convenience, use hard cardboard or a magazine. The main thing is to carefully iron the product before folding it.. The ironed arrows on the sleeves will help you do this quickly and smoothly.

Learn more about folding methods

folded laundryCorrectly folding a medical gown so that it does not wrinkle is quite easy. You need to study the algorithm of actions and conduct several training sessions. A clean and tidy uniform should be an indispensable attribute of a doctor.Patients want to see a neatly dressed person before they entrust their problems and illnesses to him.

It is most convenient to fold work clothes on a flat, flat surface so that the item lies completely on it. Before folding the medical uniform, it is carefully ironed, preferably with arrows on the sleeves. This will help you fold the gown more accurately and symmetrically so that it looks neat after the doctor puts it on.

The robe should be folded from the back, with the front side facing the surface on which the garment is folded. By violating this rule, a person will receive unsightly creases and folds in the fabric, which will spoil the appearance of the medical worker.

Important! Do not fold your suit immediately after ironing. Let him hang on his hanger for a while and “rest.” Otherwise, you can end up with an even more untidy item than if it had simply been wrinkled in the bag during transportation.

At work, be sure to remove the suit from the bag and hang it on the hanger again so that the wrinkles that appear along the way are smoothed out. Ideally, the robe should look like it was just bought in a store. Try to keep your professional attire neat and clean at all times. Patients will intuitively feel trust in the doctor in a perfectly ironed form.

Stages of correct folding step by step

The folding algorithm involves several actions that are performed in a certain sequence:

  • ironingpreparation (this stage involves pre-washing a professional item, ironing it with a hot iron, and laying it on a flat flat surface); folding (this stage involves symmetrically folding the sides of the robe and aligning all the folds that appear, as well as twisting the uniform or laying it on a backing);
  • placing a folded robe or suit in a bag (when packed in a bag or bag, the robe can also become quite wrinkled, so this must be done as carefully as possible).

If all the steps of folding a medical gown have been completed correctly, upon reaching the place of work or study, the doctor will be able to put on a neat and well-ironed thing, in which he will not be ashamed to appear in front of numerous patients.

Important! Don't neglect the preparation steps. A stale robe that has not been ironed with a hot iron, even if folded correctly and neatly, will not be perfectly tidy after traveling from home to work.

Even a new item that was purchased in a store should be washed to rid it of foreign impurities and other harmful components. If the robe has a belt, it must be removed before folding and rolled separately into a roll. If you try to put the item together with the belt, the doctor will get an unflattering picture upon arrival at the place of work.

At the folding stage, you can use several styling methods:

  • on a substrate;
  • fast way;
  • our own original methods of maintaining the ideal smoothness of the fabric.

The main thing is to use one of the methods only after carefully preparing the item. Then you need to straighten the robe and let it hang a little on the hanger to straighten out after the journey. It is quite difficult to bring the uniform to the place of work in perfectly straight condition.

Where to begin?

If you need to fold your robe in order to carefully transport it from home to work, you should first carefully study the procedure. It is also advisable to practice folding on another item so that your uniform looks neat when you arrive at work.

medical gown folding stepsThe medical suit is washed with powder, even if it is new, and carefully ironed with a hot iron. It is necessary to smooth out all existing irregularities and folds of the fabric so that later the uniform folds exactly symmetrically. After this, you need to hang the robe on a hanger and wait until it cools down.

Important! Choose clothes made from synthetic, breathable materials. It will wrinkle less than its cotton counterparts. In workwear stores today there is a large selection of not only medical gowns, but also suits, dresses and other types of professional clothing.

Then you can start folding, having first laid the product on a clean, flat surface and taken the necessary items. Make sure that the table where you put the suit is clean and dry, otherwise the item may become dirty and unusable.

Method 1. On a substrate

A common, but rather complicated way to lay a robe is to use a special backing. To do this, you can use a sheet of thick cardboard, a magazine or an A4 book. The folding process is quite labor-intensive, but the result is worth it. The robe will look perfectly ironed and neat upon arrival at your place of study or work. They usually operate as follows:

  • the uniform is straightened and fastened with a zipper or buttons;
  • the suit is laid on a flat table, face down, straightening and leveling the fabric;
  • cardboard is placed in the middle of the back, its upper edge should go under the collar of the product;
  • the right side is bent, focusing on the edge of the backing, connecting the shoulder seams and the elbow area;
  • similar actions are carried out with the left side of the product;
  • the hem is folded to the shoulder seams several times, matching it with the backing.

on a substrate

After laying, the dense sheet is pulled out or sent to work, putting the professional form in a bag along with the backing. This way she won’t get wrinkled on the way from home to her place of study or work. This method is quite difficult, but after practicing several times you can achieve automaticity. Subsequently, using this method to assemble a robe for work in the morning will not be difficult, and everything will work out quickly.

Method 2. Quickly

Modern cities live in the rhythm of high speed, and many doctors simply do not have time to fold their own coat for a long time so that it is neat. Therefore, there is a quick way to fold a professional item for transportation. So:

  • the form is laid out on a clean and flat surface, leveled and unnecessary folds are removed;
  • the robe is folded so that the shoulder seams touch, all parts must be strictly symmetrical;
  • the sleeves of the product are also folded together and folded to the side;
  • Carefully roll the robe into a roll starting from the collar area.

classic way

By folding the form in this way, you can store it in the closet among your things or carry it with you in a bag. It will not wrinkle and will look neat and clean when put on.

Important! After the robe is unrolled, it needs to be hung on hangers and allowed to straighten a little. In this case, the form will look like new.

Method 3. “Student”

Students often come up with simple solutions to difficult problems.The same thing happened with folding the robe. The favorite method of folding a medical gown among medical students is as follows:

  • placing the hands in the sleeves, turn the robe inside out;
  • the sleeves are connected, inserted into each other;
  • the floors of the robe are connected to each other without removing your hand;
  • the suit is laid on the table and the collar is aligned;
  • the suit is folded in two or three times, or rolled into a tight roll.

student way

When rolling the product, you need to make sure that the roll is tight. This way the fabric will not wrinkle during transportation. Before twisting, you need to carefully smooth out all existing creases. This method of laying the product is quite simple and everything can be done very quickly. This is why it is attractive to constantly rushing medical students.

Tricks from the experts

washing a robeSpecialists and health workers who have to fold their work uniform every day are advised to always fold it after laying it on a flat surface. When doing this by weight, there is a risk of not noticing creases and folds, which will subsequently look untidy and spoil the overall appearance.

Important! The robe should be placed in a separate bag with Velcro or fasteners. This way it won’t get dirty in a shared bag and will be less wrinkled on the way to work.

Do not forget that the product requires a little “rest” after exposure to a hot iron. If you fold it immediately after ironing, strong creases will appear, making the robe untidy and seeming even more sloppy than before ironing.

Neatly folded professional clothing is straightened with the front side facing you. Don't waste time folding your uniform. Doctors should always look neat, and their clothes should be clean and ironed.Only such a specialist will be trusted by patients. This also applies to medical students. Professors are much more loyal to neat students in perfectly ironed dressing gowns.

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