Why do doctors wear white coats?

By appearance, we immediately read basic information about a person: wealth, status and place of work. We will never confuse a policeman and a doctor; each of them has their own uniform. Since childhood, for us, a white coat is a symbol of a medical worker; it instills confidence that we will be helped in the most difficult situation. But why him? Is there a logical explanation, or is this a tribute to some ancient custom?

Why do doctors wear white coats?

Excursion into history

At different times, attitudes towards doctors changed, but they were always on the front line in the fight against the most dangerous and deadly diseases. The first prototype of a uniform can be found in the descriptions of a Roman healer. During epidemics, his costume was a robe that reliably protected the body from infection, and his face was covered with a mask with a beak, where incense was placed. In medieval Europe, doctors wore similar costumes, causing horror with their very appearance!

Why do doctors wear white coats?

European doctors in the Middle Ages did not count surgeons among their class.The first dressed in expensive robes and wore jewelry, while the second were considered artisans and made do with aprons or wore ordinary clothes, sometimes washing them from blood. These were ordinary barbers engaged in bloodletting and pulling out teeth.

The history of the medical gown began in the 19th century, when D. Lister started talking about the principles of antiseptics and suggested that doctors use a white coat. This item of clothing came into use during the Spanish Flu, which claimed the lives of hundreds of thousands of people. In Russian history, the appearance of a snow-white uniform is most often associated with the name of Dr. Andrei Karlovich Rauchfus.

Why do doctors wear white coats?

Gloves to protect hands during surgery were first proposed by the US military surgeon Bloodgut, and a modern loose-fitting surgical suit was introduced at the Vishnevsky clinic in Moscow.

Why snow-white color

To find the answer, we turn to the science of colorimetry. Any shade from the palette intuitively carries a certain message. White color helps build relationships between people. It has a positive effect on the subconscious, thanks to numerous studies, double benefits are noted:

  1. On the part of the specialist, there is an increase in concentration on his work. The work of all medical personnel develops a friendly attitude towards patients.
  2. The patient’s confidence grows, he listens to the recommendations and tunes in to a frank dialogue.

Why do doctors wear white coats?

There is another very important aspect of the issue! Whiteness symbolizes sterility, which is at the forefront. Cleanliness helps prevent the spread of dangerous diseases. It is important to understand the depth of the concept, because in life we ​​need purity in various aspects: relationships, home, thoughts.

Snow-white cotton clothes were not chosen by chance.It withstands boiling, constant washing and steaming with a hot iron, and the use of detergents with bleach. This greatly simplifies the process of centralized processing of hospital items.

Benefits of a robe

I wonder why they chose a robe and not some other item of clothing. It turns out there are a couple of compelling arguments:

  1. Convenience and speed. Indeed, the easiest way is to put it on regular clothes. Changing clothes does not take much time, which in an emergency situation is already catastrophically short.
  2. The form is simple and concise. It is easy to sew, wash and iron.

Why do doctors wear white coats?

The ancient word “robe” came to us from the Arabic language, meaning “dress of honor.” It can only be worn by a noble person who is aware of the full degree of responsibility to himself, the country and society.

An interesting fact was recorded in the history of the 20th century. The professionalism of the doctor was assessed by his clothes after the operation. The purer his vestments, the higher the level of skill.

In the 21st century, in medicine, green, turquoise, pink and blue shades are used to sew special suits. In children's departments, funny pictures are allowed to attract children's attention. But the white coat remains the hallmark of most medical institutions.

Medical ethics implies purity of thoughts and a sincere desire to help people. A person wants to trust a doctor, but even a lip piercing, not to mention dirty clothes, can undermine his authority. Patients are greeted by their clothing, which is why all healthcare workers should dress and look appropriate.

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