Why do doctors wear white coats?

Some professions have their own uniform, from the appearance of which we immediately understand that this is a policeman, a fireman, a train conductor, or a military man. When we come to the hospital and see medical workers in gowns of the color familiar to us since childhood, we immediately feel a sense of calm and confidence that you will receive qualified assistance.

A little history

historical informationThe history of the medical gown began in the distant 19th century. Initially, in order to assist the patient and protect against contamination, the doctor was required to wear a simple apron of any color, and sometimes gloves. This was enough, since he was recognized not by his appearance, but by his merits, as they say, “by sight.” The first thoughts and conversations about the need to use special clothing appeared in the sixties among the medical community of Foggy Albion. D. Lister developed theoretical data according to which a robe of this color has important antiseptic properties.But dressing gowns began to be used everywhere almost 60 years later, when the terrible “Spanish flu” disease hit European countries, quickly claiming the lives of millions of women, men and children. Gradually, doctors of all specialties (surgeons, therapists) began to wear them.

The history of its appearance in Russia has several versions, the most reliable is the one according to which in the eighties of the 19th century, the robe became in demand as work clothes among doctors at the Burdenko Hospital, located in the northern capital.

Features of white color

white color - featuresAn assistant in solving and explaining this issue is the science of colorimetry. According to statistical data and experiments, white color helps build trust between two parties. It has a beneficial effect on the subconscious of not only the patient, but also the doctor himself. A specialist becomes more concentrated in his work, he develops purity of thoughts and an idea of ​​purity, as well as such important qualities as dedication, energy and openness. And this applies not only to doctors, but also to all medical personnel of the hospital (nurses, orderlies).

IMPORTANT! It is worth noting the other side of the issue. White is a sign of sterility, which is important in the medical field. White cotton clothes withstand high temperatures when washing (up to 90 degrees), boiling, the use of chlorine-containing detergents and hot ironing. Therefore, centralized processing does not pose any difficulties.

Why a robe

The main criterion for choosing a uniform is ease of quickly putting on everyday clothes, since often time for this procedure is limited.

Interesting Facts

Interesting FactsFrom the history of the 20th century: the level of professionalism of a doctor could be assessed by the degree of contamination of work clothes with blood after an operation: the cleaner it remained, the better and more efficiently the surgeon handled the patient’s treatment.

From Arabic, robe is translated as “dress of honor.” And that says a lot. The person who wears it must understand the full extent of the responsibility of his business and will be distinguished by nobility.

In modern medicine, not only gowns of various colors (turquoise, green, pink, blue) are used, but also special suits. In children's departments you can find special clothing with various designs on it to attract the attention of young patients. But still, the snow-white robe remains the calling card of most departments of medical institutions.

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