Is it decent to go out into the yard in a robe?

A robe is home clothing, and almost everyone is convinced of this. Whether it’s new and still smells like a store, or old and worn out, you can only wear it within the walls of your “territory.” And yet, one of the neighbors systematically appears in the yard wearing these “bath” clothes. Why do some people think that they can walk around in a robe for everyone to see?

Controversial opinions

Internet battles have never been so violent over this issue. The judgments are directly opposite, and each has the right to exist.

in a robe on the street

"No! This is not appropriate!"

«Going out into the yard in a robe is the same as going out naked“says most modern ladies. This thing was never considered “closed.” A traditional robe is a garment without buttons that maintains the condition of theAha only with the help of a fabric belt. That's why at any moment a delicate situation is possible when one or another part of the body remains bare. And it’s good if you have underwear. And if not?

Moreover, many believe that going out into the yard in such clothes is disrespecting others. Like, contempt and disdain for neighbors and acquaintances living nearby. They will supposedly be unpleasant to look at a person in revealing home clothes. Well, this opinion is not without truth. According to social surveys and despite the global sexualization of the population, seeing a woman in a robe on the street is unpleasant for most.

A robe is an intimate thing; only the closest family circle can look at it.

"Yes! I don't care what others think."

Some rebels, brought up with self-respect and sneezing at others from a high bell tower, say: “I don’t care what my neighbors and others like them think about me. I will dress as I see fit! My yard. I wear whatever I want.»

Indeed, why do others care about you or do you care about others? No one will look in your direction. In reality, If your neighbors know you, they will always pay attention to your clothes. Even if they emphatically pretend “on the contrary”.

And if in your environment there are no “moths” and other individuals with a low social standard, expect condemnation from those living nearby. Because an old robe that opens on the chest is untidy, ugly and again disrespectful to others.

JLo in a robe

“I don’t wear them at all.”

Part of the female population never wears this item of clothing. They like beautiful home clothes, for example, a T-shirt and leggings, a T-shirt and shorts, or a tracksuit. In principle, this is an excellent way out of the situation. In this outfit, you can quickly jump out into the street for fleeting business, and no one will even notice.

The main thing is that these clothes are clean and not washed.

"Sometimes you have to"

Changing clothes just to take the trash out into the yard is, of course, absurd. Fifteen seconds on the street is not a reason to dress in different clothes. But at the same time You definitely need to take care of your appearance!

Robe must be decent – not greasy, not dirty, not torn and better with buttons. In the summer, this “outfit” is quite suitable for taking out the trash can or collecting newspapers in the mailbox. Okay, 10 meters from the house for 15 seconds is also possible.

But for a walk with a four-legged friend - it’s not advisable. Especially to the store.

What does etiquette say?

A sane person should look at this problem from the point of view decency. In other words - no, it is not advisable to wear a robe outside. Because showing one’s “ins and outs” is disrespect for one’s neighbor, and this thing belongs specifically to the category of underwear.

They haven’t done this in big cities for a very long time. Even a silk Chinese cape outside the threshold of an apartment is considered nonsense. In a robe you can:

  • open the door for a guest;
  • get out of the bathroom after a shower;
  • have breakfast or dinner with your loved one in a cozy atmosphere.

In other cases, it is advisable to have other home clothes that cannot be called underwear.

Why do women in Russia go out into the yard in a dressing gown?

This can be seen in the provinces in a small town or village. An elderly woman in a well-worn homemade outfit, also with curlers on her head - this is some kind of “hello from the past.” When devastation and the inability to buy suitable clothes fully justified such behavior.

grandma in a robe

Most women who live “with the times” do not allow themselves to do this. However, there are also those who take an example from the older generation. The culture of behavior of some is depressing, as a rule, not only in the area of ​​life in question, but also in all others. A some people just don't understand how terrible they look in the eyes of others.

Today such a situation is rare, but women who “give up on themselves” sometimes occur.

At all, there must be moderation in everything. There's no need to wear a ballgown to walk the dog or go to the store. But a light silk robe, as well as a greasy and torn robe, are not suitable for this. Even in times of crisis, it is quite possible to find normal everyday clothes for home. It’s enough just to think and force yourself to break stereotypes.

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