How often should you audit your wardrobe?

Every woman needs to periodically audit her wardrobe. Often this is not just a way to get rid of unnecessary things, but a kind of psychotherapy that helps to cope with memories, remember the good and get rid of the negative. The main thing is to know the basic rules of revision and not hold onto old stuff.


Why is an audit needed?

An audit is an important stage before purchasing missing items.

Proper removal of unnecessary items from the closet makes it possible to evaluate the available sets and purchase everything you need.

In addition, the revision will relieve a woman from the daily stress that arises every time she looks at dresses and suits that do not suit her.


A properly organized wardrobe provides a lot of benefits and makes life easier:

  • a woman begins to save time on choosing an outfit;
  • save money and time spent on shopping;
  • create new looks from items that will remain in the wardrobe after inventory;
  • rationally uses the free space in the dressing room.

wardrobe audit

The main thing is to soberly assess your parameters and approach inventory decisively. You shouldn’t hold on to old junk that gets in the way of your life. It is better to use this opportunity for your benefit and create a new independent and attractive image.

Correct assessment of the quality and suitability of an item

cabinet audit

Ideally, a wardrobe inventory should be carried out at least twice a year, before the start of a new season. Then your wardrobe items will always be in perfect order, and there will be no questions about what to wear for a particular occasion.

The process of disassembling the cabinet should be divided into several stages:

  • direct analysis. All things need to be taken out of the drawer, including accessories and underwear, and laid out on the bed, chairs or just on the floor;
  • fitting. The most pleasant and at the same time tedious stage of the revision, the girl needs to try on almost every item of the wardrobe and arrange them into three piles, the first is what will definitely remain in the wardrobe, what fits well, has not gone out of fashion and has a presentable appearance, the second pile - things that fit well, are stylish, but have defects (can be repaired), third - clothes that are not suitable for a new wardrobe;
  • making a shopping list. In order not to make spontaneous purchases in stores, you need to determine in advance what is worth purchasing; for this, a list of clothes that must be present in a lady’s wardrobe is compiled.

Items that have undergone strict selection in accordance with fashion trends and fit, but have defects, may well undergo a repair procedure. For example, old and favorite jeans, frayed in the wrong places, can easily turn into stylish shorts.The situation with leather and suede products is similar; they can be painted and patched, if necessary, and continue to wear your favorite clothes.

Experts in getting rid of unnecessary things advise taking photos of existing sets so as not to get confused in boutiques and buy something that will fit perfectly. Analysis must be done not only for the closet, but also for the dressing table. Cosmetics often accumulate over the years as well.

If you're wondering what to do with certain items, experts recommend putting them in a large bag and putting them out of sight and out of reach. After standing for about 4 months without touching this package, the girl will definitely be able to decide whether she needs these things or not.


Experts recommend purchasing identical hangers; this minor fact will help create order in your closet. In addition, existing items should be hung according to seasons and areas of use, for example, items for going to work, everyday use and sports should be hung separately. Organizing your wardrobe will give you the opportunity not to waste time every day worrying about what to wear and relieve you of constant stress.

Reviews and comments
A Alevtina:

I believe that the wardrobe should be updated as the desire to do so arises, plus the wear and tear of things. But not everyone can afford this.I buy new things and get rid of old ones about once every six months, but I buy one or two new pairs of shoes for each season, now I’ll take Bercatti for the fall


