How Europe imposed on us the stereotype of division into pink and blue

Pink and blue weren't always separated this way. Previously, the color blue had nothing to do with the male gender, but pink was very much loved by men. What changed, when and why?

History as it was before 1940

man in pink

By the way, from time immemorial, right up to the 40s of the last century, pink was a truly masculine color. It was completely normal for a man to go out in a pink suit, decorated with embroidery or flowers. Also very often little boys were dressed in pink T-shirts, it was even fashionable. The fact is that pink is considered a derivative of red - the color of belligerence and courage. This explains the popularity of pink among the stronger sex in those years. While gentle blue represented purity and was a symbol of the Virgin Mary. It was worn by young girls, thereby emphasizing their innocence.

Virgin Mary in blue

Important! The segregation of clothing for young children began to occur only in the 20th century.Until this moment, every child, regardless of gender and social status, was dressed in white clothes - loose white pants and a shirt, and in other cases - a wide white dress.

How did this division come to us?

The division of color into a child’s gender changed 180 degrees in the forties of the twentieth century. During the First World War, soldiers' uniforms were blue. It is in this regard that blue with all its shades has become a purely masculine color.

soldier uniform in the first world war

In addition, in the 40s of the 20th century, sailor suits came into fashion in Russia and Europe, which speaks for itself, and schools finally adopted strict school uniforms. In the process of change, pink began to be assigned to the weaker half of humanity. It is interesting that it was feminists, fighting for their rights, who finally assigned pink to the fair sex as a symbol of a real woman. Today, such stereotypes only make it easier for manufacturers to develop a children's clothing line.

blue sailors uniform

And this is interesting! The color pink was first introduced into the adult world by the style icon of all times – Jacqueline Kennedy. It was she who for the first time in the 60s wore a floor-length pink evening dress in public. After that, she repeatedly appeared in public in pink and, of course, soon the female audience began to imitate the First Lady of America.

Why these colors

At the beginning of the twentieth century, the science of child psychology developed at an accelerated pace. There was talk about separating children's things for boys and girls according to their gender from the very first days of life. Manufacturers immediately seized on this idea; it was an excellent marketing ploy - the demand for children's products increased, because innovations always attract public attention.

division into pink and blue

There is a more romantic Russian legend about the origin of these particular flowers.During the reign of Paul the First, a decree was issued that every newborn bearer of the imperial family was awarded: the Order of the Holy Great Martyr Catherine for girls and the Order of the Holy Apostle Andrew the First-Called for boys. Each order, as has been the custom since ancient times, has its own ribbon - a garter. It turned out that the girls received a pink ribbon, and the boys a blue one. According to established tradition, aristocratic families adopted this tradition from the imperial family and gave the corresponding ribbons (but without orders) to the newborns of their families. Having changed, the tradition has reached our days and is ingrained in our hearts and thoughts so deeply that we can no longer allow another option.

For your information! In 1985, colored diapers were produced for the first time in the West; they were unchanged - pink for girls, blue for boys. At the same time, a Barbie doll appeared - a blonde in pink dresses and suits, she became a symbol of a whole generation, if I may say so, an entire era.

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