How and with what to wear red after 50

Madame Fashion is quite demanding of a woman’s wardrobe, depending on the latter’s age, and dictates special requirements to her in this regard. For example, people over 50 should wear bright and extravagant shades with extreme caution, and carefully select items in colors that go with them. Many people wonder whether it is possible to wear red after fifty, and this article will serve as an answer to this question.

Is it possible to wear red after 50?

red after 50

Definitely yes. However, in order not to look pretentious, pretentious and “sloppy” in a red outfit, you should correctly combine it with other elements of clothing. Stylists and fashion designers around the world unanimously claim that red after fifty can be used:

  • In a business woman's wardrobe
  • In accessories
  • In sport-chic style
  • In evening looks

Reference! Bright red will look best with accessories, as it will add dynamism and expressiveness to the image. As for the rest of the images, it is better to give preference to rich, dark shades, which make the image more mature and independent.

red after 50

For those who are somewhat wary of this color, here are some tips that will help make the image more harmonious:

  1. The richness of the face and type of appearance is the basis for choosing shades of red in the future image (for example, for “summer” these are wine and raspberry shades).
  2. This color can be worn only as accents that will complement the image, increase the wearer’s self-esteem and make her more cheerful.
  3. It is better to use a muted range of red.

If we talk about a business wardrobe, then with the help of burgundy shades a woman’s image can be made more confident and “leadership”. As for sporty chic, neutral gray or ash pink are often chosen as the main color. According to fashion designers, the “classic” combination with a red top and white bottom also works well (the colors, by the way, can be swapped). White color against such a background becomes more interesting and attracts the eye.

red boho suit

Blue or black are two more of the most versatile combinations to pair with burgundy. If a fashionista doesn’t neglect the “marine” style, then you can add blue, red and white outfits to your wardrobe. This style will always be in fashion.

How and with what to wear red after 50?

costumeIf a woman prefers bold, creative solutions, then a fuchsia blouse in combination with even a bright red skirt will be an excellent solution for her. The beauty of this color is that it can both highlight other color schemes and independently act as the “cherry on the cake” of an outfit.

As for all kinds of prints, their use is quite acceptable, if you do not forget about the basic rules of color combinations and do not spoil the look with overly pretentious solutions.

We should also not forget that the main mistake of a huge number of women in adulthood is trying to dress and look as if they are still in their early twenties. To show femininity at this age, it is enough to choose the right style of dress. As for the length of the dress, it would be a huge mistake to purchase a version with a mid-calf length. This option, firstly, will add to the already respectable age from another 5-7 years, but will also visually disrupt the proportions of the body. It would be best to buy a dress that is just below the knee and wear it with opaque tights that can hide minor imperfections on the legs.

Reference! The most suitable styles of dresses for women over 50 are box, sheath and caftan. Multi-layered dresses and high-waisted styles should be avoided.

As for the style of the chosen skirts, the classic option for a woman of wise age would be a pencil skirt. In case of too narrow or full hips, you can use straight-cut skirts. In this case, it is recommended to place accents in the image in the upper part of the body: at the level of the arms and chest.

When choosing jeans in combination with red, it is worth remembering that their dark tones visually slim the figure. It is better to choose moderately loose, straight jeans without extravagant solutions like holes in the knees.

elegant woman in red

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