How fashion kills our individuality

Fashion, fashion trends, trend... Each person relates to these concepts differently. Someone tries to blindly follow fashion trends, trying as much as possible to repeat the images presented by leading designers and various celebrities. Some believe that such behavior kills a person's individual style, making everyone the same gray mass. Sellers of clothing and footwear stores also impose their opinions, telling customers the phrase “this is fashionable” in order to convince them to make another purchase that is not part of their plans.


Why is it so important for everyone to follow fashion?

Italian stylists say that following fashion trends does not mean completely copying things that were presented at fashion shows, red carpets and glossy magazines. At the same time, there is no need to completely update your entire wardrobe and throw away clothes that have become unfashionable. Fashion only indicates the direction and shows styles and images that will be relevant at a certain time. How to use them - everyone decides for himself.

Attention! The important thing is not exactly what clothes, shoes, accessories and from which designer you should buy in order to follow fashion. The main thing is how to wear the purchased items.

At the same time, fashion does not stand in one place. Something becomes popular, some things become irrelevant. Items that have become unfashionable very often come back after a certain period of time. Therefore, following trends is very difficult. But despite this, every representative of the fair sex, young and old, wants to be fashionable.

Fashion is a kind of regulator in social society. On the one hand, it emphasizes inequality, clearly delineating social groups. On the other hand, it smooths out boundaries, since it is a democratic factor.

Depersonalizing jeans

The American sociologist claims that the desire to be in trend is caused by a certain psychological reaction. In this case, the person begins to experience a feeling of success, equality with successful people, his mood and physical condition improve. A person's psychological needs are fully satisfied. Otherwise, he begins to associate himself with an outcast of society or feel disadvantaged.

What is the negative impact of fashion?

Many are already accustomed to blindly following fashion. People don’t think about where it comes from, is it really necessary to be in trend?

At one time, women's low-waist trousers were at the peak of popularity. Fashionable? Beautiful? Yes. But tight clothing disrupts proper blood circulation in the pelvic organs. A low waist position leads to hypothermia. As a result, various diseases arise.

Fashionable high heels cause deformation of the ankle bones, arthritis, and thrombophlebitis.The spine is under constant stress, and in the evening pain may occur.

Uncomfortable shoes

Blindly following fashion leads to big waste of money, since the wardrobe needs to be constantly updated - otherwise you won’t be able to be in trend. As a result, there is nowhere to put clothes.

How to follow trends wisely

When talking about fashion, many people forget about a person's style. And these are two completely different concepts. We can say that style is the essence of a person, his self-expression, which does not change throughout his life.

To be fashionable and not lose individuality, you should look for a middle ground. Choose those things that correspond to your figure, character traits and social status. Clothes and shoes should emphasize beauty and individuality. What is fashionable does not always suit every person. Fashionable short skirts with long socks are appropriate for young girls. Will they look good on an elegant lady over 40? Or will less fashionable classics be relevant for her? The question remains rhetorical.

Identical parks

Should you follow fashion? Someone will say: “Yes.” Someone says: "No." And some just shrug their shoulders vaguely. Probably, the third ones are still right - those who did not say anything, and simply chose from the current and fashionable things only those clothes and shoes that made them stylish and not like the faceless “fashionable” mass.

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