How to dress so that you are not ashamed to show a photo

Nowadays, capturing pleasant moments in photos is much easier than before. You can take a bunch of pictures and then simply choose the best ones. And if necessary, delete everything altogether and re-shoot it again. In the era of film cameras, such an approach to filming would be considered very wasteful. And now any girl has the opportunity, through her own efforts, to get a picture no worse than that of professional models.

How to dress so that you are not ashamed to show a photo

And it would seem that there are so many tutorials on the Internet on the topic of creating an impeccable image for photo shoots. And in addition, there are one and a half million examples of all kinds of poses, take your pick - I don’t want to! But when I go to Instagram, I see the same mistakes again. Well, let's understand them.

How clothes affect photography

Choosing clothes for a photo is not difficult.

Choose what is comfortable

Tightness and unnatural poses will ruin any image. Of course, there may be psychological reasons for this. But that’s why there is a professional photographer who must be able to create a comfortable and relaxed environment during shooting.

clothing for photography

But if for the first time you put on high-heeled shoes in combination with a super mini, and in addition the clothes are so tight that it is impossible to breathe - not even the most professional professional in such an outfit will relax you, alas. Everything here is in your hands.

Important! Comfortable clothes = relaxed look.

And yes, I know what you are thinking now. But don’t even try to point your finger at famous models, they have been studying this art for years.

Multi-layering can be dangerous

Yes, layering is fashionable. But what looks cool while you're walking the streets doesn't always work in photos.

according to the figure

If you don't want to look like a fat onion, remember that under any bulky items there should be as close fitting clothing as possible. And ideally it should be as small as possible.

Dress according to the weather

Never forget: If the photo shoot takes place outside, it is important that you are dressed for the weather and appropriate to the environment.

depending on the weather

Of course, there are photo shoots in which the discrepancy between the image and the environment is the main feature. However, you should not take pictures in a swimsuit in winter! When looking at your photo, most people won't think about its aesthetics. More likely, people will only think about how cold you are and how it has affected your health.

Contrast wins!

If the photo shoot is not on a military theme, there is no need to blend in with your surroundings. That's why Before shooting, familiarize yourself with the background and choose clothes that contrast with it.


If you are going to take photographs into the unknown, take two sets with you, dark and light. Ideally, also something red (if it matches the image, of course).

Reference! Red is the color least often used as a background.

Important moments for a cool photo

Makeup is welcome

Makeup rules for a photo shoot are different from everyday makeup. This is exactly the case when the more the better, even for a natural look. Because removing excess during Photoshop processing is much easier than “painting” you with software.


Don't forget about accessories!

“Why do I need accessories, I’m already beautiful!” - some people think. In no way do I doubt your irresistibility! But still think about what With the help of correctly selected accessories you can make smart accents. This will give your image a unique charm.

Poses are important!

The rules of posing that I will now write about are textbook ones. But it never hurts to repeat them, even if you know them.


  • Anything that can bend must be bent or half-bent.
  • We do not press our hands to our body under any circumstances.
  • Everything that is closer to the lens appears larger, and vice versa.

Be sure to use this, and then I won’t be the only one who will give your masterpiece a big and joyful like!

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