How do insecure people dress?

There is a theory in psychology according to which we identify ourselves with clothes. This idea is in demand both in scientific and bohemian circles. Writers, artists and musicians not only look special, but also reflect in their creativity the connection between the wardrobe and the inner world of its owner. An example of such a relationship is “a man in a case.” How not to become the second Chekhov Belikov? Learn to notice dangerous impulses in yourself and your loved ones.

How to “see” someone who is not confident in himself? We evaluate clothes

girl with complexesIn order not to “miss” your conclusions, do not forget to evaluate a specific person in different situations and without interruption from what is happening. So, you shouldn’t throw tomatoes at a cute plump woman who, in 40-degree heat and in a resort area, wears a sundress.

The flowing silhouette and light fabric help the “non-southerner” to withstand the unusually high air temperature. However, If in your everyday wardrobe 75% of things are shapeless, dangling “duvet covers,” then it’s time to sound the alarm and start taking actions aimed at increasing self-esteem.

Things that hide your figure

Belikov's story. He was afraid of absolutely everything, was not confident in his ability to survive the slightest changes in the weather or in life, so he “chained” himself in a shell of clothes. It was the hero's shield and his amulet, the best friend and companion of obsessive-compulsive disorder. He needed external protection more than communication or family, since the internal protective system was not strong enough.

Important! Inner weakness, fearfulness and uncertainty - this is what makes us look for support in clothing.

Long, voluminous, shapeless, stretched things

long thingsThere are professions whose representatives are considered invisible. They are not remembered, they are not noticed until something out of the ordinary happens. And there are people who are inconspicuous by themselves, and not due to official circumstances. No, they don’t put much effort into their facelessness, they don’t play spies or ninjas. They somehow naturally manage to be unmemorable, colorless. And usually such people like to wear something that doesn’t catch the eye: inexpressive sweaters, jeans of an inconspicuous shade, T-shirts that do not allow strangers to notice your figure.

Important! You need to have certain inner strengths not to be afraid to express yourself. It’s much easier to blend in with the gray colors and become part of the decor. If they forget about you as soon as they stop looking at you, then they will never demand anything, and you will not have to make any effort to comply.

The endless undressing of overweight people is interpreted a little differently. Usually women with curvy figures gravitate towards this. Because of their build, they are confident that they are constantly “under the gun” of other people.. To get rid of other people's close attention and protect yourself from possible condemnation, clothes without strict lines are used. This results in the following diagram:

  • girl with scarfrejection of your own body makes you think that everyone around you doesn’t accept it either, and, perhaps, laughs at being fat (sometimes this is an absolute delusion);
  • in order to stop being the center of attention and protect himself from ridicule, a person seeks protection and support from clothing, which, in his opinion, masks all problem areas;
  • he gets used to hiding his shortcomings and ceases to regret that, along with the features of the body that require correction, the dignity of the figure disappears from view;
  • due to the fact that pleasant features of appearance are never emphasized, a woman begins to forget about their presence, but the loose clothing reminds her every second of her shortcomings.

A woman who does not remember the advantages of her figure, but constantly keeps in front of her and on herself a reminder of the body features that require correction, productively cultivates complexes in herself. As a result, obsessive thoughts like “everyone is looking at me, they are laughing at me” are fixed, like shapeless clothes in the wardrobe.

Important! There must be moderation in everything. Don't let yourself fall into a vicious cycle where clothes become the same, remind you of something bad, or feed self-doubt.

Same type things

Trying something new is taking risks.But where can you find the courage to experiment if you are ashamed of yourself or have spent your whole life blending in with the crowd so as not to be noticed and this does not lead to failure? It is much safer not to leave the zone of facelessness, to move in one direction, to walk along the beaten path and tested many times.

Dark colors so as not to stand out

dark colorsBright colors, rich colors, pure and deep shades catch the eye. Those around you unintentionally, reflexively fix their gaze on a person who is dressed in colorful clothes, or at least ones that simply stand out in color. well and fade and grayness allow you to be invisible. Outsiders will not remember either the owner of such a wardrobe or the items themselves from which the ensemble was made. This “spy” will be able to avoid not only excessive, but also any attention at all, which means he will save himself from unnecessary worries and protect himself from an allegedly possible failure.

Important! Psychologists have identified colors that indicate low self-esteem. Here they are: light yellow, gray, green-brown, blue-gray.

Another point is depersonalization using a black and white dress code. Behind the form one cannot see the person, his experiences or inner world. For those around him, he turns into a “white collar worker” or “office plankton” - into one of millions of exactly the same subjects.

Multi-layer sets from old clothes

Fear of the new, dissatisfaction with changes in figure, longing for the past - this is what is hidden behind the desire to wear clothes that are many years old. At the same time, many women who have given up on themselves like to hide behind the fact that their husband, children or parents need a new wardrobe much more than they themselves. This position once again emphasizes one’s own unimportance and worthlessness.

Important! If a mother doesn’t love herself and looks bad, will her child feel good next to her? Or will he begin to be ashamed of his parent and fragile family relationships will develop a deep crack?

Clothing that does not suit an imperfect figure

girl closes her eyes with her handThe other side of the coin, symbolizing situations in which people wear ill-fitting clothes to hide their attitude towards themselves. Some people try their best to hide their body features, while others hope to gain self-confidence by showing off imperfections. Thus, they tell the whole world that they have no complexes. But if you do not have internal dissatisfaction with yourself and do not suffer from insecurity, then why deliberately and ostentatiously demonstrate their possible cause?

Unfashionable shoes

Shoes are one of the top three things that allow you to evaluate a man’s wealth and a woman’s taste. But sometimes dusty shoes do not indicate a lack of a car, and an out-of-fashion sock does not indicate disorientation in trends. It’s just that shoes, like clothes, demonstrate a person’s inner world. To paraphrase Bulgakov, then The problem is not in the broken heels or the square shape of the toe, the problem is in the head.

The radical opposite: all the trendy bright fashion items - at once!

To begin with, let us clarify that wearing something that is inappropriate for a particular person, but is among trends or worn to imitate an idol, may be a sign of internal problems or contradictions. In a fashion magazine or on the page of an online store there was a “wow”, but in reality the clothes did not fit the figure or spoiled it, but the person continues to use the item of clothing? There are three options:

  • Kokorinhe sees in front of him not reality, but a glossy picture (the one where the item was worn by a photoshopped celebrity or a model no less heavily altered by filters and the right angle) and behind this picture he is not able to see himself;
  • wears it in order to feed their own complexes (some people like to be victims, while others enjoy spoiling and disfiguring themselves);
  • he needs to find a tool that will allow him to demonstrate his financial situation to those around him, and through this he will be able to rise at least a little in his own eyes and in the eyes of strangers.

The situation is even more complicated in case of lack of sense of proportion. If a person wears exclusively flashy branded items, complementing them with provocative but expensive paraphernalia, then the result is not a bold and fashionable image, but a caricature. The most polite epithets for which are “parrot”, “expensive”, “expensive-rich”. These definitions clearly demonstrate the attitude of others towards such a person.

Outsiders consider him a poser who strives to:

  • demonstrate your financial capabilities;
  • beg attention from the crowd (namely, beg, not attract);
  • behind bright sparkles, acidic colors and numerous big names on clothing labels, hide your own insignificance, dullness or weakness.

fight against complexesThis is not afraid of excessive shocking, the possibility of being branded as a person without taste or appearing in a discordant look. Vice versa, These manifestations accompanying the lack of measures worry the “fashionist”’s blood. He receives the emotions that he so lacks.

With all this it is necessary to distinguish people who wear exclusively luxury clothes and neglect democratic wardrobe items, but do it skillfully and without excesses, from those who create ensembles according to the same principle by which gypsies dress. Also, you should not look for any subtext in the stage images of celebrities practicing “magpie” shocking. It's part of their job.

Reviews and comments
TO braid:

how poorly written((the author is a master of adjectives

1 1aasdddd:

Who is this written for?)

M Maria:

People can’t buy fashionable things for themselves, so they wear whatever they like.

L Love.:

You are writing an article about psychology, but you make mistakes in grammar. In the word uncertain, the particle is not written together; it is not a verb.

Anna Sinitsina (Administrator):

Hello! Thanks, it's already fixed

AND Ivan:

In mature societies, no one pays attention to clothes in everyday life. As for clothes for the occasion, the most expensive and stylish ones do not attract too much attention.Bright rags are worn only by media figures (this is their business) and hysterical psychopaths (disease). Often these are the same people. Psychologists, charlatans and storytellers, are always behind the times. They earn little.

TO Konstantin:

I dress the way I want and let the world shut up.

B Bulkagov:

a master of psychology. For some reason the current does not write about what else encourages people to dress unsightly, for example, a banal salary. Or what, let my relatives starve and I’ll dress in fashion, proclaim bright and expensive things. And in general there are a lot of contradictions in the article. And the main thing is that absolutely everyone knows, except for this author apparently) - a person absolutely does not care about others, he sees only himself. And it’s only up to yourself. Well, they’ll look at others and immediately forget the colorfulness of their clothes and so on. Maybe they’ll twist it around their forehead. Everyone dresses as they can and as they want; I don’t see any reason for searching and poking around in psychology. What does it matter to you? There is a matter - help financially and don’t be smart

I I:

Fashion is designed for idiots who have no brains, such people are easier to manage, they have no taste

ABOUT Oksana:

I have never seen more idiotic conclusions

T Tatiana:

the author of this “pearl” works as a copywriter? they hired you for your “ability” to dress????

T Tanya:

Why does everyone have to wear bright clothes like parrots? I think that a person himself chooses to wear what he is comfortable in, and not what is customary to wear according to stylists. There is no need to impose anything on anyone!

A Angelica:

In Europe, in general, they dress simply and not flashily. Our Russians are immediately identified by their bright colors, dressed up and wearing heels, even on the beach sand))

V vlad:

Because of articles like this, the Internet is becoming a garbage dump. Clearly below average education.

AND Irina:

A person who respects himself, who wants his children and grandchildren not to be embarrassed by them, must look decent! These are not necessarily expensive clothes - “The main thing is that the suit fits”! You can go to sales, and if you sew good hands yourself, which is what we did in the 80s and 90s.
The most important thing is that shoes should be clean and beautiful, and if possible, leather. Take better care of it and it will last longer!
I would advise young people: to choose clothes not to last for 2 months, as they now buy disgustingly made jeans, which after this period become a rag, but to invest and buy a little more expensive, but of high quality. “The miser pays twice” And do not take tight-fitting “fashionable” ones if your figure does not allow it. And the conversation “what I want, I wear” is a defensive reaction for weaklings! Have a nice day, everyone! Good luck!

AND Irina:

The article is correct!!! For example: when you go to see a woman and depending on her character
1. dress freely according to your taste
2. trying not to look better
3. don’t wear something expensive
4. wearing red to give yourself confidence
Psychology is a science. And there is no need to deny this.

V vlad:

My Belgian friend's father-in-law is a millionaire, a boss, a very confident person.He comes to the bank in a worker's uniform (he doesn't hesitate to get his hands dirty). He comes to the restaurant in shorts and a simple shirt, not fashionable. Another man who is building a university in Africa, and who is being accommodated in VIP universities in Belgium, wears a faded windbreaker and old jeans. Here, showing off clothes (and other things) is a sign of bad taste. Even in African Ghana they already believe that showing off one’s clothes is a thing like in Russia and Ukraine... they call them beggars.

V vlad:

I have been living in Western Europe for 20 years. You can see the Russian tourist a mile away (by his clothes)

R Novel:

There are 2 different expressions, both “You are greeted by your clothes” and “What difference does it make how old your sneakers are if you are walking around Paris.” Dressing well is also an art, but on the other hand, if a person is empty, then this will not fill him) How many people, so many opinions. The main thing is not to put yourself above people who are different from you in one area or another, because in another area he may be better.

WITH Sabina:

I love to dress beautifully, it's in me. Although sometimes inside, I want to die. Like this

WITH Sabina:

It's really strange. They dress what a person has in his wardrobe. If I have, let's say. Cute, colorful, summer things. And I feel very bad. I won't go out and buy new things that suit my psychological state. I'm wearing what I wore last year. When I was, let’s imagine, in a satisfactory mood. I wear now, just what I have. Let there be a feeling inside that the world is collapsing

D Dmitriy:

you are confusing having money and confidence, these are completely different things, most often not interconnected in any way, and more often than not, the presence of the first and second in one person is the exception rather than the rule. Because you evaluate the rich and confident in Russia, let’s say, take Steve Jobs or Bill Gates, Elon Musk, they are one of the richest people on earth and one of the most influential, since the last 2 are still forming a trend in the industry and more than one. At the same time, these are absolutely people with no taste in clothing style and no confidence.

AND Irina:

So the article is just about people’s insecurities and complexes, and not about their well-being

D Dmitriy:

The last paragraph generally reminded me: “Why in a hat?.. Why without a hat?” If things help you feel better, you should use them as a temporary solution. However, it is absolutely normal if a person feels confident no matter what he is wearing (we do not consider body armor and other equipment to be clothing)


The thing about shoes is complete nonsense! A person, even a rich one, can have pain in his legs. For various reasons: injury, arthritis, swelling... And this person cannot put on new shoes, they simply hurt or do not fit at all

V vlad:

So you yourself answered that money, position, (clothes) are not criteria. There are confident, cheerful optimists in life (minority) and insecure, lacking self-affirmation…. and to whom clothes are very important is also clear

N Nikolay:

Don't listen to anyone, wear what you like and what suits you, and you will be happy!
The article is about extremes, and very conditional; I personally just dress according to my mood and situation.

A Ayaay:

Shoes -??? What? Aahhaha... shoes!

D D.S.:

Friends, thank you all for stopping by, but now I’ll forgive the smartest of you. Make yourself one or another normal SOSO. New album and with it feel free to go away from the author.. go to hell.. through the forest

Ψ ΨΣχ_1988229.Ω:

Yes, this is all nonsense, to be honest. Dark colors can tritely speak of the seriousness of a person (well, why shouldn’t a man wear pink with his shoulder straps?), and voluminous clothes can only reflect a love of spaciousness and things that do not restrict the movement of things.
Sometimes coincidences are just that - coincidences!

WITH Svetlana:

my criterion in evaluating my own clothes is only one - only natural fabrics and shoes, not at all because I’m a snob, stupidly - the skin does not accept synthetics, like an artist, I don’t perceive frills and flowers - only plain clothes - frills and flowers do not suit me, on others, if it’s chosen tastefully, I really like it. And it depends on what type of women or men you are, it’s better not to stand out from the crowd if you don’t have an ideal figure, the main thing is your personal well-being in this or that clothing. The only thing I don't understand is the tight synthetics in the heat!!

N Natalie:

That’s right. clothes reflect/reflect the inner state of a person/soul. No matter how much you want to agree with this, dear commentators. I wear sportswear (sweatpants, sneakers, football). It’s comfortable for me one. I don’t want to please men two. spiritual qualities are more important a person (albeit a degraded one by the standards of the norm) ... and once upon a time ... oh and oh ... a woman in red, stockings, heels, makeup ... but this look did not bring any happiness. And in sportswear I don’t stand out ... I go out and sing to myself)

AND Inna:

everyone wears what they feel comfortable and comfortable in, and imposing and labeling is not a help at all, but an indicator of an excessive desire to sweep everyone under the same brush and stamp pink girls and blue boys, simply because it is accepted that pink is a bright, stylish color and fashionable. And black is certainly faded and dramatic. But for some reason the author did not take into account that there are no identical people, which means there are no identical tastes, and accordingly there are no and cannot be clear standards in such a matter as fashion.

R Novel:

I dress as much as my meager salary allows. This article is another mockery of our poor people.

AND Inga:

Roman - bravo. Brief and to the point! The author may have the correct theoretical part, psychology and all that, but the reality of life of the bulk of the population is completely lost, like the statistics workers

ABOUT Oksana:

Actually, during an interview they only look at clothes, that’s the feeling. Personally, of course, I don’t like excessive pretentiousness in clothes, such as stockings and a neckline, but the style of just sneakers, sweatpants and a T-shirt is also incomprehensible to me.Especially when such people begin to talk about the emptiness of the inner world of other people. I liked the article. But there was a period when I liked me but had no money. She looked terrible in a tight skirt, and she simply couldn’t find the right jeans. I felt terrible. Clothes not only reflect the inner world, but also influence it.

ABOUT Oksana:

The tablet was replaced by Liked by Liked

WITH Svetlana:

Girls, fashion is fashion, and the prose of life is outside the window. Have you watched the shows? Dear Mom - clothes are made of plastic, who knows what - high fashion, we people can’t understand - invented by schizophrenics. We’re already dressing well, with such taxes we’ll soon be running around naked. As for psychology, who needs it on the street, your psychology. These are just rags. Maybe a girl who is super insecure and has a brisk friend went into the store, and her friend dressed her according to all the rules, but the insecurity won’t go away, it’s not clothes, you can’t just get rid of it, you have to work. So, the article has the right to be for moments, but in general it is for development.

AND Ira:

What kind of nonsense is this about the power of a mare?

TO Kai:

It's crap, not an article... But we must be aware that, first of all, Zen pays for such a bucket... and money has no smell. And secondly, those who respond to such articles are either sick in their heads or simply agents of the Lubyanka. As for me, I simply banned Yandex in the main browser and three months later I decided to log in through TOP to see if Zen was alive. What can I say...


The article is complete garbage, of course. I have a normal figure, I can wear fairly tight and/or fairly loose clothes, but I am not obliged to show my assets to anyone or hide them - that’s my business. This year I want to wear loose jeans, not tight ones - and I do, I specifically bought two sizes larger, not because of an inferiority or usefulness complex, but because I want it so much, I see my image like this and I didn’t give a damn about it, What do 15 million residents of my city think about this? And by the way, I don’t like bright colors, because they don’t suit me - I’m a northerner, with pale skin, not bright, I can’t dress like the bright people of southern countries, it’s stupid.

A Artem:

An interesting team of authors, however, judging by this article, the previous article about how simply some billionaires dress, these billionaires are just insecure, sick people))))


It’s just that a self-sufficient person doesn’t care - well, that is, he can wear a tuxedo if circumstances require, or maybe in jeans if he communicates with people who do not change anything in his business. Well, that is, if he were selling the company, it would be strange if he showed up in shorts and a T-shirt with sneakers; But if you went to eat a steak with wine, who is showing off for? for the waiter who gets paid as a cleaner or for the public who smokes quietly and does not change anything in his business. Those who are forced to take into account the opinions of strangers are fixated on clothes. A self-sufficient person doesn’t care about strangers if he doesn’t need anything from them at the moment;)


