How clothes affect our mood

Mood cannot be treated with pills; we get rid of the blues in various ways: our favorite treat, walks, meetings with friends and, of course, beautiful clothes. Even if you feel unwell, a good dress can lift your tone and make you smile.

How clothes affect our mood

Do Clothes Affect Your Mood? Fact or Fiction?

Definitely true! It has been noticed: if a man chooses a business suit for a meeting, he unconsciously straightens his back and tightens his stomach, a woman in a chic evening dress and with a festive hairstyle smiles more often, her shoulders are straightened, and her irresistible smile is striking.

Even your favorite blouse, which accompanied an unsuccessful date or witnessed trouble, will become a source of bitter memories. It is better to get rid of such things once and for all, without leaving them a chance to lie in the depths of the chest of drawers.

How clothes affect our mood

When looking at your own wardrobe, you should divide all your items into four piles:

How clothes affect our mood

  1. Favorite clothes that fit perfectly and evoke positive emotions. It should be placed in the most visible places and used regularly.
  2. Clothes that for some reason do not fit. It’s worth putting it in your suitcase until better times or giving it away. There is no need to wear something that emphasizes figure flaws or reveals telltale folds on the stomach. Such moments only worsen the mood!
  3. Old clothes that evoke cute and pleasant emotions. It can also be saved as a keepsake.
  4. Things associated with bad memories - put away! Take it out of the house forever and forget it. Some burn it, some give it away, but the best way is to give it to charity, it will raise morale and give goodness to people in need.

Bad mood: clothes are to blame!

How clothes affect our mood

Every woman is familiar with the situation when a sudden crease in her tights can ruin her mood. Therefore, you should definitely have spare tights in your purse.

It has been proven that baggy jeans are chosen in moments of depression and melancholy. So maybe it’s better to throw them away and, in spite of poor health, choose a more elegant option?

Clothing that doesn’t fit your figure spoils your mood, as it takes away confidence in your strength and beauty. Any little thing in the form of a torn button can cause negativity, so you need to choose quality items with good fittings. All people have gone through such a state, so you need to catch the negative in time and avoid repeating the situation.

Urgently lift your spirits!

How clothes affect our mood

In rainy weather, it is interesting to watch how people in gray windbreakers under black umbrellas walk down the street, they frown and grumble. At the same time, a brave girl in a bright yellow raincoat and red rubber boots will smile and enjoy the rain!

In addition to the need to have bright colors in your wardrobe, it is important to remember about questionable savings. Cheap things with protruding threads from unclear fabric reduce self-esteem.Expensive outfits make you feel self-sufficient! People have long been accustomed to judging each other by things.

Instructions on how to cheer yourself up:

  1. Get rid of clothes associated with negativity.
  2. Wear colorful clothes.
  3. Give preference to quality.

How clothes affect our mood

There is a fairly common misconception that an old T-shirt will still come in handy at the dacha or during renovations. This is how deposits of old things accumulate, settling in dusty piles on the shelves of the closet. When we get rid of junk, we make room for what we really need!

You should never be afraid to throw away!

How not to be influenced by clothes

You need to be smart about your wardrobe, choosing things not only in accordance with modern trends. Clothing should bring aesthetic pleasure, show individual style and give undeniable confidence in one’s abilities. We need to dress in such a way that, first of all, we like ourselves - this is how we get a boost of cheerfulness that other people see.

How clothes affect our mood

It is recommended to carry out regular inspections and throw away unnecessary and obsolete blouses. After that, you can make a list and go shopping. The mood is guaranteed to lift!

Choose your wardrobe according to your state of mind, not your body.

Psychologists advise choosing a wardrobe according to how you feel, not according to age. Of course, you don’t need to suddenly change your look and wear a mini at age 50, but giving up baggy sweaters with false shoulders in favor of fashionable cardigans is quite a good idea!

Clothes should work for the owner, not against her!

How clothes affect our mood

Personal ideas about comfort are clearly visible in freelancers. Everyone knows that some people work without leaving home.Some of them are able to work effectively in pajamas, without going far from the sofa, while others need to get themselves in complete order, dress in an office suit, and only then start working in their own office at a desk.

It is imperative to understand that each person has their own style, preferences and wishes. You shouldn’t blindly follow fashion and buy too expensive things that don’t fit with your personality. Smart choices and careful approach will help you create a great wardrobe for any occasion.

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