How to identify a bachelor by his clothes

While searching for their soulmate, many modern women are afraid of encountering a married cheater. Such an individual will hide his unfree position for a long time, until the lady in love gets bogged down in the relationship. And the question arises: “Is it possible to recognize a bachelor at the first meeting and how to do this?” Let's look at this problem.

Types of Bachelors

Types of BachelorsDistinguishing a bachelor from a “married” person is not such an easy task. Unlike the popular opinion, which believes that a man who does not have a wife always looks unkempt and is constantly hungry, the modern example is most often wonderfully dressed. There are also no problems with food, since if he has enough money, he can eat in a cafe or restaurant. But there are several nuances by which you can identify a bachelor:

  • When visiting his home, pay attention to the little things.The presence of dust in places that are difficult to clean and the absence of cozy little things (indoor flowers, napkins, interesting textile decor, and so on) can directly indicate the absence of women in the area;
  • His refrigerator either contains the simplest foods and semi-finished products, or, as they say, “the mouse hanged itself”;
  • Poorly ironed clothes;
  • Look in the glove compartment of his car. If contraception is found in it, then the young man is 100% bachelor.

Attention! You should not determine the status of your lover by one point; it would be more correct to use a combination of little things.

In addition to the characteristics, two types of unmarried subjects can be distinguished:

  • man in search;
  • A slob is a torn shirt.

Let's take a closer look at both types.

Looking for: man - chic and shine

Looking for: man - chic and shineThe first option is “male”. It can be distinguished by the following characteristics:

  • Good, fashionable and stylish clothes;
  • Pleasant perfume;
  • Neat haircut;
  • Polished shoes;
  • Nice talking;
  • Easy to climb.

He is always ready to meet a new passion, goes through women like gloves, motivating his fickleness by the fact that he is looking for his one and only, the one with whom he can walk his life’s path to the end. And everyone is sure that she is the one. But, unfortunately, his feelings quickly pass.

Important! Counting on a serious relationship with a “male”, you risk being left with a broken heart.

Desperate: slob, torn shirt

slob, torn shirtIts opposite is the second type. This individual has completely lost faith in himself. It differs in the following parameters:

  • Untidy. Clothes are not ironed or poorly ironed;
  • Doesn't make eye contact;
  • The gaze often expresses melancholy;
  • Avoids the opposite sex;
  • Often reacts aggressively to advances and female flirting.

It is very difficult to start a relationship with such a person. He will avoid direct contact in every possible way. But with patience, you can turn the situation in your favor. The main thing in this matter is not to rush. Tame him gradually. Be prepared that the achieved results will periodically fade away. After all, this type is comfortable in a built little world. And pulling it out of the “quiet swamp” is a titanic task.

Which type to choose for building a permanent relationship is up to everyone to decide for themselves. But with a serious approach, you can achieve success in this difficult endeavor.

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