How to diversify your wardrobe: recommendations for creating unique looks


Modern fashion is changing rapidly. Even a woman with conservative tastes who does not follow trends wants to position herself to the world as a modern person with her own individual style. In this article we will tell you how you can diversify your looks while having a limited wardrobe. In the article you will find recommendations on how to correctly place accents in a look and what accessories you should pay attention to.

Disclaimer from total black

Designers unanimously quote Coco Chanel and her universal advice about the little black dress. But let's be honest: sometimes black sets even the most ardent adherents of minimalism on edge. In the comfort zone of black, there is little opportunity to find something fresh for yourself. If black color has become a lifesaver for you every day, then try to give up gray and black shades for at least a few days and give colored things a chance.Black is good for a strict dress code, but when the goal is to find your individual style, it is unlikely to help you.

Prepare your clothes the night before

A banal but very useful life hack. On average, a modern woman takes from five to twenty minutes to get ready in the morning, but with such a high pace of life, the likelihood of thinking through her image down to the smallest detail tends to zero. If you decide to work on your unique style, give yourself ten extra minutes in the evening to decide what to wear tomorrow morning. Here we are talking not only about clothes, but also about accessories, jewelry and makeup.

Use more bright and unusual accessories

Even the most boring gray look that complies with the office dress code can be enlivened with the help of bright accessories. So, bright clutches, scarves with unusual prints, hats and voluminous puffy jewelry go well with gray dresses. Usually, almost everyone has such wardrobe items, but they are pushed to the back shelf.

Don't be afraid to break up your kits

A ready-made set of jacket and skirt/jacket and trousers can be broken down to combine the jacket with jeans, and the skirt with a blouse and a bright windbreaker. Most often, sets hang idle in the closet precisely because they look too formal and pretentious, and it’s a shame to “break” them by using them with other things. But it definitely makes sense to spend an extra hour to make sure each item can be multi-functional.


Transformation game

Try to turn even the most everyday look into an evening look and vice versa. This is not possible with all outfits, but this exercise allows you to look at the things you choose more broadly and gives you the courage to add a pinch of extravagance to your look.This could be a combination of a silk linen dress and jacket or a regular sweater and extravagant jewelry.

Increase Your Observation: Thinking Like a Designer

This is also just a kind of game: subscribe to your favorite collections on Pinterest, follow models on Instagram (it’s best to choose a model who is similar in type to you in order to be able to borrow unusual ideas that will work specifically with your type). This exercise will not take a day or two, but by devoting ten minutes a day to watching, you will automatically follow the recommendations and adjust your style. The most effective in generating ideas may be profiles with images of the 90s and 2000s.

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