How a Russian tourist is recognized abroad by his appearance

How a Russian tourist is recognized abroad by his appearanceMore than once I have heard how Russians are surprised that for some reason they are singled out from the numerous Europeans or residents of other countries. But why? What are my compatriots doing wrong? I decided to ask some foreigners I know. The answers were very different, but many said that the opinion is based on appearance. I involuntarily remembered that people are greeted by their clothes. What's wrong with our clothes?

Mistakes you can't hide

It turns out that, trying to dress as best as possible, “our people” make a number of mistakes that have already become typical.

Style mismatch

styleOur women and girls, who are deservedly considered one of the most beautiful in the world, often mix evening and casual clothing styles.

IMPORTANT! When going out on the street, a tourist from the post-Soviet space will certainly dress too nicely. Expensive evening wear for everyday use is not the best option!

Perhaps many sincerely believe that it is necessary to show in public that we “don’t slurp cabbage soup with bast shoes.”If you are behind the cordon, please note: not a single foreigner, going to the beach, will match the color of his flip-flops to his swimsuit. And if you notice a lady on the sea sand who is wearing a swimsuit like an evening dress, rest assured: she is clearly “one of us.”

Poor quality products, counterfeit brands

counterfeit brandsIn an effort to emphasize the thoroughness and thoughtfulness of the costume, our fellow citizens often fall into the hands of scammers. They sell (often not cheaply!) low-quality fakes, which are decorated with homemade labels.

But high-quality clothing often does not have any catchy inscriptions. If a suit has a flashy Versace label, then it is almost always the creation of underground couturiers. And they save on everything! Including the quality of the material. And if in your homeland few people have quality items in their wardrobe, then in the West it immediately becomes obvious to everyone the difference between your “branded” clothes and the real thing.


accessoriesIf we talk about accessories, then it should be noted: our people often do not know the limits in such attributes. If you take, for example, a German woman and put a Russian woman next to her, then everyone will see the excess jewelry on the second lady. But a lot of shiny things are only good for the Christmas tree!

ADVICE! Remind yourself of a sense of proportion! You should not wear all gold jewelry at the same time!

Foreigners are very restrained in using not only cosmetics and jewelry, but also various accessories. They will not decorate their own hat, with different colors, etc. There will be no additional elements on the handbag. Everything will be very restrained and discreet.

Hair and makeup

Russian touristsDon’t be surprised that local ladies seem a little unkempt to you.They really don't pay attention to daytime makeup. Being yourself, attracting not with your appearance, but with your personality, is the norm for foreign women living in the 21st century.

Therefore, if you go to the beach, a day excursion or shopping fully armed, do not be surprised that those around you will unmistakably identify you as a visiting tourist.

What, besides appearance, “gives away” Russians?

Behavior, manners, and actions can also become the calling card of a tourist. Many are characterized by either stiffness in a foreign land, or excessive swagger and unceremoniousness.

People who come to a foreign country and do not know the language are often pressed and constrained. Or, conversely, after a few drinks they become overly noisy and shout at the waiters. They sort things out with each other in such a way that those around them unwittingly become witnesses to this action.

Communication with children on vacation is another sign of a stranger. Shouts, twitches, prohibitions attract attention and turn the rest into unpleasant family squabbles.

How not to look like a black sheep

how not to stand outAnd here are the tips given by foreign friends. I think that they can be useful not only for me.

  1. When planning a trip, we need to think about communicating in the language of the country where we are going. Fortunately, now this is not a problem. A phrase book or translator in your smartphone can help. This means you need to figure out how to use them in advance. And ideally, find online language courses!
  2. Each country lives by its own rules. To avoid getting into trouble, you need to get acquainted with the customs and traditions in advance.
  3. You need to think carefully about your wardrobe. Comfort and convenience should be the main principles of selecting things.This way, we won’t end up in Europe with its mild winter in a long fur coat, but will take a comfortable down jacket. And in the summer we will reduce the number of pairs of stilettos, but be sure to take shoes with flat soles.
  4. We will think very carefully about what jewelry to take with us. Let's limit ourselves to the minimum, choosing accessories that catch the eye.
  5. Cosmetics. We'll take it anyway. But also not much, because we will only use it in the evening, when going to special occasions.

Well! There is nothing complicated! And the point is not to imitate foreign women, but to avoid looking ridiculous among them.

Reviews and comments
IN Valentina:

But do you really have to be strictly like them? You can only put on makeup in the evening, otherwise (oh, horror!) they will say that I decided to attract attention not with my deep inner world, but with my appearance? And the flip flops must not match the swimsuit, otherwise everyone will immediately understand that I am Russian?


Walk like the local chuni. Slippers to match the color of the swimsuit))) And if I like my clothes to harmonize, am I obliged to do the opposite? Smiled

IN Valentina:

The last thing I care about is how I will look to please the aunts in wrinkled and robed clothes, just so that God forbid I don’t stand out from this crowd. I dress and use cosmetics as I see fit.
Another thing is that you need to behave tactfully in relation to local customs, although this should also apply to those foreigners who visit us (though they sneeze at this).
Your article makes us look like savages without the slightest idea of ​​taste and tact. Maybe it’s enough to look closely at someone?


I don’t know who dresses modestly there, but look at the Italians and French women - it’s nice to look at, as well as Russian women. In my opinion, it’s a shame to look like a slob and a homeless person. Why compare such different mentalities? Let's then compare Russians with Turkish women... who has more gold, what do you think?

N Natalie:

There is a lot of gold on older Italian and German women on the beach, they behave noisily, not all of them, of course. Many European women have wardrobe details chosen by color. What an unpleasant article. Russian women at beach resorts look appropriate for the situation.

WITH Sergey:

Interestingly, then the author reprints this trash, originally from the 90s. Now you want to distinguish a Russian from a foreigner, easily.

On the street
A Russian does not wear black pants and an oversized black T-shirt with a black baseball cap. Russians don't stink of sweat. In cafes, Russians never place a tray on a trash can.

On the beach
Russian/Russian dressed in swimwear that fits


