What clothes enhance feminine energy?

Clothes not only create a person’s external image, but also have an impact on his inner world. This influence extends to self-esteem, mood level, character, and behavior. Besides, Each item of clothing has its own energy, and some of them have the ability to accumulate this energy. Such clothing is considered “powerful” and capable of influencing the maintenance of the energy balance of its owner. Some women have long intuitively suspected this feature and take it into account when choosing an outfit.

“Powerful” clothes - what?

what clothes increase a woman's energyA woman’s strength and attractiveness depend on her ability to replenish vital and sexual energy from the surrounding world. Mainly this a woman receives energy from the Earth in the most ordinary way - when she walks. Energy flows rise upward from the Earth, and in order to “capture” as many of them as possible and concentrate them in one direction, special clothing is needed.

Best for this suitable wardrobe items in the form of a cone, expanding downwards. And in order to capture the flow of energy right at the exit, before it has time to dissipate, the outfit should be as long as possible. That is why women have always preferred A-line dresses and skirts. They do their job perfectly, and, despite all the external chastity, women in them look charming and attractive.

yellow dressConsidering that most wardrobe items are in direct contact with the body, this contact should be as comfortable as possible. Agree that synthetic blouses and dresses are not very pleasant. They prick, stick to the body, “spark,” accumulating static electricity. Clothes made from artificial fabrics cannot fill a person with energy. On the contrary, it negatively affects the biofield, creating an outflow of energy.

Fabrics made from natural materials have a beneficial and sometimes healing effect:

  1. Cotton clothing can reduce internal tension, giving you a feeling of calm and well-being. Cotton items are soft, they keep you warm on cold days and cool on hot days, the body breathes in them and energy circulates freely.
  2. Linen brings a feeling of freshness. Its energy reduces anxiety, comforts, lulls. Linen clothing has always been considered a powerful protection against the evil eye and slander. In addition, flax fibers prevent human energy from dissipating, thereby preserving and increasing it.
  3. Woolen items keep you warm. Wool also has a large reserve of its own energy and, due to this, nourishes a person, strengthening his defense mechanisms and increasing endurance.
  4. Silk has the energy of sensuality. His touches are gentle and pleasant.A woman dressed in silk clothes becomes desirable and seductive.

Any natural fabrics carry the memory of sunlight, free wind and the power of the plants from which they are made. This is the energy of nature itself, which it generously shares with humans.

Items of women's clothing that enhance energy

Undoubtedly, a woman is free to dress as she wants. But if she cares about herself and her family, if peace and harmony in her immediate environment are dear to her, then it would be good choose those outfits that increase her vitality and increase her energy potential. After all, a “full” woman is interesting and attractive, she has something to share and give, and this is where her happiness lies. Let's look at the most powerful energy items in a woman's wardrobe.


skirtThe oldest symbol of femininity, which has a sacred meaning. A skirt influences the perception and assessment of oneself, placing emphasis on the feminine principle, and helps to gain the power of motherhood. Men also perceive such a woman in a special way and strive to take care of her well-being and protect her from life’s difficulties.

A long skirt helps to preserve the accumulated energy, which, entering her “dome,” is accumulated and sent to the very center of the female nature. The earth is the personification of abundance and fertility, and these concepts directly relate to the topic of female destiny. The energy of the Earth, “strengthening” a woman, brings material well-being, solidity, peace and tranquility to the house.

The wide hem of the skirt forms a kind of protective circle that protects a woman’s reproductive organs, which are so important for bearing healthy offspring.. In many cultures, the edge of the hem was decorated with embroidered patterns, fringe or braid.This created additional protection from the evil eye and negative energy.

Well, and finally, a long skirt protects its owner from lustful glances, which provoke a leak of sexual energy, which can lead to a weakening of female vitality and the development of diseases.


dressDress awakens the true nature of a woman. It is able to maintain the state in which the fair sex becomes soft, gentle, and alluring. In a dress, your posture straightens, your gait becomes flying, and your mood becomes light and smiling. It is impossible to imagine a lady running somewhere in a beautiful outfit or dragging heavy bags, shouting or giving orders. It can be said that the dress “takes” the woman out of the woman and this immediately affects both her sense of self and those around her.

The long hem of a dress is, in fact, the same skirt, so all the valuable qualities that can enhance feminine energy are inherent in it. Enrichment with energy occurs not only due to its qualitative reception from the Earth, but also as a result of the admiring reaction of men who will certainly give a compliment, surround with attention and care.

Important! By putting on a long dress, especially one that flares out at the bottom, a woman provides herself with the necessary energy boost, which is so important and necessary for health, maintaining contact with ancestral traditions and successful motherhood.

Which clothes are less energetic, but also “positive”?

Dresses and skirts up to mid-calf or knee-length are slightly less useful in terms of energy, but still they largely retain their positive influence on feminine energy. Due to their shape, they are also able to gain the energy of the Earth, but its amount will be smaller compared to long dresses and skirts. And provided that these clothes are made from natural high-quality materials, the result of wearing them will soon become quite obvious and very pleasant.

By the way! Their “closest relatives,” the minis, act in the opposite direction. A girl in a miniskirt wastes her vitality, and the energy she still receives from men is often of dubious quality.

Blouses, blouses

blouseThere are no special rules regarding these wardrobe representatives. The only thing worth mentioning is loose fit. It is advisable that the blouse is not too tight and open, and its edges can be decorated with a beautiful ornament of a contrasting color. This decoration of the sleeves and collar will serve as a kind of amulet to protect the influence from negative energy.

Interesting! You can take an example from the ancient Slavs, who painted special “security” symbols on the back of their clothes and come up with your own sign or small image. You can designate a brooch as your talisman by attaching it to your blouse.

All these little tricks raise the level of personal energy, and simply improve your mood and calm you down, because confidence in your security is one of the basic human needs.


trousersThis form of clothing is not very suitable for the “weak” half of humanity, but the rapidly changing world dictates its conditions. And if today women cannot do without trousers, then let these clothes be loose, moderately wide and made from natural materials.

Too narrow, tight jeans not only block the energy channel of communication with the Earth, but also squeeze the pelvic organs and interfere with free blood circulation, which leads to unpleasant consequences in the form of reproductive dysfunction.

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