What Russian clothing habits terrify foreigners?

Did you know that some of our everyday things terrify foreigners? Usually, what is familiar and quite acceptable to us makes them horrified and think: is everything okay with our perception of the world? What is it that surprises Europeans about our clothes and makes them remember it with bewilderment?

What Russian clothing habits confuse foreigners?

When you arrive in another country and put on what you are used to, do not be surprised if people cast sidelong glances at you and whisper behind your back.



European women try not to wear heels at all, preferring comfortable low-top shoes. For them, comfort and quality are primarily important, which cannot be said about our women, who wear high heels even to take out the trash. This is what causes confusion among foreigners - the desire of a Russian woman to look “on top” both literally and figuratively, even at a funeral.It is unlikely that you will meet a German or Italian woman running out for sugar wearing heels, because they are not embarrassed to run out even in slippers and at the same time feel quite comfortable.

Sequins, glitter, sequins

The one who is not afraid of being carried away by a magpie is a simple Russian woman who has put on all the brightest and most brilliant things. She can safely go to work, or to the store, in such an outfit, and simply show herself, since it is not the clothes themselves that are important, but how effectively they sparkle. Foreigners say that a Russian's everyday outfit looks like how Europeans go to a party. Europeans will never choose anything like that. If given a choice, they will most likely prefer something nondescript and natural, but at the same time they will feel very confident.

Clothes don't fit

clothes that don't fit

Surely, every Russian woman knows the phrase: “A little out of size, but I’ll buy it anyway, it’s so cheap.” As a result, Russian men are content with the sight of extremely wide hips, a bag dress and other visual “pleasures”. No foreigner will buy clothes if he is uncomfortable in them. It is noteworthy that the oversized style is most popular in Russia, and not somewhere in the outback of Europe.

Miniskirt and stiletto heels in winter

mini skirt in winterAny foreigner is afraid of the fierce Russian winters. But they are even more frightened by Russian women who wear either a skirt or a belt in the terrible cold. Trying to look attractive in this way, Russian women achieve the exact opposite effect - in the eyes of tourists they look stupid and ridiculous. Especially if the miniskirt is accompanied by a thin stiletto heel.

Revealing clothing

If we look at the outfit of a Russian woman in hot countries, then, according to foreigners, our compatriot can be seen from afar.A short provocative top, a flying pareo, shiny sandals (and sometimes a stiletto heel!), an overly revealing swimsuit that causes embarrassment even among unshy Europeans. It is not surprising that in such revealing outfits our compatriots look very exotic even at the resorts of Turkey and Egypt.

Reviews and comments
A Alena_Ru:

Well, yes, well, yes... The sight of corpulent Irish women (Muzychko, can you find a dictionary?), dressed in such a way that they look like they consist of a row of Belaz tires, makes me doubt that the author has been further than Khatsapetovka.
Europe, my dear, is different. And restrained, practical Scandinavia, although not without its freaks, is strikingly different from Romania and Bulgaria...

N Nastasyushka:

I literally disagree with everything written here! There are individual individuals both in Russia and abroad. You can argue endlessly, both about the comfort of the heel (and it can be different), and about the sequins, or rather their complete absence, and everything else. I will only say one thing - if you compare our women with foreigners at sea, ours are clearly the winner and it’s not a matter of full dress! Bright, beautiful, interesting! Not like dried roach and gray mice (for example, German ones))).And, most importantly, we like ourselves!

N Nina:

How much can you throw mud at our women? I’ve been to 11 European countries and everywhere Russian women look decent, whether young or old. And I’m already tired of reading about sparkles and heels; our tourists wear mostly low-heeled shoes and I haven’t seen sparkles. But the squalor and slovenliness of women in Germany and Italy are ubiquitous. While in Bulgaria, I specially took a lot of photos of foreign women who put youth clothes on their shapeless fat bodies that don’t suit them at all and look terrible. I took the photo for some of my friends who think that all foreign women are slim, fashionable and beautiful like in the movies.

A Anna:

I quote: ..It is unlikely that you will meet a German or Italian woman who ran out for sugar in heels, because they are not embarrassed to run out even in slippers and at the same time feel quite comfortable.”
Muzychko, are you setting them up as an example for us?? Thank God that Russian women don’t wear slippers to the store! Because this is 1. uncivilized, 2. unhygienic.
The author spoke in the spirit of the 90s, when admiration for the West was relevant.
The whole world admires the beauty of Russian women, go to Germany, look at these “Europeans”, you will be horrified.


I saw an old guy in a thong on the beach in Mallorca. Horror film!

A Anna:

Is oversized more popular in Russia? I saw oversized jackets and sweatshirts in the USA a year before this thing appeared in the Russian Federation

M Maria Ivanovna:

the author's soap!

A Anatoly:

Stupid and incompetent article.

Anna Sinitsina (Administrator):

Hello! Please justify your comment

A Alexander:

And the conclusion is this: the author wants to go to Europe. There is nothing here, in this cold and ugly Russia, but there is beauty there.
Every phrase speaks about this. There is not a hint that to each his own, etc. Europe is an example to follow. Harmful and offensive article

Anna Sinitsina (Administrator):

Hello, Alexander! The article does not say anything bad about Russia

L Lydia:

What do Europeans look like in the eyes of Russians? It’s no secret that the same hoarding Germans wear clothes that are almost secondhand, always in trousers, even Angela Merkel doesn’t get out of her trousers. You will say that they have this due to the damp climate, well, for the sake of their health, let them go. and instead of criticizing, let these tolerant Europeans look at themselves from the outside. And our woman is always a goddess: whether it’s taking out the trash or going to the store. It certainly won’t go well in slippers; this is rightfully considered bad taste in our country. So let these prim and arrogant Europeans be jealous, our women are rightfully considered the most beautiful and clothes for them are a way to once again emphasize their divine majesty!

E Elena:

I agree, stupid and mediocre article. Very biased and insulting to Russian women. ugh. Disgraceful.

N Natalie:

“A too revealing swimsuit that even unshy Europeans find embarrassing”
Are you serious? A revealing swimsuit causes embarrassment among Europeans who sunbathe topless and in thongs (even men?) Another nonsense. Similar articles on market day are worth a ruble per bucket.Let's walk like Europeans - with unwashed hair, without bras and in slippers.

WITH Saadat:

In general, there are few people who have taste. It doesn't matter what country they were born in. Our women in Turshen and Egypt have tarnished their reputation. There is no point in arguing here!

Z Zarina:

So that's it. I’ve already covered nearly 90 thousand around the planet and my passport contains not only your beloved Turkey or Dubai... although Dubai is a hub of such a size that you have to be able to fly around it... There’s a lot of Southeast Asia, India, the UAE (well, where would we be without the global Mecca of shopping! !!), France (I was most worried about the visa!), Madagascar, Cuba... There were no Maldives, but I connected in Male. And yet I will tell you this: “DESHA, KALA, PATRA” - Place, Time, Circumstances (Sanskrit). According to Merkel... It’s clear that you are a village here. Have you ever heard the word “drezz code” in YOUR foreign countries? Next A hairpin in winter is not even bad manners - it’s just inconvenient... especially in Moscow with its snowdrifts, blizzards and chemicals on the road... you cross a couple of roads in the center and the hairpin, to the delight of those around you, will turn into a ballet shoe... Next. Taking out the trash in slippers... It's hard to argue with creatures who dress up for the trash can, like going to Hollywood on the red carpet... Did you forget to wear a white gold bracelet and earrings? Zhvanetsky smokes about hygiene in general! I don’t remember a case where a collision with Russian doctors, both here and THERE, ended with anything other than insults and even harassment... And in Southeast Asia, the Lubyanka simply tried to throw me out of the country twice... for daring to turn to local doctors.The effect was mirror-image: The doctor was accused of espionage and advised to leave the country on his own, and the Russian ambassador got his ass kicked so much that he’s probably still walking around in disarray...
Regarding the skimpy swimsuit in Europe - you completely washed me away! What is this “revealing swimsuit”? How are men forced to sunbathe in synthetic shorts? Would you like to talk?
In conclusion, a few words about Dubai. I hope you’ve heard about the fact that Arab women wear panja... but have you heard that visiting madams sunbathe by the pool in that same indecent swimsuit? And this doesn’t bother the Arab employees! The Koran allows this! But the men... you won’t believe it!!! They are allowed in ONLY in family shorts (!!!) or nylon shorts! The Koran does not allow men's minimalism!
“DESHA, KALA, PATRA.” But uncultured morons shouldn’t be discounted either. I wouldn’t say that Helsinki or Paris are any better than Bangkok, Kuala Lumpur, or Kochi (India)... Every place has its own set of cockroaches. But no one has canceled good manners anywhere. And in expensive hotels in felt boots and a padded jacket they may simply not let you in...
SARIES – The most comfortable garment I have ever worn is a saree. And try to parry! It turned out to be so convenient and aesthetically pleasing that every time I fly to India and further east I wear only a sari. Fortunately, there is no religious extremism regarding clothing anywhere in the world. Russia is the first in this matter.

A Alena_Ru:

A burqa would really suit you, my dear. A potato sack shouldn't be talking, but you have such a top in your head! It was necessary to write such an incoherent sheet.

J Jack13:

Something was bent.Pay close attention to what the overwhelming majority of our fellow citizens are wearing today. Sneakers, sneakers, ballet shoes…. jeans, leggings (or something like that), t-shirts, etc.
Heels and skirts are not the most common clothing in the Russian Federation today.

N Nika:

Zarina, dear, if you don’t know how to write, don’t write...

L Lyudmila:

Where does such nonsense come from! Where have you seen such Russian women? I live on the border with Norway and Finland, believe me, if a woman is well-groomed, she is a Russian woman!

M Mach:

It’s very difficult to come up with a dumber article, even if you try really hard!!

A Alla:

Stupid article, not true. Why stupid? Yes, because generalizations are made based not on mass examples, but on isolated examples. For one person in a mini in the cold there will be 100 women in warm, comfortable clothes and shoes. Why does the author make such generalizations that we do not observe at all in reality? For what? What is your goal? Obviously, some stupid stupid goal is to once again throw mud at their compatriots.

Z Zarina:

You're all so lucky!!! Poor girls from the ruble! And you will travel as savages through pygmy tribes, find out what it is like - the world outside the Anex Tour buses! Weak?
So I've hit the nail on the head! Since the Muscovites were so lucky, it means I pulled out their dirty laundry... She herself, though, without wanting to...
Where does such nonsense come from! Where have you seen such Russian women? I live on the border with Norway and Finland, believe me, if a woman is well-groomed, she is a Russian woman! – TATYSHO?!! Well... I’ve seen and heard enough about how the Russians throw mud at everyone and everything on my expeditions - there’s enough for all of you! But especially Tai is in your throat! Although everything non-Russian is a sickle in your throat... Even Europe is not going anywhere!!!
This is xenophobic demagoguery. Facts to the studio.
Considering your nation to be a white bone and chosen by God is a very dangerous tendency. in the 20th century in Europe there was one pepper who imagined himself anointed by Shambhala... It ended badly for the USSR and the whole world, except for the USA... those, as always, have their fingers in a corkscrew... and for other things there is Colt.
Pay close attention to what our fellow citizens – YOURS – are wearing today – they don’t know. Ours are really well-groomed. And even in heels. What kind of menagerie do you have there - HZ... But many people really get carried away... Yes, so much so that how they don’t freeze their kidneys - I don’t know! Although, Krasnodar is not Moscow and certainly not Nizhnevartovsk. They don’t walk down the streets in felt boots. Do you want the truth? After the Olympics in Sochi, we completely forgot what snow was! Although the climate has become colder and summers are significantly shorter.


I wonder how long ago you visited the center of Moscow in winter? Snow can be seen there only after a major snowfall, and even then only for 1-2 days.

Z Zarina:

I wonder how long ago you visited the center of Moscow in winter? Snow can be seen there only after a major snowfall, and even then only for 1-2 days.– Do you want the truth or so that the Spasskaya Tower is higher? Listen to the Russian media! Name me at least one journalist who has said (or written) AT LEAST SOMETHING GOOD about Moscow over the past year! Even the smallest thing!!!
So excuse me, ma'am, but fly around the Earth along the equator more than twice, cover all of Southeast Asia and India, get screwed twice by the overly well-mannered aborigines of northern Kenya... and then get stabbed to death on the streets of the best city on Earth?
No, thank you... I'm not suicidal! The Moscow hub does not exist for me. Stop trashing your own city on air!

Z Zarina:

DOGS with such patriots in the media and on TV, there is no need for enemy voices!

G Gennady:

I am for our (Russian) milkmaids, who probably no longer exist. Such babble is not Europe.

Z Zarina:

Regarding milkmaids... You are probably talking about “samovars”... Well... to each his own... But in general, you need to take care of yourself. For both boys and girls. But the bitch with the doctrine that “a man should be fat, bald, smelly and unshaven” should be shot like mad dogs for the good of the nation. and these are the ones who are seen traversing Dubai in felt boots. Thank God at least from the agency! Let the Anexes mess with this garbage!
As for Europe, there are different figures... But to have all 200+ is too much! But the countries that overeat on rice are much less infected with obesity, they are shorter, their skin is darker, and their spirituality is higher! How they are in bed - sorry - I don’t know...

E Elena:

Here the poor thing is rushing, pissing in boiling water... on the ceiling))). And she was everywhere, and she saw everything in this life, but she saw nothing more terrible than Russian women in heels and mini skirts. Well done, well done, we give you 5 points! Poor thing..This is probably because nothing except a sari can emphasize the beauty and elegance of your body. And in general, calm down everyone, for example, I don’t need to prove anything about Russian women. And apparently for foreign men too.


I completely agree with Alena_ru! Europe is surprisingly different. I live in Scandinavia myself and have seen quite a bit between “I just need to get to the store, I’ll put my skinny teenage son’s T-shirt on my size 52 body” to “it’s a very cloudy winter here, let me dye my hair.” in the blue color of a sea mermaid and at the same time I’ll do piercings in different places of my body.” Sometimes, looking at this, you really want to see stilettos and a mink coat on the freshly fallen snow?

Z Zarina:

BUGAGA! Again to the point!!! Ta ni... Calm down, baby. I didn’t see everything and not everywhere. And about the terrible Russian women, I only partially agree. And there are Thai and African and Indian women with the figure of a TV box (old tube)... For your information, I also had to harshly touch my body... the difference between me and you is not in the number of stamps in the passport, but in the fact that I take care of myself. I'm watching. I’m experimenting... So much so that in Russia I’m afraid to stutter about some experiments. Now I am conducting an experiment on ichthyotracking... More precisely, it has stalled, because the Black Sea is cold and dirty, and there is no money to go to Karon yet. This money is not mine and I cannot control its appearance. But how my visit to King Rama 9 (then still alive) ruined me is a separate story. Local outfits did not suit me, a farang of European appearance! And what fabrics they gave me... As a result, I had to go to Delhi and buy a sari for 250 thousand rupees in some elite boutique!!! At a rounded rate of 1:1 to the ruble... But the game was worth it! The king turned out to be just a fan of the ocean! And he and I quickly found a common language. He really is a saxophonist and an amazing photographer, and in general, despite his advanced age, he couldn’t exactly be called a wreck! When his successor ascended the throne, I had problems... but fortunately, Tai is truly a country of traditions and the orders established by King Mongkut at the beginning of the 20th century are still observed.
You see, there are laws of biochemistry, gerontology, psychology... There are dimensions beyond three-dimensional space... Believe me, it’s better for you not to know what I went through on the way to the reception of the King of Thailand! I didn’t even think so highly then... but when I began to pull myself out of the embrace of two branches of the ancestral curses of my adoptive family (cool, don’t you think?) I realized that my transformations were beginning to take me to unexpected planes. I was scared... This is a typical “rags to riches” effect... or more precisely in a demigoddess... Or DEVI in Sanskrit. When I realized this, I did my best to justify the status that had fallen on me. Yes, there was a time when I exploited what I had... and it ended very badly quite quickly. I had to start from the very bottom. But I was not afraid to go against the will of TV and radio and society in general.
And I won. Because during my transformations, I realized one thing: It is the woman who rules the world. But not an emancipated female, but a mother and wife. The one who takes care of herself and controls her condition.Everyone wants to be like Galadriel... But no one wants to shake up the adrenal cortex for this. As well as giving up alcohol and toxic meats...
PYSY... it's gone again... Sorry it's long... But I just had to chew it out for the patriots of Orthodox Rus'.

A Angelina:

Author, how can you write articles so mediocrely? I’ve never met the kind of Russian girls you describe here, where did you find them interesting? Especially girls who go out to throw out trash in heels, what nonsense, my God...

Z Zarina:

And can I brag some more?
I have an unusual friend in Phuket - Alinda. She is formerly Russian, but now intends to apply for citizenship. This is real and not as difficult as trolls write. What makes her unique is that she is trans. Her name used to be Oleg. But due to problems with physiology, a council of doctors in Bangkok gave the go-ahead for the transformation. Along the way, he presented the Russian Ambassador with a presentation about the parasitism of Russian medicine. Thais don't like to clean up other people's stables. But we are always happy to come to the aid of victims of the regime.
And by the way, contrary to popular dogma, shemales don’t wear minis. at least Alinda and those I saw in the hospital in Bangkok. Of course, there are undertransfers, which are not done by a serious hospital, but by PPSI, which doesn’t even have its own building! Those - yes. They are funny... they mow very diligently... but they overact terribly! But they will never become women. So let the boys have their fun...
Ladushki, thank you all for your smart and almost smart posts... I'm off...

E Elena:

I realized that apart from Thailand and, maybe, Turkey, Zarina (well, judging by your name, you have nothing to do with Russian women, that’s why you’re rushing, rushing!) you haven’t been anywhere. Your imagination is a little sick, but rich.Go in PEACE. Go...

Z Zarina:

I didn’t expect anything else from Russian women. Spitting in the back of someone who is leaving and cursing him for not being overcome by nostalgia is a national sport for you. I was just convinced once again that if you pulled yourself out, run away from Russia. Because they will spit on you. You're just mad that I have an alternate airfield, and you're tied to Seliger (Rosa Khutor).
Yes, I kind of don’t care... Because I was driven into decline because of Russian medicine.
>well, judging by your name, you have nothing to do with Russian women,
>that’s why he’s rushing, rushing hard! - this is rushing you, baby... Look how many mistakes there are in one phrase! Zarina is an Old Slavonic name, my smart one... I’m even more Russian than you, judging by your patterns! Like Alinda, I am a former Russian. Now I have been given the go-ahead for any length of stay in Tai, provided that work based on ichthyotracking continues. I was bought! And it was for this money that I was able to reel in 90 thousand around the world... And I will reel in another 200... Only in Russia no one will know about this anymore. While you are only in Turkey and only from the agency. and please, all-inclusive!
This is the most primitive envy combined with the desire to somehow offend the interlocutor. Yes, I made it myself... but... I don’t make a secret of this technology! Do you want to know how to become Galadriel and DEVI? Come on - sit down. But the conversation will be very long, and the work on oneself will be very tough... Isn’t the guts thin? Sure? This is not for you to write vulgarity on the Internet!

Z Zarina:

DOGS I have been studying Thailand for more than ten years and that is why I know much more about this country than about others that I have visited. Thai is the only language in Southeast Asia that I barely speak.I know a few words in Hindi... This is enough to make Indian taxi drivers smile... but this is not enough for a full conversation.
I don’t speak Turkic at all. Nothing in Arabic other than salam-alaikum. But I’ve met prim Muscovites in northern Thailand. Nasty women! Even Ty doesn't change them. For three months they sit like dunderheads... and don’t even smile...
I hope I answered your questions?

E Elena:

So many words... Funny. And I thought that you had already left. What are you trying to prove? And to whom? Goodbye. I wish you to find peace.

E Elena:

Administration, help! Looks like the ichthyander has had a blast. Dragging the sheets off topic.

S Sergio:

Izvinite za nepravilnuju klavjaturu i za oshibki, a pozvolte italjanskomu muzchine, kotoryj zhivet v Norvegij i uzhe 10 let vstrechaetsja so svoej ljubimoj russkoj zhenschinoj, dobavljat paru words: to what Anastasja napisala, s moej tochkoj zren ij sovershenno true. Ona pravilno pocherknula raznizu mezhdu privichkami bolshenstvo europejskix i russkih zhenschin naschet kak odevatsja. Raznica eto ne znachit chto kto-to pravilno i kto-to nepravilno sebja vedet. Vot vam primer: pervji raz kak ja vstretil moju ljubimuju, ona sprashivala mne pochemu italjanskie odevajut vsegda chernuju futbolku “kak mafjoznie lica”. Ot moej storani, ja udivljal kak ona mogla sebe kupit obuv s vysokimi koblukami, kotorye mne bylo by pochti stydno dazhe smotret na vetrine. Cherez neskolko mesjac, ej byla normalnaja moja chernaja futbolka i mne bylo dejstvitelno interesno ee “naglost”.Now, after all, let us prozhivanja zagranicu, ona stala odevatsja sovsem europejskim obrazom (i ja ochen redko odeno moju “mafjoznuju” chernuju futbolku). A vi znaete, ja skuchajo imenno po etim privichkam o chem Anastasja napisala: brilliantjaschie tkani, vysokie kabluki, rukavy s trudnimi uzorami, i tak dalshe. Ja schitajo chto ne nado poterjat svoi tradicii, potomu chto immenno v etom chto-to privikatelnogo i interesnogo. Ochen gorzhjus vashu velikuju Stranu, vashu isotrju, vashi tradicii. Ne menjaete dlja nas (europejcam): raznica eto bogatstvo mira. S uvazhenjem.

A Alena_ru:

Helen, let's leave the girl alone. You see, this is not illiteracy, this is clearly worse, either substances, or madness, or all together. What will you take from a sick person? Let her...


what is called “Ostap suffered…”

G Galinv:

Stupidity, moreover, clichéd to the point of primitivism. It’s hard to imagine how such an article could have been missed by the admin... It seems that the admin has been in lethargy for the last twenty years. And when she woke up, she immediately went to work with prelethargic ideas about fashion and Russian women.

E Elena 2:

I wrote a comment and didn’t notice that Elena had already discussed with the ichthyander. I apologize for the confusion of names, I will be Elena 2.
On topic: I don’t like the article. Russian girls look good, dress beautifully and appropriately, and behave modestly and well-mannered.


I read the comments. There was a strong desire to comment on the comments (sorry for the tautology) of Zarina.
Galadriel and DEVI? Eh, that girl got carried away. It will be painful to fall. And the fall is inevitable. BecauseThis person has a great mortal sin. Mortal because it leads to death. Can you guess which one? PRIDE. If he doesn't improve, he'll die.

AND Irina:

Zarina, you are very angry, someone from Russia probably offended you greatly, don’t judge all Russian people by a few people

WITH Svetlana:

What kind of horror is this?

E Elena:

I took it off my tongue. Probably the girl is writing a book about her dreams, she decided to practice using the Russian language on the site, but not entirely successfully.

Z Zarina:

Is the work of a troll hard?... Yes, you’re right – there’s no point in proving anything to people like you. Do you know what the truth is? You are a fool. and also envious. Instead of devoting time to your family, you write posts online in the evenings... Don’t worry - YOU will fly to Asia ONLY in your imagination... Your destiny is pseudo-A's from Anex.
All. Defecate. Just don't describe the ceiling!
There are traditions and subtleties of mentality that can and should be eradicated. I don’t want to kick things... But I don’t think that Mussolini’s ideas are popular in modern Italy. You just don’t understand: the fight here is actually between a xenophobe, which is truly psychotic!, and a cosmopolitan... who has the audacity to say that the Russian nation of 2019 has problems... Yes, such that it is already becoming dangerous for their country! In addition, there is a fight between the troll and the one who actually saw and felt. And I even visited places where all these screamers don’t even dare to look!
These girls hate everyone who doesn't scream WOW!!! at the word “RUSSIAN”... Plus they are just “cool…”

G Gregory:

To be a fellow tribesman with people like you is better to just hang yourself! Moscow troll... Aren’t you too late to buy (steal) jamon? Go out into the world beyond the regional solid waste dump and then pretend to be smart! On the Internet, you are all brave... and when you open your position via IP and come to you, the snot immediately begins...
Sergio, your girlfriend wanted to change... If you had stumbled upon a “clearly patriotic” woman, or just a fool like Elena, your relationship would have collapsed in a couple of days at most!
Zarina, the example of Mussolini is politely speaking incorrect... but quite vivid. If you really had an audience with Rama 9th, my advice to you is that I understand that it’s annoying and you want to brag... BUT NOT IN RUSSIA!!!
what is called “Ostap got carried away...” - Bellochka, give me your email and I’ll send you real “Ostap” drifts! You'll like it... Just wipe the snot yourself afterwards!
If you only knew how vulgar you all look... Perhaps only Zarina looks the least vulgar... that's why they peck at her... But she really has her own quirks. Teacher syndrome.
And lastly: Elena
Administration, help! Looks like ichthyander has lost his mind... - What do you know about ichthyotracking?

Z Zarina:

>>Lenochka, let's leave the girl alone. You see - this is not illiteracy, >> it’s clearly worse, either substances, or madness, or all together. What will you take from a sick person? Let her...
Alena, what do you mean, Harvard with a gold diploma, Unified State Examination-300 points and the Faculty of Philology of Moscow State University!
(by the way, I’m not insulting you and Elena!)

Z Zarina:

Comment from user “Gregory”, cut out by forum censorship.

To be a fellow tribesman with people like you is better to just hang yourself! Moscow troll... Aren’t you too late to buy (steal) jamon? Go out into the world beyond the regional solid waste dump and then pretend to be smart! On the Internet, you are all brave... but when you discover your position via IP and come to you, the snot immediately begins...
Sergio, your girlfriend wanted to change... If you had stumbled upon a “clearly patriotic” woman, or just a fool like Elena, your relationship would have collapsed in a couple of days at most!
Zarina, the example of Mussolini is politely speaking incorrect... but quite vivid. If you really had an audience with Rama 9th, my advice to you is that I understand that it’s annoying and you want to brag... BUT NOT IN RUSSIA!!!
what is called “Ostap got carried away...” - Bellochka, give me your email and I’ll send you real “Ostap” drifts! You'll like it... Just wipe the snot yourself afterwards!
If you only knew how vulgar you all look... Perhaps only Zarina looks the least vulgar... that's why they peck at her... But she really has her own quirks. Teacher syndrome.
And lastly: Elena
Administration, help! Looks like ichthyander has lost his mind... - What do you know about ichthyotracking?

A Anna:

Zarina, next time you write, don’t smoke!!!

E Elena 2:

Oh, the higher mind brought the guru himself, Gregory, to help Zarina)). Girls, take the annex buses, let's escape. It’s scary as hell - he’s already eager to talk to everyone in person, apparently he’s starved during the hikes - he’s drooling over the ham and cute Russian fools.

A Alena_Ru:

We are waiting for you, young man. Eagerly. You are our fearless knight.

Z Zarina:

You are stupid! It just hurts my cheekbones!!!
Girls, take the annex buses, let's escape. - Let's.In the brothels in the north of Dubai they LOVE brilliant people like you...


God, what nonsense, what a mediocre article. In general, Yandex Zen is a garbage dump, they write stupid people and mediocrities

Anna Sinitsina (Administrator):

Hello! Please justify your comment

E Elena 2:

Ichthyander is offended. She also visited the North Dubai brothels, unlike us, the annex kur-dur, but they didn’t like her there either.

E Elena:

Some kind of crazy article, but don’t old German women topless on European beaches cause embarrassment among Europeans?

J Juliana:

Caro Sergio, Grazie mille per le tue buone parole! D'accordo che la ogna regione con sue tradizioni è interessante e unica. Siamo differente e è in nostro pregio. Distinti saluti. Juliana, una donna russa.

L Lanaly:

I agree with the author. I live in Siberia. And I’ve seen enough of everything. Sometimes it gives me chills from what I see. It’s scary to watch. My legs are going under, sliding, plus the skirt is short and nylon. It’s just something unreal and scary! And not only foreigners are shocked by this, but ours, especially our young people, are shocked. In the summer, of course, you can sometimes see just terrible, tasteless pictures. Striptease sandals don’t fit and they can barely move their feet. Short skirts, and sometimes transparent ones, so that all the underwear is visible. But from Everyone is shocked by such a sight. Both young girls and boys, etc. Plus, the older generation especially loves to wear all the Christmas tree glitter. In short, many more of our women suffer from a lack of taste. But the younger generation is replacing them and they are already wearing comfortable things. Sneakers wedges, looser T-shirts. And it looks much nicer. Because all these comfortable things give women a special charm of a flying gait, they hide problem areas on the figure. Although I am no longer a youth but a pensioner, I have always loved sports style. And then in the USSR I tried to wear things that were loose and not very tight, although my figure was beautiful and slender and allowed me to wear tight clothes. But I never did this. And I always looked many years younger for the same reason. And now I also prefer a sporty style. And heels and bright makeup only for going out to celebrations. And I always get a bunch of compliments, even in a sporty style, even at celebrations. Because yes, you need to know the limit in everything. Know where to wear what. Well, what about swimsuits. Yes, our women go overboard and how! And they look beautiful, as one wrote here, only because even the beach is painted with Indian paint! It looks stupid. And not beautiful. Those who have taste understand. And those who have no taste understand everythingbright, Christmas tree, Indian, everything seems beautiful! And Europeans don’t even look bad and don’t even wear makeup. Natural. And many of our women still can’t come to terms with their natural appearance, they’re embarrassed, and don’t want to admit that without makeup they’re far from beautiful and so ordinary and faded. So calm down ladies. And know how to face the truth. How our men joke.. You friend, before you marry her, take her to the bathhouse and see what she looks like without makeup! that's how it is!

N Natalia:

Girls, including Zarina, who knows everything! Well, they don’t put it on themselves, but PUT IT ON! And also, I apologize, but it looks like Zarina has shaken herself out of being a man; there can’t be so much aggression in a woman.

R regina2515:

Zarina, that’s what you imagined, you’re always being smart and proud of your trips.
“Fly around the Earth along the equator more than twice, cover all of Southeast Asia and India, get screwed twice by the over-educated aborigines of northern Kenya”...
You are not the only one who often travels abroad now. But look down on everyone - there's only one of them.

N Nati:

To the author of the article... I apologize for the possible harshness of my judgment, but I don’t know where you “abroad” saw a lot of sequins and high heels on “Russian” women. I visit Europe a lot (wait a minute - in EUROPE!), live in Spain (almost half the time), and I cannot agree with your offensive judgments about Russian women. On the contrary, I speak in their defense. Because Russian women are literally being hunted by foreigners. And many foreigners are looking for Russian wives. Because our women, for the most part, are distinguished by their well-groomed appearance, interesting style and beauty. Yes, a Russian can always be distinguished from the crowd of other “grayish-shabby foreigners”, because she, like a new coin, is always polished and prettier. Foreign women wear baggy, dark, sad clothes, do not use makeup, and their feet are almost always in shapeless sandals or sneakers. It is very rare to meet a foreign lady who looks great... Very rare. And on my own behalf, I would like to add that my foreigner (a very wealthy and successful man) singled me out precisely for my style and my external characteristics... So you are wrong, dear author of the article!

N Nati:

I apologize for the typos in the previous comment...

L Lanaly:

Nati completely disagrees with you. I also go abroad and not for two weeks at a time. But more. And I want to say that the hunt for Russian women is over. Our women there became famous for their arrogance, cunning, and fraud. And all these are fairy tales that we are the most beautiful and the most well-groomed. We are all painted. And Europeans, Englishwomen, American women are natural. They are not afraid to show what they are by nature. And among them there are many pretty and very well-groomed. And those foreigners who allegedly prey on Russian or Ukrainian women are mostly greedy men, cunning, or psychopaths with problems. I am familiar with many cases when our girls or women are taken as wives and then these women do not know how to get away from them. And normal foreigners marry their own. Ours get this scum.

N Nati:

Stand by your opinion. I lived in Spain for three years, and now I live there for 2 months each visit, I have a different impression.Many of my Spanish friends are married to Russian women (not Ukrainian), I know many Russian ladies who very successfully married Spaniards. I myself also received an offer from a very promising Spanish groom... And you were just unlucky)) (Sorry if I offended you). Good luck!))

L Lanaly:

Nati, yes, enough of our women have married the Spaniards. But mostly for men of not a high material level. And then we have all known for a long time that basically our women do not marry foreigners out of feelings, but just to marry a foreigner just to get out of this country. Why lie? So it is. Perhaps someone got married successfully. I mean both love and materially. But Spain is not the most developed country. And she never attracted me to change residence. Why exchange an awl for soap? I meant more developed countries. Canada, USA, Australia, New Zealand. I mean Russians there (meaning brides from Russia at the moment) don’t go there. But those Russians who have lived there for a long time have a different positive attitude towards them. And there is no need to resort to personal insults. It’s like you’re unlucky, so that’s your opinion. If you think that I’m unlucky, then you’re wrong. On the contrary, I was lucky. I just didn’t want to say that I’ve been living abroad for a long time. I won’t say which of the above countries. But this is not Europe. That’s why I don’t want to get married. I don’t need this. At my age. But you, my dear, need to be more modest and tactful. Well, how I got there... this no longer concerns you. But not through marriage.Therefore, I have heard a lot about what our women did, how they deceived foreigners by marrying them. But I have heard a lot not only from foreigners, but also from our male compatriots. Now these foreigners and our compatriots living abroad are simply afraid to get involved with women from Russia . They are looking for locals there and it doesn’t matter whether you are Russian or Thai, or Latina or German, etc. But one thing I know is that it is because of such swindlers and scammers who got married just to get out of Russia and then they took everything from the men... because of such people the shadow has fallen on all Russian women. And now only among foreign suitors there remains a rabble of all kinds of preoccupied, miserly, gigolos that no one needs, so now they are looking for Russians and Ukrainians. They believe that Russian women do not need anything other than the same thing and as we used to say in the USSR with a sweetheart and in a hut there is paradise. You go to the forums of Russian women from dating sites - they will tell you a lot about who is hunting them. Some bad people. And that’s it, everyone’s normal! They are not looking for Russians and Ukrainian women. They would rather marry Taika.

E Elena 2:

Zarina left, Lanaly came)) or is this the reincarnation of Zarina - there are similarities in aggression and know-it-all. Zarina specialized in backward countries, and this lady in developed, capitalist countries - from Canada to the very outskirts of Australia and New Zealand - are afraid of Russian swindlers and will even marry kangaroos and crocodiles, just not a Russian. An older but youthful Siberian woman in a stylish sports suit is in the know; apparently wealthy foreigners come to her for confession or psychotherapy sessions and report their fears.

N Nati:

..from the circle of my acquaintances, Russian women are married to wealthy Spaniards... Another friend is married to an Englishman who lives in Australia. (By the way, he’s not poor and even has an airplane). I also have friends who got married very successfully in France, Germany, Sweden, Finland, Greece, the USA... Perhaps you are truly unlucky to know such lucky women, and you immediately take an ordinary remark as a personal insult. In general, I think it’s abnormal when a person lives without a partner. God created man and woman. And it doesn’t matter whether you are successful or not, but it seems to me that living together is better. And it’s in vain that you so thoughtlessly insult foreign men as “bad people” and “maniacs”... Perhaps you have come across only such people based on the level of your status. By the way, I met my first husband from Spain on a dating site. A wonderful, generous, educated, wealthy man. It's a pity that he passed away. Now I have also received an offer from a very good person. And I definitely can’t call him a “bad person” who has a yacht, three houses, a huge apartment and a business... But, as they say: “To God what is God’s, and to Caesar what is Caesar’s...” (Yes, by the way, a little about myself - I’m 57 years old (turning June 1), not rich, not a super-woman, I don’t resort to surgical interventions on my appearance, but I look much younger than my age, with a height of 165, I weigh 54 kg, I play sports, I don’t eat meat, I try to dress stylishly, although I almost never wear heels...Mom of two adult children and grandmother of 4 grandchildren...) Just know how to love people and you will see the world from a completely different perspective. Good luck, girls!

N Nati:

...by the way, I’m not your “darling”, and I certainly didn’t insult you... Explain how my “immodesty” is manifested?)) I just categorically disagree with the author of the article, who claims that Russian women have the status of “black sheep” ...

N Nati:

ah ha ha! Cool!))

G gala 11111:

I thought “Zarina” was a piece of gold, apparently I was wrong.

A Alena_Ru:

This is apparently more akin to poison gas.

WITH Sofia:

All women are beautiful, of any nationality, if they are modest, kind and sympathetic... In any country they do not like hypocrites and fraudsters... I wish all women to be happy and loved...

A Aiton:

oh, this is Khabarovsk ept. winter photo

TO Klim:

I agree with you - our girls are beyond praise. They are the most beautiful in the world! Starting with Gorbachev, we have been belittled. Then it was in vogue: “Ah-h! See Paris, its divine beauty, amazing French women and die))) And the scoop fell for the tales. But then they brought us to “civilized” Europe. And what is revealed? That the French are great dirty people and usually don’t wash their hands even before eating. West Germans and Dutch, I apologize, for the most part have the habit of farting loudly at the table. Now the fashion is for the Chinese. And they can easily relieve not only small, but also large needs right on the street. Recently, excursionists from the Middle Kingdom left stinking heaps even in the Annunciation Cathedral of the Kremlin))) They are in the habit of spitting. burping at the table as a sign of satiety and this is even welcomed))) Emperor Bokasso of the Central African Republic and President of Uganda Idi Amin were engaged in mass cannibalism. There is civilization everywhere, but we are in the Stone Age.And when will we engage in cannibalism and finally become civilized?

Z Zarina:

Lenusik, it’s not us who are fools, it’s you who are posting from a mental hospital. If you're even human. Your style and manners (if it’s even appropriate to talk about them here) are similar to the habits of a drunken Alice from Yandex! If everyone here annoys you to the point of vomit, why are you hanging out here? I thought your forum died a long time ago... I banned Yandex and all its subsidiary sites. I came here by accident, digging up the history of correspondence with you. Now I’ll leave, erase the site address from the browser’s memory and go about my business. And you will tell the inhabitants of Zen what kind of kazles they are and how you are one of pure gold!
Now about the beauty of Russians, physical and spiritual. Well, there is nothing to talk about the soul in the absence of one. All Russians know that after death there is darkness. CLIM! I don’t know which girls are YOURS... probably American. I won’t argue with all sorts of overstressed bots like Elena 1 2 5 9 97 126 and so on... I’ll say briefly: In my entire history of air travel, I’ve met Russian flight attendants on board EMIRATES airliners only once! On the Dubai-Phuket line. On Thai air, Turkish, Jet, Bangkok air... not at all! I’m silent about the peripheral regions of the galaxy like Kenya or Papua... But no... I’m lying... I caught a Russian on a low-cost flight of South Philippine Airlines with an unpronounceable name. But she refused to speak Russian. She said she didn’t want to hear about this damn country!
Lenusya, I'm not the only fool! The Emirates simply have nothing to choose from among Russian girls!
About the body. Yes, there are no Russian beauties in modern Russia! Show me a counter-argument photo. And I’ll give you a dozen of what I was able to photograph on board the Emirates.If you think that those angry, unkempt, fat boars that Russian girls transform themselves into are needed by someone THERE, you are very mistaken! And I’m completely silent about the ambitions of Russian painted women! I'll tell you a terrible secret - no one likes silicone breasts. Do you know why you personally should never work as a flight attendant on airlines like Emirates? Shadow has a very severe hormonal imbalance. A lot of testosterone, low progesterone, signs of obesity (old), problems with estrogen, there are signs of autism. You are absolutely unlucky with your parents. But you don’t resist them, you love them. And they mutilate and break you. As a result, you are now chained to the computer desk and monitor. Because, my dear Lenochka, the truth is that no sane guy would ever approach such a chick like you!
This is provided that you are a human at all... Which is unlikely

Z Zarina:

Klim, one simple question: How many of your sites have been stolen by the Chinese, Thais and Indians?

Z Zarina:

Girls, including Zarina, who knows everything! Well, they don’t put it on themselves, but PUT IT ON! And also, I apologize, but it looks like Zarina has shaken herself out of being a man; there can’t be so much aggression in a woman.

It’s better to be a transgender than a brutal bot on a medical website... My good friend!

N Nati:

Zarina, you are not being childish... Conclusion - you are clearly not mentally healthy.

WITH Svetlana:

What kind of sarin is this??? Habalka and impudent?? Horrible horror, one gets the feeling that the girl, if she is even a girl, is just an ordinary troll! He’s sitting there shouting his hokholyat hatred towards us...what did she write in the comments - Muscovites?
People, don’t be fooled by her answers, and in general, judging by her statements and writing, it’s not a woman who wrote this special issue!

N Nastya:

If you had money, you could dress in such a way that you can’t find fault, but when you don’t have it, and a high heel and a swimsuit, all the clothes can be completely in bad taste, even in Europe and Russia and anywhere, you wear what you have, and you buy a ticket with almost your last money, you leave the shabby one in your suitcase and fly, eh. You won’t fly naked to do that, and if you don’t like it, don’t watch it. Not everyone is an alligarch in Russia, at least you’ll get too athletic

A Alena_Ru:

“Aligarch” is a cross between an oligarch and an alligator? There’s nothing even to object to, it’s true))

I Irina:

Russian women look normal both in Europe and in the States.. There are, of course, exceptions... But.. Not as critical as in the author’s opus... And what to wear is everyone’s personal choice, the girl likes “Expensive Rich”, well, let her wear. And then the foreigners are terrified... What a horror LOL) They, too, have a lot of “Interesting” ladies.

A Anna:

You know, opinions differ. My husband is American. I'm from a distant province. My clothes were as written in the article)). My husband carefully asked and changed my taste. I treat it with humor. To all. Well, I love bright, a lot of stilettos in winter. Sometimes my soul asks and I remember my distant youth, e)). My husband smiles, and I am happy in my feminine nonsense. Come on, these clothes. I am for the fact that everyone has their own taste, even if it’s not very good. We are women. Let us have fun even with clothes.

M Marina:

Where did you get the idea that something “terrifies” foreigners? In general, nothing in anyone’s clothing terrifies foreigners. Do you think they have nothing else to do but be horrified?

N Nati:

Is this for me? Where did you get the idea that this was my thought? After all, I know very well that foreigners don’t give a damn about how Russians dress...

N Natalia:

Zarina is most likely a rude and aggressive man who dances in feathers in a show in Thailand and imagines himself to be a sophisticated devi.

N Nati:

Ah ha ha! Either a man, or a collective farm upstart... He rushes out of her like from a barrel of... into which a grenade was thrown)))

N Nata:

why *go out for bread* do you have to wear a robe and slippers? just because *Europeans* do this? and who said/defined that wearing a robe on the street is correct, beautiful, cultural, in the end?

N Natalia:

In Turkey, elderly German women with bare, saggy breasts around the pool are a common sight. Our women do not stoop to this.

E Elena:

I'm sick of your Russian-hating articles. Who writes this rubbish?
The lady with the typically Russian surname Muzychko seems to be dreaming and seeing herself in Europe - let her finally travel around the world and form an adequate idea of ​​it.

Whoever is comfortable dresses like that. Your authors completely lack the basic concept of freedom, tolerance and self-respect.

TO Ksyusha:

Admin! not only is the article stupid, but you also have no censorship - insults to users, interlocutors, nations - the full range, and you do nothing. No ban for the person who managed to insult all the unwanted interlocutors! Completely Russophobic comments by Zarin, which in some places completely inadequate due to anger and stupidity.

Anna Sinitsina (Administrator):

Hello! Please clarify which comment is offensive and Russophobic?

N Nati:

Agree with you!

N Nati:

Read Zarina...

L lisa:

Please clarify: are foreigners Bulgarians? Tanzanians? Persians? Guatemalans? Everyone who does not live in Russia is foreigners, and they are all different, just like those who live in Russia - surprise! Bad taste can be found everywhere, author, there is no need to offend all women who speak Russian and use the mythical “foreigners” and “Europeans” as an example. Not good. It’s clear that content is needed, but still such articles put the site in a bad light. And you, author, take a break from your computer and come to Miami, Las Vegas, and fly to Cyprus! You’ll be surprised at foreigners :)

N Nata:


D Milkmaid:

Comrade commentators/shi, the article is too thick, playing on outdated stereotypes, and the author is not even the one who wrote the article. This is a paraphrased bearded copy-paste.)))
In view of the obvious stated above, I am commenting on the comments))
It was interesting to read your long amazing assholes) I especially liked the unusual style of communication. Is this really what old wealthy ladies who have seen a lot of things write and take fat trolling at face value? Or does he honestly take fat trolls for stupid wealthy ladies))

Z Zinochka:

Wow, the comments are more interesting than the article!
I understood one thing: I need to do ichthyotracking, girls! ?

M Marianne:

What’s going on, what rooms….! The article itself is not worth it for so many beautiful girls to waste their precious time on it with the same long comments, arguments, etc.... Well, since I came in, I’ll say it. Having been in Greece a couple of months ago, I can say that everyone wears stilettos - Germans, Russians, Americans, Poles, and when they go out in the evening, everyone is very beautifully dressed, there was a fashion show, and only by speech it was possible to determine who was who, but no way not by clothes. Moreover, Russian girls were always tastefully dressed. By the way, everyone wears sequins. And German women too. This is relevant now. And no one has canceled the hairpin yet. And they didn’t cancel the sequins either. The author of the article has absolutely no understanding of fashion trends and clothing etiquette. And why not show off the sequins in some restaurant in the evening in beautiful stiletto heels? And for 10 years in a row I haven’t seen a girl in short skirts with stiletto heels in winter, unless she’s a moth. Firstly, it’s cold, and secondly, it’s not comfortable. But if a girl is in a hurry to attend a New Year’s corporate party, then this is appropriate.

N Nikolay:

Well, we already know that Europeans, and even American women, dress deliberately simply and their desire to erase them based on gender... I want my other half to wear both a short skirt and heels (but not at the expense of health). Why should we now become like them . and make toilets for the third gender (undecided) in schools and public places.

E Evgenia:

Shit article just to fill the airwaves. Are foreigners shocked? Well, these are the problems of foreigners. Or that, because someone doesn’t understand something, we need to urgently stop doing it? I especially liked the one about swimsuits.I don’t know, maybe we’re always so lucky, but if there are Germans nearby on the beach, they can easily change clothes right on the beach and sunbathe topless. But the bold swimsuit is a shock!

N Natali:

Did you see Merkel’s hands close up in the photo? - oh horror! It's like working on a collective farm. I understand that bright long nails on a lady like her are inappropriate, but she seems to be able to afford a simple, ordinary manicure?

M Fashionable gateway:

Where are the gateways?

A Alexander:

Even such absurdities in clothing listed by the author of the article, if they occur, then on Russian women everything immediately turns into dignity and I also like it, yes.

S slworld:

Wow, what fun you have here! And, most importantly, scandalous! And they check the style, grammar and spelling! I'll contribute my 50 kopecks. So, yes. The former USSR is a territory between East and West. In the East, women dress brightly, wear a lot of jewelry, sparkles, sequins... all that. I don’t like sequins, but there are bright colors in clothes, a variety of styles, jewelry, makeup, hairstyle... always covered gray hair... It’s all ours. With and without heels. I'm talking about heels. In the West, dullness, masculinity, trousers with jackets, which one would rather call jackets (I also love trousers and jackets, but more dresses), unisex style, greasy, uncut gray hair, lack of makeup... These are all theirs. And this is not their dignity. It seems that European women look in spite of their own fashion magazines and what is commonly called “Parisian chic”. Those who like all this simplification should go to the dull and harsh Western and Northern Europe.Those who want bright colors in clothes (not to be confused with circus costumes!), makeup, jewelry, grooming and variety - the closer southern Europe is to mysterious and mystical Asia. And let the Europeans shoot themselves with envy!

M Mayan:

low-top shoes. )))) I choke with laughter.

TO Ksenia:

And old ugly German women on the beach in Turkey, I personally observed more than once, do not hesitate to take off the top of their swimsuit and sunbathe topless, and young Russian girls with a beautiful figure are all in decent swimsuits.

AND Irina:

Actually, in Russia now most women wear jeans and sneakers. And not only in St. Petersburg and Moscow, and in remote villages too. Still, many people order from Aliexpress and post photos on Instagram. As a result, it turns out that people dress almost the same all over the world. Especially young people. How many teenage daughters wear a miniskirt to school or college every day? Most girls demand Nike sneakers and a hoodie from their parents, not stilettos.

Mostly civil servants, secretaries, women over 30 and residents of the southern regions - Lipetsk, Krasnodar, Rostov - wear minis and heels. Well, in Moscow you sometimes see women in sexy outfits. Well, let them go. If everyone at work is dressed in lace skirts and high-heeled shoes, then a woman in simple clothes will be told that she is poorly dressed.

Of course, in Europe, many women don’t even cover their gray hair. But they initially have a different culture. By the way, in America, a secretary or a dancer from a nightclub will wear a miniskirt. Watch a YouTube video of the streets of New York. Many people there are dressed very simply.And by the way, there are a lot of ladies in tracksuits and clothes that don’t fit. But in the summer there are also a lot of people in short shorts, low necklines, flip-flops - everything like ours.

The conclusion is this: since the whole world is on the Internet, everyone’s fashion is approximately the same.

M Marie:

A normal European woman - she is self-confident, she has a job, a car, a house, knows several languages ​​- she does not need to attract attention in cheap ways, she is valuable in herself as a person, and not a shell under makeup and stiletto heels. I judge by the surroundings of the Dutch husband.
Well, on whom nature has rested - even with stiletto heels and miniskirts, you can only attract people, especially since in Russia there is competition for men, so they wear high heels to the garbage dump.

IN Vladimir:

The main thing is not how a woman is dressed, but her soul, her content. And our Russian women are the best in this regard! And these strange absurdities that are mentioned in the article, if they occur, then in most cases I even like them. Naturally, many women do not want to be a gray mouse, but to look bright and attract attention. And even in winter, in the cold, some go out in heels and nylon, what a brrr! I can’t imagine how women can do that, but, in my opinion, it deserves admiration!

AND Inga:

A “normal European woman” does not wear heels and beautiful clothes, because she runs around two jobs like a driven horse, paying off countless lifelong loans and saving every cent. And he doesn’t always even know his own language well, not like others! Not everyone even has a complete secondary education! Don't tell stories))

G Godwin:

The article is ABSOLUTELY correct.But, judging by the comments, it offended the carriers of this culture, because no one wants to admit their low culture (no need to blame the mirror...). Yes, the West behaves more relaxed, uninhibited, thinks broadly, practically - these are free people. The whole essence is contained in culture (thinking, behavior, decision-making, choice of values).

You can look a little more broadly: Why is Russia, in all respects, such a backward country? She can't even produce nails! Are people weaker in mind? No, on the contrary, they leave Russia and become very successful (in business, science, medicine, microelectronics, etc.). Why successful? They end up in a DIFFERENT culture. Or maybe the officials in Russia are wrong, or the government is wrong? No, they are ALL Russians, flesh and blood. I will not continue, this is for the readers to think about.


