What colors to wear after 50

After 50 years, life goes on as usual, and only a few of its components change. A woman becomes wiser and this is manifested in her presentation, manner of communication and behavior.

Along with manners, a woman’s appearance, or rather her wardrobe, changes. Appropriate styles, elegant jewelry and accessories appear and acidic colors go away. And in general, the color palette changes dramatically, preferring bright but muted tones.

Nothing makes a mature woman look better than the right color palette in hair color, makeup and clothing. With the latter, by the way, not everything is so simple and predictable.

colors in clothes after 50

What colors suit women over 50

Different colors suit every woman, but at the same time there are no age restrictions on a specific color. It's all about saturation and shades. With age, a woman loses her brightness, but this does not mean that it needs to be added with bright clothes. But dressing in a gray grandma’s robe is also not an option, because a woman does not fade with age - on the contrary, her beauty only blossoms.

elegance at 50

The main problem with our women of “elegant age” is that they are, for the most part, conservatives. Especially those who have some problems with weight and figure. Dear, dear, love yourself! Don't be afraid to look impressive, stylish, fashionable, modern. The first and main thing you wear is your mood, in particular towards yourself. Even if you go to the market with a bag, let it be an elegant bag with flowers. An elegant woman, even while cleaning up manure, will look luxurious, because that’s how she sees, feels and imagines herself! (Of course, this is a little exaggerated, but I think you get the gist).

clothes after 50

Here's what to wear and what not to wear:

  • Wear stable heels. Even the smallest heel of 3-4 cm will elongate your silhouette and make your figure lighter;
  • Avoid loose clothing. With age, the figure loses its elasticity and begins to blur, so your option is clothes that keep their shape and strictly fit the figure, but are not tight.
  • Choose noble fabrics - tweed, wool, silk, cashmere. The usual cotton and linen will forgive and cheapen the look. If your budget does not allow you to buy natural fabrics, such as silk, buy their synthetic counterparts.
  • Outerwear and second layer - jacket, cardigan, vest, buy in an elongated version. The length to mid-thigh is ideal; on the second layer of clothing, roll up the sleeves slightly - this will make the look fresher and lighter.
  • You shouldn't wear miniskirts, but ankle-length ones are also not your option - they will make you look fat. The length of the skirt for women over 50 is to the knee or below. If you want to cover your legs, wear trousers.
  • Choose trousers that are loose, not tight and not wide. Let them taper slightly at the bottom and be 7/8 long. An open ankle will add lightness to your look.
  • Minimum decor on clothes.No rhinestones, patterns, pockets or wear. Let's say a laconic geometric print.
  • The same rule applies to jewelry - one or two exquisite jewelry will be enough.
  • Choose clothes with a covered shoulder, even if your arms are in perfect condition. This will make you feel more comfortable. If you're wearing a dress or sleeveless top, throw a jacket or cardigan on top.

Refreshing light


Any light color refreshes, gives lightness and youthfulness. The main rule is to place it near the face, then small wrinkles and skin imperfections will smooth out and become less noticeable.

IMPORTANT! With age, the skin acquires a yellowish tint or becomes covered with pigment spots. These flaws will be revealed and emphasized by snow-white clothes. After 50 years, choose other shades of white: unbleached wool, ivory, milk, cream and others.

In adulthood, it is appropriate to create a wardrobe based on the woman’s color type. If a young girl can neglect this principle, because nothing is as refreshing as young age, then the older generation needs to take this into account. Clothes selected according to color type will highlight your strengths and hide your weaknesses. The colors will refresh and harmonize with the woman’s appearance.

light tone suits the face

IMPORTANT! Dazzling white is only suitable for winter; with other color types it will play a cruel joke - it focuses attention on wrinkles, pigmentation and other skin imperfections.

How to Apply Dark Colors

IMPORTANT! With age, a woman loses contrast, and her skin acquires a cold undertone. This means that black color is not your option - it shows all the age-related changes in the skin and signs of fatigue, if any.

Dark colors, especially black, age and reveal all the flaws of aging skin.But there is one trick that allows you to wear clothes in dark colors and at the same time look feminine, elegant and not add unnecessary years to yourself. Wear black things away from your face, so you will not tint its color and will not emphasize wrinkles or pigmentation.


If you really want dark shades, let it be trousers or a skirt, shoes or a bag. You can wear a watch with a black leather strap, this will complement your elegant look without unnecessary effects.

ADVICE! For women over 50, a graphic print with clear, sometimes sharp edges is suitable. Floral and oriental prints that are fashionable today will only add age and play against them.

But the frames of the glasses can be black and this will not spoil the appearance. The main thing is that the frame is thin and elegant, and not massive. A massive black plastic frame makes your facial features rough. Pay attention to the frame with upturned outer corners - “pussies”. They have a lifting effect and visually tighten the oval of the face.

Is it possible to wear bright

Without a doubt - yes! Elegant age is not a reason to wear gray boring things, even if they are made in noble basic colors. Any basic look needs a breath of fresh air, and that breath can be a colorful outfit.

bright colors

Another thing is the shades. After 50 years, flashy colors are inappropriate - fuchsia, lemon yellow, fiery orange, and even more so acidic tones. But maybe pink, maybe yellow, and orange is no exception. Just choose muted tones - powdery pink, peach or copper, mustard, amber or honey. Mix them up with classic looks to add freshness. The main rule is that one color is dominant, the other only complements it.

ADVICE! A jacket and a dress below the knee made of thick fabric with a checkered print, in a palette of yellow + white + gray, looks elegant, fresh and young. The woman does not look young; on the contrary, she emphasizes her mature beauty. Complementing your look with a straw hat, sunglasses with burgundy frames and burgundy shoes, you can go for a walk with your friends and stop at the theater along the way.

How to determine your color type

Everyone has heard about the theory of color types, few people know how to determine theirs and what clothes to choose then. The theory of color types was first introduced by the artist Johannes Itten. He noticed that sitters were decorated with only 2-3 colors from the palette and began to study this issue. As a result, we got 4 color types - summer, spring, winter and autumn.

4 color types

Then this theory was studied, 12, and then 20 color types were invented.

To determine yours, you need to contact a specialist; there are many subtleties and nuances. But there is a simple way to understand whether a certain color suits you or not:

You will need daylight, a mirror, a face without makeup and several clothes or pieces of fabric of different colors and shades. Pull your hair back. Stand in front of a mirror, facing the light, and begin to apply pieces of fabric to your neckline one by one.

Look carefully at the face. If you like the look of this color, then it's yours. If your face has acquired a sick hue, the circles under your eyes have become even more noticeable, in general, you don’t like yourself - that means it’s not your color.

Use this principle to choose clothes in the store. Go there with a minimum of makeup so that it does not interfere with choosing the right shade.

IMPORTANT! If you like, for example, green, but it doesn’t suit you, try a different shade of green.Do this with all colors, because shades play an important role. But do not choose too saturated shades; they are not appropriate at an elegant age.

Recommendations for color combinations for curvy women

Any color scheme will work against a plump woman if it is too contrasting - a symmetrical white top and blue bottom. In this case, you get clear horizontal lines that visually add volume and “cut” the silhouette into voluminous parts.

dress for 50+

It’s better to avoid combinations that are too contrasting, and if you really want it, let it be a print with vertical stripes.

ADVICE! Any vertical lines, be it a print, a flowing belt or an elongated vest, elongate the silhouette and make it lighter.

yellow dress

Two bright muted colors can be complemented with a long jacket in a neutral base color. Be careful with large prints - large polka dots or plaid. They will also add volume, however, just like too small ones.


We would like to provide more visual material on the topic, but, unfortunately, domestic fashion designers for some reason present our 50-year-old women with problem areas in some shapeless robes.

We hope that at least the textual information has brought a little clarity to the idea of ​​color preferences.

Reviews and comments
TO Kireeva Elena:

Many, many thanks, Svetlana! All advice is clear! I am very glad that you responded to my request to write articles for us 50+ and curvy! I also became convinced that there were no stylish photos for us. But now I have found a stylist who suits my liking and will soon learn from her how to develop my own style. But I will look forward to your articles dedicated to us. I share this article on social networks with pleasure! Good luck to you! Until next time!


And thank you for the ideas for useful articles) It would be great if all readers expressed their wishes. I will be happy to tackle topics that are relevant and interesting to our readers)

TO Kireeva Elena:

I can share one more idea. This is about extraordinary headdresses. Many people ask about this, both young people and us. Knitted hats don't suit me. I had to design my own hat based on Russian folk art. It turned out well and, most importantly, it doesn’t squeeze your head like hats from the store. After all, I have a size 60 head!


