Which color goes with which in clothes?

For a truly well-composed, effective look, it is not enough to purchase fashionable clothes; they also need to be properly arranged and colors combined.

Many girls are afraid to combine unusual or bright colors so as not to harm their own appearance. Giving preference to classic shades. Meanwhile ladies who have mastered this complex art create unique and extremely interesting images that can make others turn around.

choice of clothes

Theory of color combinations


From a scientific point of view, it is very difficult to explain this theory. All fashionistas just need to imagine a color wheel before their eyes and, based on this scheme, follow the following principles:

  • choose colors located opposite each other or next to each other;
  • the predominant color must fully correspond to the woman’s color type;
  • Combined colors should have the same amount of black and white.

To choose the right look, you need to decide in advance whether a woman wants to look bright or needs a classic outfit in soothing shades.

Working with charts and tables is quite simple. Once you visualize the color wheel, your choice will become much easier and faster.

Colors that combine to create cool looks

Color scientists who are engaged in selecting the most successful combinations and studying the influence of color on a person’s character and perception, have created several tables to help create ideal images. Fashion designers and stylists, before creating their collections, carefully study these tables so as not to make a mistake in the combination of colors.

color chart

Tables work in such a way that the main color is always present in clothes and the most successful combinations are selected for it, which create an attractive look. For example, not only white, gray, red, but also orange, light green or yellow are perfect for black. Shades such as turquoise, soft blue, mint or olive go well with pink.

According to the tables, you can easily select successful color combinations and create unique looks for every day. Each girl can easily rely on tables compiled by professionals and follow her own stylistic preferences.

4 principles that will help you avoid mistakes when choosing colors

color circle

Stylists, when creating spectacular images, are guided by several principles. They help to design sophisticated and elegant images for every day:

  • a mixture of neutral and rich colors. This is a win-win option for creating a successful bow, however, there are exceptions to any rule, black is also a neutral, but it works overwhelmingly with most colors and looks very sharp;
  • combination of complementary colors. Composing an image from colors that are opposite to each other in the color wheel makes it possible to get a sophisticated and attractive set, each of the selected colors gives the other brightness and saturation;
  • different shades of the same color. A win-win choice for everyday or evening wear, this principle can be applied to the entire outfit as a whole or to part of it;
  • colors close in spectrum. Neighboring colors in the color spectrum create wonderful combinations; thanks to this principle, original bows are obtained that stand out against the general gray background.

To be able to combine incongruous things and competently create the right image is a real art! If you know the basic principles of creating an image for every day, you can always look attractive and bright.

Mixing rich colors with neutrals

with neutral color

A unique and vibrant look can be easily created by mixing wardrobe items in bright shades and neutral tones. For example, combine a bright yellow skirt and a gray blouse, white trousers and a turquoise top. It should be borne in mind that black also belongs to neutral shades, but it looks too categorical in images. That is why it is best to dilute it with other neutral tones, for example, gray, white, beige.

In addition to gray, white, beige, standard neutral shades can easily include dark blue. It's great at softening up bright shades and pairs beautifully with almost all bright base shades.

Using complimentary colors

complimentary colors

These are shades located on opposite ends of the color wheel. When combined in one outfit, they help create a unique set and make the colors more saturated and bright. This is always a good option for a casual or evening look.

Shades of the same color

shades of the same color

Thanks to different shades of the same color, you can create wonderful combinations. The images turn out to be winning and very attractive. Both neutral shades, such as dark blue, and bright shades, such as red or yellow, look great.

Following this principle, you need to take into account that the chosen color matches the woman’s color type.

Similar colors

Typically, colors that are close to each other in the spectrum build on each other. Thus, blue, yellow and green shades can be easily included in the image, creating an attractive set that is distinguished by brightness and beauty.

In addition to bright shades, you can add various neutral shades to the selected look, since they do not count towards the rule of three shades in one look. A dark blue jumper or cardigan, a black bag or a black leather jacket can perfectly set off bright accents.

The right color combination of shoes and clothes

It is important not only the combination of colors in a woman’s wardrobe, but also the successful combination of the shade of the shoes with the chosen outfit.


Most women prefer to choose neutral shades, preferring versatility. However, such a pair of shoes will not help in creating an original look. To stand out you need to buy a pair of beautiful bright shoes and follow the following principles:

  • shoes are matched in color to the dominant shade of the outfit;
  • The length of the legs can be visually increased by choosing shoes to match the color of the stockings;
  • shoes should always be darker than the selected set;
  • black boots make airy light looks more down to earth; it is better to choose copper or bronze colored shoes;
  • Silver-colored shoes look great with clothes in cool colors, and golden ones with warm colors.


Following these principles, you can easily choose shoes of the desired shade in order to focus the attention of others not on a specific piece of clothing, but on the image as a whole.

Black shoes are not taboo, but they need to be combined correctly. It is better to do this with clothes in red, white, gray and other basic colors.


Create a stylish look

stylish look

Usually girls try to choose the most neutral shades for their everyday wardrobe, so as not to irritate others with their bright sets. But the right colors in an outfit allow you to dilute boring looks and create a unique image, without creating unpleasant associations and pretentiousness.

stylish look

Bright shades are also available for office workers if they are successfully combined with neutral colors. This way you can successfully stand out from the general gray mass, without thereby violating strict rules in clothing.

stylish look

Based on the rules described above, stylists create unique looks for various situations. The girl will always look attractive, stylish and fresh.

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