What color goes with purple in clothes?

Purple color is one of the most mysterious and enchanting. Its effect on different people is diametrically opposed. Some people find it calming, while others find it annoying. When it comes to clothing, purple is trending this season. But combining it with other colors is very difficult, so you should familiarize yourself with the recommendations below.

What shades of purple are there in clothes?

shadesPurple combines sizzling red and cooling blue shades. The color saturation depends on the amount of white that is mixed into it. The more of it, the lighter (more pastel) the color becomes. The main shades of purple are:

  • dark purple;
  • dark purple;
  • amethyst;
  • purple-eggplant;
  • plum;
  • "orchid".

A feature of the shades orchid, eggplant, and plum is the presence of more pink in the tone. Therefore, these shades of purple look warmer (unlike the others).

Who does the color suit and who doesn't?

with emeraldWhen asking what type of person purple is best for, it is best to use the traditional scheme of dividing people into winter, autumn, spring and summer. Purple will be the closest and dearest for winter type. It can be used as close to the face as possible, as it will highlight the natural beauty of hair and skin.

To the owners summer type you can also use it, but still try to dilute its presence with other shades.

Spring type It is better to choose warmer shades, such as plum or purple-violet. You can use them when choosing skirts, trousers, shoes and bags, that is, avoid contact with the neck and face.

And here autumn type it is the least suitable. If representatives of this type of appearance want to use purple, then they should give preference to the most reddish shades.

How to combine purple?

It is a capricious color that cannot be combined with the first shade you come across. He can simply “muffle” it and “get lost” himself.

Total bow

total bowThe concept of a total look means that the clothing ensemble is completely “assembled” from purple details. Therefore, this image can be recommended for representatives of the winter type. If we talk about seasonality, then in winter a monochrome look will look good in rich purple tones, while for summer the most delicate and pastel shades of this color are suitable.

With white or black

purple with whiteWhite can revitalize and refresh purple. In this combination, it can also be worn by those for whom it does not quite suit the color type. Important! Those for whom this color does not suit should wear a white shirt and purple trousers or skirt so that this color is as far away from the face as possible.

With black color it forms an elegant combination that is suitable for special occasions. To prevent the image from turning out too gloomy, you should choose the brightest shades for black.

With gold and silver

Purple goes well with silver, creating a very elegant combination worthy of an evening outfit. Almost the same thing happens with gold. With the only caveat that for gold it is better to choose warmer shades, such as lilac, eggplant, plum.

With burgundy or brown

purple with brownIt would seem that purple and brown are incompatible. In fact, this is far from true; their tandem can turn out great. The secret is that brown is based on a combination of the same colors as purple, but only with the addition of a yellow tone. The most harmonious combinations will be those in which brown has a pronounced richness.

But the combination with burgundy is quite complex. Colors can “argue” with each other, so one of them should be muted shades.

With pink or coral

purple with pinkPink will add romance and tenderness to the shade of midnight or rich plum. The image will be best expressed using the color blocking technique, that is, the colors should form a monochromatic canvas with a clear boundary between them.

Important! To ensure complete harmony, you should choose cool pink for dark tones, but coral is suitable for plum and eggplant notes.

With red or orange

purple with orangeThe combination with red is very contradictory. You need to be very careful when combining two colors, as they can be dissonant with each other.

But as for orange, there will be complete harmony.It doesn’t matter how bright or muted the color of the sun is, it will still refresh and successfully complement the image.

With yellow

purple with yellowThis combination works great. She creates a stylish, feminine and fresh look. The shades are on opposite sides of the circular spectrum. That is, they are complementary to each other. By the way, in nature this combination is very common, especially among the plant and insect worlds.

With green or mint

purple with greenAn excellent combination for those who want to embody elegance and inimitability in their image. Two colors can mutually enhance each other.

Important! For those with a spring and autumn type, it is better to choose combinations of this color with green, which tends towards the tones of olive or pistachio. And for winter and summer, combinations with cool tones of greenery are suitable, perhaps with a mint twist.

With blue or turquoise

purple with blueWhatever blue it is, dark or light blue, it forms a harmonious combination with the color described, built on nuance, and not on contrast.

Important! The darker one of the colors in this pair, the lighter or brighter the second “companion” should be.

With gray

purple with grayGray, provided it is not too dark, will go perfectly with eggplant or blue-lilac. You can afford this combination for office work, if the dress code allows.

With pink

Pink is very good in combination with purple. He is able to refresh him and make him playful.

Important! It is better for girls and young women to “use” this combination in their clothes, since for older ladies this combination may be too frivolous.

Taboo shades for purple in clothes

You need to be very careful when combining this color with burgundy or rich scarlet tones, as well as coffee and dark gray.

shades of taboo


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