How to whiten a white sweater at home

snow-white jacketSnow-white things always look very festive. Even the simplest clothes of this color bring freshness to the image. Some people avoid light-colored outfits because they quickly lose their former attractiveness. Not everyone knows that with proper care, a jacket can remain attractive for a very long time.

Methods for whitening a sweater

Probably every person who has a white sweater has thought about how to wash the item and keep it looking smart. To remove stains and whiten clothes, it is absolutely not necessary to use dry cleaning services. We invite you to familiarize yourself with information that will allow you to effectively clean things at home.

Bleaching agents for jackets

Manufacturers of household chemicals offer large range of products. In order to effectively clean the item without damaging it, it is necessary to choose the right temperature and substance for a certain type of fabric.


Have an aggressive effect. They are actively used for cleaning dense types of fabric.Chlorine bleaches are not suitable for silk and chiffon.

The product consists of sodium hypochloride and a small amount of substances that tint the fabric.

Clothes after washing are able to reflect light and create the illusion of snow-whiteness. Frequent use of this type leads to premature wear of the fabric. Should not be used in washing machines.


types of bleachesSuitable for gentle whitening. Unlike chlorine-containing ones, they do not damage the fabric structure and do not deform the product.

Advice. When using, it is recommended to add to cold water.

High quality processing can be achieved by using a liquid product. Powder ones also work well, but the result is less effective.


They do not affect fabrics; the principle of bleaching is an optical film that covers the clothes and gives the necessary snow-whiteness.

Important. Before buying bleach, pay attention to the production date and carefully study the instructions. The bleaching procedure must be carried out strictly according to her advice, then the jacket will delight you with its snow-whiteness for a long time.

Folk remedies for whitening

There are times when it is necessary to restore the whiteness of a jacket in the shortest possible time, but there are no special means at hand.

Then you can use traditional methods. Every home has everything you need.

Laundry soap

laundry soapWhitening with soap is one of the oldest methods. Our grandmothers also used this method. Wet your clothes, then rub them thoroughly. Leave the jacket to soak for several hours or boil with the addition of washing powder over low heat for 30 minutes. After this, the item is rinsed in cold water.

Unpleasant odor is the main disadvantage of this method.


Before bleaching, the jacket must be washed. Then mix 1 tablespoon of peroxide and ammonia in a small amount of water. Clothes are soaked in the resulting liquid. Then the item is thoroughly rinsed and hung to dry in the open air until the ammonia has completely evaporated.

Hydrogen peroxide

A jacket made from natural fibers is bleached at a temperature of no lower than 70 °C, and an acrylic jacket at no more than 40 °C. Add 1 bottle of hydrogen peroxide to 2 liters of water. In order to remove yellowness, you can add 1 tablespoon of soda. Clothes are soaked in the resulting solution for 30 minutes and then washed as usual.

Boric acid

Take 2 liters of hot water and add 2 tablespoons of liquid or 15 grams of powdered boric acid. The substance not only perfectly cleanses, but also disinfects.

Soda and vinegar

folk remedies
An aggressive method that is used in extreme cases, when all methods have already been tried. Baking soda and vinegar can get rid of old stains.

Potassium permangantsovka

We take several crystals of the substance and add them to water. Stir until a light pink color appears and soak the items in hot water for a couple of hours.

Tips for caring for white sweaters

jacket after washing

  • In order to maintain the original appearance of clothing, it is necessary adhere to the recommendations indicated on the product labelI.
  • Before you start washing, things are sorted. Natural materials cannot be combined with synthetic ones. Light sweaters are washed separately from black and colored items. Otherwise, the color will not be so snow-white.
  • A dirty item should not be put in the laundry basket for a long time. Old stains are more difficult to remove, there is a high probability that the product will acquire a gray or yellowish tint after washing.
  • In order for the jacket to be snow-white, you do not need to use bleach every time. Constant use of these substances leads to disruption of tissue structure. Bleach is recommended no more often than every 3-4 washes.

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