What to do if your jacket stretches after washing

knitted sweater stretchedMany people have their favorite item in their wardrobe, which goes with many looks, is liked and suits them very well. These items are usually taken care of more carefully than others. But clothing owners often worry whether they will lose their original color or quality over time.

This can happen. If stored or cared for improperly, things become deformed..

Often, after the next wash, you take out your favorite sweater and notice that it has changed significantly in size.

The situation is unpleasant, especially if this thing is really needed.

Reference! This most often occurs in items made of wool, but deformation can occur with other materials.

sweater deformation

What happened can be corrected, and we'll tell you how to do it.

What to do if your sweater stretches during washing

After a thing has lost its previous volumes, there is no need to despair. There are ways to return it to its original shape.

The process of making clothes influences the choice of the appropriate method.

How to return the size to a machine knitted sweater

washing sweaters in the machineIf your item was knitted using special equipment, to reduce its size you should use the washing machine. But at the same time, one cannot do without following the rules.


  • Place the item in a special bag for washing, then load it into the drum.
  • Choose the right powder. Not every remedy will work. You only need a composition intended for wool clothing.
  • drying a sweater in a towelWashing should be done at temperature no more than 30°. Optimal mode: “wool”, "woolen products". We exclude drying and spinning!
  • Place a towel on the table, on which place the washed item. It needs to be laid out carefully, trying not to pull the parts.
  • Allow to dry completely at room temperature.

Attention! You should give the jacket the desired shape yourself. During the drying process, the wet towel is replaced with a dry one, after which the clothes are again “collected” to the required volume.

How to eliminate stretching when hand knitting

hand wash sweaterA homemade product requires a special approach; it is better not to use a machine. It's better to take advantage manually.


  • In the bath or basin collect a small amount of warm water.
  • Immerse the productuntil it gets completely wet.
  • Getting out of the water, don't wring out. To remove excess moisture, wrapped in a towel. This must be done carefully to avoid further stretching.
  • The process is completed by drying. You need to take a dry towel, put a jacket on it, give it the same shape with your hands and wait until the water disappears completely.

Some use a different, effective, but less pleasant method. Put the wet product on yourself, this will help you get the shape exactly according to your figure.

If the jacket is stretched in places

What measures to take if the item has completely lost its shape is described above.

But sometimes it happens that certain places stretched outthat need to be restored.

The process of working with individual parts is almost no different from working with the whole thing.

The difference is that There is no need to subject it to a full wash, moisten only the stretched part.

proper drying

Then follows place the jacket on a dry towel and shape it with your hands.

Advice. For faster drying, you can use a cold air hair dryer.

Provided that all requirements are met, you will be able to wear your favorite item with pleasure again.

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