What to do if tights tear on your fingers?

Holes in the toes of nylon tights are a real problem for women. The vast majority of representatives of the fair sex face this, even without any pronounced foot features. Moreover, this happens with cheap, thin models of tights and with expensive dense ones. The situation is extremely offensive, since torn tights noticeably spoil the image. However, not everything is so sad! Women have long used different methods to avoid the appearance of new holes.

What to do if tights tear on your fingers

Causes of holes in fingers

A gaping hole in your fingers on nylon tights can really spoil your mood. Especially if this happened at the moment when you have to take off your shoes. Every girl dreams of a strong and durable accessory, but finding one can be quite difficult.

durable tights

To understand “where the wind blows,” you need to study the factors that influence the appearance of holes in tights.

Among the main factors that caused a torn toe of the foot, the following reasons are distinguished:

  • Small size. Mismatched tights too tight in the foot area, which leads to rapid wear.
  • "Wrong" shoes. If a girl always wears high heels, this problem will not go away. After all, in such shoes the load is not distributed over the entire foot, but falls specifically on the front part.
  • Structural features. Many girls have small defects in the form of a bent finger or a bent nail. This can also contribute to the appearance of holes.
  • No pedicure. Unsightly breakouts can be caused by a pedicure done at the wrong time or shoes that are too tight.

Important! Holes are formed as a result of friction of the foot covered in tights against the inner surface of the shoe. To get rid of the problem, you need to eliminate aggressive effects on the material.

Women's tricks for preserving tights

Since purchasing super durable nylon can be problematic, the girls have come up with a number of life hacks that help keep the material of the products intact and always feel confident. Among the methods there are some very extravagant ones, but they all help.

Exists two options for solving the problem:

  • cover the nail to avoid friction;
  • transform nylon by changing its density and rigidity.

Each girl chooses the most suitable option for herself. All of them are quite budget-friendly and will help you avoid unnecessary costs for new pairs of nylon.

What do you do with tights?

There are several options that help slightly change the structure of nylon fiber and allow it to become more rigid. This strengthens the nylon threads and helps make the tights more durable.

in the cold

Frost test

A procedure that is not known to everyone.The structure of nylon fiber can be changed by freezing. To do this, the tights are soaked, then placed in a bag and placed in the freezer overnight. In the morning you need to take them out and let them slowly thaw.

Important! You can put on tights only after they are completely dry.

Varnish coating

This is another win-win option for strengthening. You can spray hairspray over the surface of the foot in the most problematic areas or cover this area with colorless nail polish.

Choosing the Right Size

Right choice guarantees durability. Don't underestimate your parameters, be honest with yourself! Only high-quality products selected exactly to size will be durable.

Choosing a Durable Toe


Some ladies prefer to buy models exclusively with reinforced toe. This will help carry the model much longer than regular nylon.

What do you do with your nails?

To strengthen a nylon product, you need to know a few simple rules for caring for your feet. Only smooth, beautiful feet will look perfect covered in nylon.

Fashionistas use 3 options to help preserve the material of their products:

  • Pedicure done on time. Scrubs, pumice stones, polishes and other feminine secrets will make your feet as smooth as possible.
  • Patch. A regular band of adhesive that is not too wide protects the toe from tears.
  • Varnish, which is applied to the edge of the nail several times so that after drying it becomes very smooth.

foot in pantyhose

Advice. You can also use thin traces that are worn under tights.

Some designers offer another, but more radical solution to the problem - tights without toe. Unfortunately, this model does not fit all shoes, so the choice in favor of the classics is obvious.

Reviews and comments
Z Zoya:

I wear underwear over my tights and my tights don’t tear

Z Zoya:

You can wear them not on the entire sole, but only on the toe. Moreover, I wear thin clothes


girls, it's very simple! When putting on your shoes, slightly pull the ends of your toes forward, this way you will remove the tension of the tights on your nails and they will last you much longer!

N Natalia:

Check your shoes; small creases appear in the places where the big toe touches the shoe. So when you wear tights, when they rub, the sock breaks. This is another reason.

N Notya:

Don't read such nonsense. Just trim your nails.

IN Faith:

what if the second finger is almost a centimeter longer than the first? no pedicure will help... and I can’t wear sandals, my finger catches the asphalt)))

G Galina:

Only someone who has not encountered this can reason this way! I have ankle boots.in which I definitely rip my tights and socks! The boots are expensive and new, so it’s a shame to throw them away... so I’m tearing up my socks! After reading this article, I thought I had finally found the answer... but no! dead number... and cut nails, even if cut “to resemble meat”, and fingerprints put on top, do not give any result!

IN Victoria:

And I glue a strip of tape on the socks in the area of ​​the big toe. And if there is a need to remove shoes somewhere, I simply take off this strip and throw it away. And when putting on shoes, I stick on a new one.

V Vesna:

“You can spray hairspray over the surface of the foot in the most problematic areas or cover this area with clear nail polish.”
Hello, can you tell me what exactly needs to be sprayed – the skin of the foot and then put it on, or the tights themselves in this place on the sole?

M Musya:

And I have my favorite ankle boots! but... this is the only shoe (although the most comfortable and favorite) in which it breaks in the area of ​​the big toe!!!! And NOTHING helps! in other shoes there is no such problem from the word “at all”! Life is a complicated thing)))

R RvB:

Nylon tights have not existed for about 30 years. Was the author of this game kept in the freezer or in the cellar?

U Ulyana:

What to do? What to do?! Don't buy cheap tights! Girls, love and respect yourself!

I Yana:

My eternal problem. Even when I file my nails down to the meat, my tights still tear. I use a paper fixing plaster. The narrowest one covers the edge of the nail and is not noticeable. No other way.

E Elena:

I buy tights with microfiber. Opaque is not a problem for me. But I have had them for years. Literally.Neither hooks nor nails are scary... They don’t tear! Nowhere! Well, to break it, you have to try really hard. I wear it carefully (normally, not fanatically carefully), and the tights are really sooooo durable! I recommend it to everyone. Buy once and for a long time.

IN Vinokurova Elena:

Exist!!! I adore them! How beautiful they look on your feet, but when you put them on, they rustle.... SHADE 15 den.

T Tatiana:

I just wrap my thumb in a cotton pad

A Anna:

The problem may not be in nails or tights. I noticed that the socks on my big toe were tearing in certain shoes. I touched the inside of the shoe with my finger and it turned out that there were worn holes in the textile lining, and the sock was already rubbing against the skin of the boot or other shoe. These shoes were thrown away. Because none of the things listed in the article helped. It's a shame, but this happens.

Z Zinochka:

Ha ha! Well, there are tips in the article! If your tights tear all the time in the same place, you need to check your shoes.
And yes, tights without a toe area are the best! They are designed specifically to be worn with sandals. But they are rare and cost a lot of money. 🙁

E EvAlex888:

Just pull off your nails, and there will be nothing to tear. Or you can clean your nails with fine sandpaper so that they don’t tear the material. And in general! Why do you have a manicurist with long nails on your feet? Who are you going to surprise? Your own shoes? They already know you like crazy. A man, especially, isn’t interested in how long a lady’s toenails are? They are more interested in how cleanly the vagina is shaved. The fingers and nails are also not very attractive to men. The main thing for them is that these hands better caress men.

E EvAlex888:

In general, why do you need such nails? Well, predators understand that they need to keep their prey in their claws. Well, earlier, at the dawn of humanity, nails were needed to dig root crops out of the ground. But now, everyone has at least a couple of knives lying around in their pockets. And you won’t be able to hold your prey with their decorated nails. And among men, they do not cause obvious delight. Just your whim!

WITH Svetlana:

What to do? Pedicure!

L Lydia:

Don't wear tights with sandals!!!!


