What are liquid tights

Many women have already appreciated a worthy alternative to the usual, always tearing nylon tights - liquid tights. This is a great find for the summer season: your legs look smooth and without a single blemish in them. Next, read about the history of the miracle product, their features and rules of use.

The best option for summer and office

When were liquid tights invented?

The new product is most popular and in demand in Europe and America. The name itself is rather a Russian invention and is explained by the difficulty of translation. In other countries, this term does not exist: the product is called “spray on” or “airbrush legs”. After all, the accessory is a liquid composition in a can, which is quite problematic to call tights.

Effect of application

You can find products on sale in the form of a gel, spray or cream. When it comes into contact with the skin, the composition forms a film, which in appearance resembles products made from nylon. But in principle there can be no clues on them. In addition, the coloring pigment masks the slightest flaws, scars, bruises and spider veins.A similar effect is achieved due to the content of tiny reflective particles in the structure.

ATTENTION! In Russia, they first heard about unusual tights from Elena Malysheva’s program “Live Healthy!”

Tones to choose from

Features and Benefits

When choosing an accessory, you should pay special attention to the manufacturer. After all, a low-quality product can stain not only your feet, but also clothes, interior items and other things. Manufacturers promise the following benefits of tights:

  • imitation of ordinary tights;
  • give your legs shine and a natural tan;
  • instant results;
  • absence of arrows and puffs;
  • water resistance;
  • hypoallergenic;
  • masking defects.

IMPORTANT! When buying liquid tights, you don’t have to worry about violating the organization’s dress code. After all, visually the legs will look as if they are wearing thin nylon stockings.

After application

How to use it correctly

A high-quality product from well-known manufacturers is easily applied to the surface of the skin. Removing it is also not difficult with soap and a brush. To ensure the effect meets your expectations, follow these simple recommendations:

  • Choose a shade that's close to your skin tone or a versatile option that can match any color.
  • Pre-prepare the skin: first remove excess hair, and then apply a scrub. This procedure will ensure even application of the product.
  • To avoid allergic reactions, at least two hours must pass after hair removal. The epidermis should be dry and clean.
  • If the product is in the form of a spray, then first apply it to your palms and then gently rub it over the skin. Cream is easier to use, so it is better to use it for the first time.
  • Apply them as quickly as possible, and after finishing the procedure, wash your hands thoroughly with warm water and soap so that no marks remain on them.
  • You can put on clothes only after 10-15 minutes.

Popular brand of liquid tights

Before use, be sure to read the instructions on the package. Products from different companies may differ in drying time and other nuances. It is better to do the application procedure in the bathroom, since if random stains appear, it will not be difficult to wash them off the tiles.

Do liquid tights live up to expectations?

To truly appreciate liquid tights, the easiest way is to try them yourself. You can also look at numerous photographs and real reviews from women. For many of the fair sex, this is a real alternative to regular nylon tights. Some girls wear them only on exceptional occasions, for festive events.

Good result

What could be more attractive than tanned and well-groomed female legs. With the help of liquid tights, achieving a similar effect is quite simple. After all, progress does not stand still, and new developments are designed to simplify the lives of ordinary people

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