How to make stockings from tights

how to make stockings from tightsGiving your favorite tights a second life is so feminine! With a little time, patience and accuracy, the tights will turn into original stockings for a costume party, a romantic evening or everyday life.

Tools and materials

This alteration is feasible even for novice needlewomen. For it you will need a simple set of materials and tools:

  • tights;
  • thread and needle;
  • rubber;
  • scissors;
  • lace, decorative ribbon and other decorations.

Fishnet tights are best. They are easy to trim and there will be no arrows.

Ordinary nylon stockings will also make stockings, but you will have to put in more effort. You can also remake warm knitted tights.

IMPORTANT! The needle for work must be thin. After all, nylon is a very delicate material. A break in one fiber will result in an arrow.

The thread is taken to match the color of the nylon or the color of the decor that will be used. It should be smooth, without knots, and strong enough. It will be even better if you take an elastic thread.

For the alteration, a wide elastic band is used so that it stays well on the leg and does not squeeze it. You can take an elastic band from the same tights, dividing it into two parts.

ATTENTION: The scissors need to be sharp so that they can cut the nylon well, without chewing it or tearing it.

You can take a variety of decorations: lace to match the nylon or contrasting, wide satin ribbon or small bows from ribbons, rhinestones or multi-colored sequins, appliqués or strips of fur.

Making stockings from tights step by step

Making stockings

When all materials and tools have been collected, you can begin to work. Just a few steps and the stockings will be ready:

  1. Trim the bottom of the tights. If the stockings are planned to be long, then only the panty panties themselves are cut off. If the product is just above the knee, then the length is measured and two identical stockings are cut to the width of the elastic above the mark. To measure the length correctly, you should wear tights. However, you cannot cut yourself off.
  1. Scorch the edge. To prevent the nylon from releasing arrows, you need to burn it with fire. To do this, it is convenient to use a candle on a stand. You need to slightly stretch the cut edge with both hands and quickly move it to the side of the fire. The movement should be smooth, without jumps. Otherwise the line will turn out uneven. Do not bring the fabric too close to the fire, it may catch fire.

IMPORTANT! It is impossible to burn two edges at once, otherwise they will stick together.

In addition to open fire, you can use a hot cut. The essence of the method is that the nylon is cut with hot scissors. A hot blade will melt the fabric when cut and immediately bake it. In this case, the scissors must have plastic or rubber handles. Holding the handles, you need to heat the blades over the fire. Cut the nylon into only one layer.This means that you cannot cut tights by folding them in half. Just cut off each stocking in a circle.

  1. Sew on an elastic band. It will be most convenient to make a fold for the elastic and then insert it there. To do this, you need to bend the end to the width of the elastic and sew it up, bending the burnt edge inward. The seams must be done very carefully so as not to tear the nylon. They should not be very large, otherwise the stocking will bulge. When sewing with non-elastic threads, the product must be stretched so that the seam stretches along with the elastic. Then insert it and secure it.

The second option is to sew the elastic on the wrong side. In this case, the burned edge is folded inward.

  1. Sew decor along the top edge. You can sew beautiful lace on top. Decorate it with ribbons or shiny rhinestones and sequins. Or, for example, sew on a rabbit's face. Everything that imagination is capable of.

Pantyhose stockingsThe final touch can be drops of transparent silicone on the inside of the finished product. After application, the silicone should be spread over the nylon in a thin strip and allowed to dry. Thanks to this, the stockings will stay on the leg better without slipping down.

Making a garter belt

Stocking elastic bands

If the stockings still continue to fall off, you can additionally make a belt for them with your own hands.

For this you will need:

  • wide elastic lace;
  • tape 10 mm wide;
  • stocking fasteners;
  • thread, needle, scissors.

Lace Ribbon Clasps

First you need to measure the lace according to the volume of your hips. Sew the edges together to make a ring.

ADVICE: If the lace is not elastic, then you need to make a clasp. These can be small buttons, hooks, pin fasteners and lacing.

Next, cut the tape into 4 pieces of 30–35 cm each. Attach one fastener and an adjustment ring to each.Sew the ribbons to the lace so that two are in front, two are in the back and in the middle of each leg. All that remains is to adjust the length of each using a ring, decorate with bows or rhinestones and the belt is ready.

Thus, by spending an hour of time, you can get an exclusive new thing that your friends will envy.

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