DIY tights dolls with step-by-step instructions

DIY tights dolls step by step instructionsModern technology has made it much easier for women to do housework. They also reduced the amount of time that the weaker sex spends on it. Therefore, ladies began to do more needlework.

Recently, the creation of designer dolls from scrap materials has become especially popular. But unlike the knitted version or making a toy from fabric, tilde from old tights is a fairly simple process.

It is also important that the materials for this craft are always at hand. Toys made from nylon are particularly natural, which makes them especially popular with children.

We'll tell you how easy it is to make a doll from old nylon tights.

Materials and tools for work

materials for work
You can easily find all the components for this handicraft in your home.. To make this toy, you will need the following.

  • Padding. You can use pieces of foam rubber or padding polyester for it.
  • Nylon stockings or tights.
  • Thick threads or hair yarn.
  • Flexible wire for forming a frame.
  • Scissors, thimble, sewing thread and needle.
  • Rag scraps for sewing clothes.

For hair Toys can also be used with pieces of fur if it does not need to be long. Loose satin ribbons are also suitable, as they are particularly silky, but are impractical when unraveled. You can also take dyed padding polyester.

For the face You can use embroidery, marker drawing or ready-made decor. Ready-made eyes, nose and sponges can be bought in the store. Buttons are also good for this purpose.

Dolls you can make with your own hands

Before you start working, decide what kind of doll you want to get in the end.

You can make a tilde from nylon tights in several ways:

  • tumbler,
  • frame toy;
  • priest

They differ in structure. What also distinguishes them is the complexity of the process.


This species differs from others in its oval shape. He the easiest to implement, so its creation will not take much time.

Another distinctive feature is the absence of pronounced limbs.

Even the most inexperienced craftswoman can do this work from a nylon stocking. The finished product resembles a baby in diapers or a well-known toy. Hence the name of this species.


popik doll
This variety is distinguished by a pronounced head and rear part of the body. The finished carcass is hung on a string or ribbon.

Most often, such crafts are used for playful gifts or as entertaining interior decor.

There is a funny belief that if, upon waking up, you see the back of the tilde, then the day will bring you a couple of unpleasant surprises.

This product is also not difficult to create.It can be made in parts and then sewn to clothing.

Frame dolls

frame doll
These toys are distinguished by their special grace and breadth of creative flight. But you will have to spend more than one free evening creating them.

Exists two variants of the frame tilde.

  • The first one uses a plastic bottle as a base.
  • The second is made on a wire frame.

Then the base is wrapped in padding and covered with nylon fabric. It is in this option that you can show your talent and create a unique, original piece.

These toys can be made both in permanent clothes and with the possibility of changing clothes.

How to sew a doll from nylon tights

A hand-sewn soft toy will serve as a wonderful gift for your child. It will also decorate any interior, adding additional comfort and a touch of mystery to it.

There are many master classes on various types and techniques of this exciting activity.

We decided to collect the most basic of them.

Master class for beginners

The easiest one to make would be a doll using the tumbler technique.. It is with this incarnation that it is recommended to begin learning how to create funny figures.

master class: tumbler

To achieve a good result, just follow the following steps step by step.

  • Cut off the bottom of the pantyhose leg.
  • Roll the padding polyester into a small ball. Then place it in the cut stocking so that the nylon stretches.
  • Secure by tying the neckline with thread. This way we get the body of the future toy.
  • Now roll a smaller ball for the head. Place it next to the first one and sew up the top hole.
  • Draw a face on the top and sew on some yarn to imitate hair.
  • “Dress” the resulting blank in a cap and wrap it in a diaper.
  • Secure everything carefully.

Your baby doll is ready.

How to sew an Angel doll (author - Elena Starikova)

This character is particularly touching and tender, which means it is perfect for a sincere gift.

It is made on a wire frame. You will also need padding polyester, thread, needle, lace.

doll angel

Below are step-by-step instructions for making the product.

  • The first step is to form the head of the future figure. To do this, roll up a ball of padding polyester and cover it with a nylon flap. Using a needle and thread we create the contours of the doll's face. We apply makeup and glue on eyes and eyelashes.
  • We make a frame by bending the wire in the shape of a human torso with arms and legs.
  • We screw the synthetic winterizer onto the frame. Try to make the turns as tightly as possible. Now we cover the resulting workpiece with nylon fabric.
  • Carefully sew on the head.
  • We glue the hair prepared in advance from threads.
  • We sew a dress using white fabric and dress the doll.
  • We cut out wings from lace and carefully sew them onto the back of the figure.

The charming angel is ready. You can complement it with a halo made of golden wire. The hair of this doll can be either white or any other color.

How to sew a Popik doll

This funny option is designed to lift your spirits and charge others with positivity. The step-by-step production of this figurine looks like this.

how to sew a butt

  • From padding polyester, roll one large ball for the head and several small ones for the nose and cheeks.
  • We put smaller ones on the main round and cover the structure with padding polyester.
  • Using a needle and thread, we give the ball the contours of the face.
  • Glue the eyelashes in place.If you don’t have ready-made ones, use loose black braid for this purpose. Now we attach the eyes.
  • We wind yarn onto a piece of cardboard (a template for future hair). We cut it on one side and sew it to the head blank along the parting.
  • Next we make the torso. To do this, we tie a piece of padding polyester into a nylon and make two turns across it. This is how we form the chest line.
  • We do the butt in a similar way.
  • We make the arms and legs of the future figurine.
  • We sew panties from a piece of lace and fix them on the butt.
  • Sew the top of the dress with the neckline to the chest blank.
  • We sew a fluffy skirt.
  • We make the sleeves from the same material as the dress. We sew hands to them.

completing of the work

Assembly proceeds as follows: we sequentially attach the head, chest, sleeves, butt and legs to the skirt. Attach a ribbon for hanging.

Your Popik is ready

How to sew a Candy Bowl doll

This option is perfect for decorating not only a holiday table, but also as a wonderful decorative element of your decor.

doll candy bowl

The stages of its implementation are not very different from creating a frame doll. However, there are significant differences.

  • Just like in other methods, the head is executed first.
  • Then frame arms and legs are made, like Popik’s.
  • The central element of the future product is a bright flap on which the head, arms and legs are attached.
  • A container for candies is attached to it using glue. It can be a straw candy bowl or a plastic deep plate. A craft made from bright, catchy materials will look original.

Master class of famous needlewomen

Master Class
You can find a large variety of master classes on the Internet. They are presented in the form of detailed descriptions, various photo reports and interesting videos.Many masters are happy to communicate with those who are interested and do not mind answering questions asked.

Let's talk about some of them

Elena Volodkevich

One of the best sources is a blog Elena Volodkevich

Here you you can get acquainted with a large number of different models this technique. And also learn the intricacies of the work, which this master explains with pleasure. And also learn about the many options for using products in this technique.

Her detailed master classes will tell you about making the above dolls. In addition, they will explain how to make a chef doll, a cute sheep or a bright rooster.

Irina Starkova

The next master of the author's work is Irina Starkova. She also happily shares the secrets of her craft online and shows off each new product.

She explains in great detail how to properly perform tightening to shape the contours of the face. And also teaches how to apply makeup correctly for the same purpose.

It is also detailed and high quality talks about making small parts of a figure, such as fingers or toes.

Her lessons are not only freely available on the Internet. You can also ask any question you are interested in through her Instagram page. There, the craftswoman also posts photos of her new works, which you can look at for inspiration.


A designer tilde doll made of nylon tights will help you realize your unspent talent. And in addition, it can bring a good addition to your family budget.

Considering all the beauty and tenderness that these things bring, we can say that by creating them, you make our world brighter and more colorful. And also fill it with warmth and joy.

Don't be modest, enjoy your handicrafts for the people around you.

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