Why do figure skaters pull tights over their boots?

Everything in figure skaters' performances must be perfect: movements, music and, of course, costume. Lately you've noticed that girls are putting tights on their skates. And many people wonder: don’t they feel sorry, because the knitwear can tear?

Why do figure skaters pull tights over their boots?

If athletes do this, it means they have a reason for it. In this article we will look in detail at why they wear costume parts this way.

Reasons to wear tights over skates

When watching competitions, you can’t help but wonder how the skaters manage to stretch the material? It's actually not that difficult because the leggings are special, they are made to fit directly onto the skates.

Both athletes and their coaches name several reasons for this form.


Safety is the main criterion for any skater. After all, it is so important for them to take care of their backs and legs. Falls during training are almost impossible to avoid, and this definitely cannot be allowed during a performance.


Skater tights perform an important protective function.The problem is that Velcro or laces can dangle on the skates. During training, a skater can catch a blade on them and fall.

Important! The knitwear tightly fixes the laces, thereby preventing them from untying, making skating safe.

Skate protection

During long hours of training, equipment may get bumped and scratched. This greatly deteriorates the appearance. Therefore, it is very important to protect your skates during training.

By pulling on tights, athletes manage to keep their equipment safe and sound. It can be used for demonstration performances.

Important! Although protective covers are now being produced, performers cannot afford them. The reason is not at all the lack of funds, but the fact that everyone’s skates are different, and it is very difficult to select covers.

But for regular training, it’s still better to buy covers. Because they are much denser compared to tights, which is why they are more difficult to damage.


Appearance greatly influences the outcome of a performance. A well-chosen color scheme of the costume allows you to draw attention to the figure skater’s image. And this, in turn, makes a good impression of the athlete. Everyone first pays attention to the image and only then to the skills.
Jerseys in bright colors look very strange on figure skaters. Therefore, they prefer flesh tones.

Important! Thanks to this method, the boots acquire a neat appearance. And besides, this visually allows you to lengthen the legs, this factor will play in favor of the skaters.


Features of tights for figure skaters

types of tightsSkaters are provided with a huge selection of tights. Moreover, the design of products is worked out individually. The type of leggings can be different, but there are main types of products.

  • On a ridge. These leggings hide the skate boot. There are many options on sale with special fasteners.
  • On the heel. This type of tights is pulled only over the heel, leaving the toe open.
  • With clasp under the ridge. These leggings are worn over boots, while the toe and heel remain visible.

Now you know why figure skaters wear tights over their boots. We wish you pleasant impressions from the performances of your favorite athletes!

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