Bashkir wedding suit

Bashkir wedding suitIf we consider history, then the marriage customs and, in general, the way of family life of the Bashkirs can be called freer. Woman, according to historians, despite the fact that she lived in a patriarchal marriage had more freedom than other nations. Despite the fact that family life was built according to Muslim laws, Bashkirs took as wives (husbands) representatives of other faiths, but with the obligatory condition of converting to the Muslim faith.

Bashkir wedding: traditions and originality

A couple of centuries ago, weddings were played to become related not only by families, but also by wealth. Those who were richer married others like themselves, and the poor found a couple from their circle.

How did you choose the other half?

The traditional age of the groom was 5–6 years older than the bride. Although there were exceptions when the couple was selected significantly older. But such situations occurred when one of the spouses died, and the widower remarried his wife’s sister. If a wife became a widow, then she could marry the brother or uncle of her deceased husband.It often happened that this was a young man who was only 12–15 years old.


Bashkirs with above average income often married several women. Polygamy flourished mainly among noble families.

IMPORTANT! In the 19th and 20th centuries, very often a father chose a couple for his son or daughter. He, as the head of the family, could carry out matchmaking without the participation of children. And I simply informed them. But such options were still infrequent.

Despite the patriarchal foundations, most weddings were held out of love and mutual consent.

How did you negotiate the wedding?

In Bashkiria, all stages of concluding a new marriage were observed. We started with acquaintance, an agreement between parents, where they decided which worthy pair could be chosen for their son.

as agreed

AND then went to the parents of the chosen bride and already agreed with them about a possible wedding. With parents if they agree to the wedding discussed bride price.

REFERENCE! The bride price that was received for the bride included jewelry, livestock, and furs. A fox fur coat was given to the mother of the bride. Gifts were calculated based on the groom's family wealth.

How the wedding was held

The wedding was conventionally divided into two stages.

  • Small wedding, when the mullah asked the parents that they were not against the children sealing the union. After which the marriage was officially registered.
  • The celebration, which was called thuja, passed at the bride's parentswhere the tables were set.

How was the wedding?

IMPORTANT! If the bride's family refused to marry for some reason, they were obliged to pay a fine to the groom's family. This was also said at the moment when the bride was already engaged.

Bride's wedding suit

Wedding dresses for the bride sewed by hand. Moreover, the clothes were full of bright colors, with a predominance Red. Often the dress was decorated with additional frills, braid, and embroidery.


REFERENCE! The bride's outfit consisted of several items. A decoration was hung over the dress. And then a special camisole or robe was put on the decorated dress. The bride's head was covered with a scarf, on top of which they put on a special headdress for a married lady - kashmau.

This headdress resembled a helmet with corals. In some regions of Bashkiria, a cap embroidered with beads served as a headdress for a newlywed.

headdress - kashmau

The bride's outfit was thought out to the smallest detail. At a wedding, there was a tradition of dressing up as an already married woman.. This also applied to the headdress. It was removed during the celebration and a headdress was put on for the woman who became the wife. Only after all these formalities were completed was the young woman sent to her husband’s house.

Bashkir groom's outfit

According to tradition, the groom was also dressed in a special outfit.

First of all, it was embroidered shirt with wide sleeves. The peoples of Bashkiria had a tradition that his future wife should definitely embroider this thing for him. The collar of such a shirt was also embroidered with special decor; the product looked not just elegant, but also very rich.


Moreover, according to the rules the groom put on a skullcap and pants given by his future wife.

REFERENCE! The outfits of both spouses were bright, with a predominance of red, green, and blue colors. For the celebration, the groom wore a bright red wide belt. and the bride was tied with a belt sewn from scraps of various fabrics.

In general, the traditions of wedding celebrations were strictly observed in each city. Not only compliance with all stages was respected, but also the opinion of the parents. Elements of folk costume can still be seen in modern wedding photos today.

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