Jewish national costume (photo)

Black Jewish costumesIn addition to the characteristic differences in traditions and cultural characteristics, each people of the world has its own national costume, emphasizing its inherent identity and belonging to a particular religious movement.

National Jewish clothing is colorful and makes representatives of this nationality stand out from the crowd.

History of Jewish costume

National Jewish clothing has a rich history. In the process of creating a traditional costume, representatives of this nationality managed to ensure that the resulting outfit allowed them to look natural anywhere, without depersonalizing them.

Important! Initially, this outfit was created with the aim of facilitating the process of assimilation in any state for representatives of the nation.

Ancient Jewish costumeIn the original version of this outfit, the influence of the Babylonian culture is clearly visible. Having gotten rid of slavery, representatives of this nationality subsequently continued to wear two shirts with long or short sleeves.Linen was worn underneath and wool was worn on top. A similar outfit was complemented with a wide belt. The belts of wealthy townspeople were made of linen or woolen fabric and lavishly decorated with gold and precious stones. The poor used simple leather or felt products for this purpose.

During the reign of King Solomon, the national costumes of the Jews acquired a more luxurious appearance. They began to be sewn from airy, light fabrics, decorated with precious stones, as well as gold and silver embroidery. Girls from wealthy families often wove strings of pearls, corals and gold plates into their hair, thereby trying to further emphasize their social status.

National ancient Jewish costumeWith the advent of the twentieth century, the traditional clothing of this nation gradually lost its former chic. The national attire has become much more restrained and laconic. For the most harmonious interaction with European society, Jews began to wear long frock coats and black hats. They have preserved this custom to this day, despite the fact that such clothing has long gone out of fashion throughout the world.

Features of Jewish costume

The national Jewish outfit, passing through the centuries, managed to preserve its originality and uniqueness, even despite the fact that much of it was borrowed from the clothing of other peoples. The traditional clothing of representatives of this nation is characterized by modesty and restraint. Modern people who are far from religion may even consider it old-fashioned.

Color shades

Men's Jewish costumesTraditional Jewish clothing is no different in the variety and richness of its color palette. During the period of settlement in small European cities in the 21st century, Jews tried to dress as simply and modestly as possible, so as not to attract unnecessary attention.

Reference! Neutrality is considered a characteristic feature of the Jewish national costume. In the hot season, representatives of this nation preferred to wear white clothes, and in cold weather, they preferred outfits of predominantly blue and brown colors.

Fabrics and style

Jewish culture has always been based on urban life. For this reason, peasant models of national Jewish attire do not exist.

Jewish women's clothingJewish girls never had the opportunity to resort to making their own fabric for sewing various wardrobe items. In most cases, the fabrics needed for this were purchased at markets.

Jewish outfit for a girlThe type of fabric purchased for these purposes depended on wealth and local fashion.

Varieties of costume

Men's Jewish clothing

Male traditional outfit has a specific elegance. It consists of an ordinary black frock coat, a light shirt, trousers and a cape called a tallit katan.

Jewish men's suitThe main feature of this element of Jewish clothing is that although the cape looks like outerwear, it is worn not only on top, but also directly on the shirt. The tassels should be straightened over the trousers.

Reference! Such a cape is a mandatory attribute of the national Jewish costume. It is shaped like a rectangle made of white fabric with a cutout for the head. Tassels called “tzitzit” are tied to the four corners of the cape. Each such brush ends with eight threads.

Women's Jewish clothing

Women's traditional Jewish attire consisted of a dress or blouse with a skirt and an apron. The main characteristic of these clothes was practicality. The outfits were made from fabrics of predominantly dark shades (brown, gray and black).

National Jewish outfit

There was an opinion that, in addition to its main function, an apron could also protect against the evil eye and curses. Dresses were usually decorated with lace and white embroidery, symbolizing purity.

Jewish clothing for women blueThe waist was tightly clasped by a leather belt.


Jewish costume headdressesAn integral part of the traditional attire of Jewish men are headdresses, which include:

  • yarmulke - a knitted or small round soft cap made of fabric that covers the top of the head;
  • casket (dashek) - a cap of the old European style, usually worn over a skullcap;
  • streimel - a fur hat with a velvet top, sometimes inherited from ancestors and worn on especially special occasions.

On weekdays, traditional Jewish costume men are complemented by a laconic black hat. Its size and elements depend on the social status of the owner.

Jewish headdressesJewish women also wore hats with wigs under them. For decoration, graceful beads worn in two rows were usually used.

Shoes and accessories

The shoes used were comfortable black boots with high tops. Such shoes were worn tightly on bare feet in the summer and laced up to the very top, and in the winter - on hand-knitted stockings, which were fastened with garters at the level of the knees or slightly higher. Modern women usually wear flat shoes.

Jewish clothing and accessoriesAs accessories in most cases wide belts are used, in some cases, ties of the corresponding shade are also used. The use of a tie causes a lot of controversy, since when it is tied, a knot is formed that resembles a cross in shape.

Modern models of Jewish costume

Modern national Jewish costumeIn the modern world, traditional Jewish clothing continues to remain quite popular. Mandatory elements of religious representatives of this nationality are a skull cap and a cape (photo).

Despite the fact that outwardly such wardrobe items have become a little simpler, a full-fledged national outfit is often worn to meetings and various special events.

National Jewish costume is a unique reflection of the peculiarities of the traditions of this people. At the same time, they remain true to their customs and views.

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