How to make an Iron Man suit

how to make an iron man suitIron Man is one of the most popular characters in Marvel comics, who later became an equally recognizable film image. The audience of his fans is wide: from elementary school children to fully established adults. And, of course, for many, his image is a desirable reincarnation option for a children's party, costume party or cosplay festival.

The Iron Man suit can be found on sale, but it costs a lot of money, since its execution is technically complex and requires different materials.

But if you wish, you can create it yourself, although it will take a lot of time and effort. The complexity of the work will depend on what material the costume will be made of, how realistic it is planned and what budget the creator has.

We'll tell you what to make such an outfit from and how to create the impression that it is made of iron.

The originality of the costume

originality of the costume
The first question that comes to mind is: what material is the suit made of?

It's obvious that you can't really make it iron. Otherwise, a person simply will not be able to move. Even if it is technically possible, such a suit will still weigh too much.

Therefore, you need to think about how to make the image as realistic as possible. But at the same time, use only those materials that are available and meet the relevant requirements (lightness, strength, freedom of movement).

The easiest option is to sew such a suit using fabric of the desired color and making stripes in the appropriate places.

In this case, the character will be recognizable, but the image will look parody and funny. But This option is suitable for a child. After all, children are not interested in the most accurate reproduction of the image; the game is more important to them. Moreover, as clothing, such a suit will not interfere with regular games.

Experienced role-players prefer thick Whatman paper for this type of costume. It allows full movement and is lightweight. Moreover, with proper decoration, it can look like any other material, depending on the role of the player.

And also for Iron Man you will need other image details:

  • source of energy in the chest;
  • glowing eyes.

Advice. It is best to make them from battery-powered lamps.

This means that the costume will even contain lighting fixtures.


If we are not talking about complex cosplay, for which people prepare for months, then the following materials would be the best option.

  • Cardboard and colored paper.
  • Travel mats. They are stronger than cardboard, inexpensive, come in a variety of colors, and are quite durable.
  • Aluminum. In this case, the costume will turn out to be the most realistic. But it will require much more effort, money and skill than in the two previous options.

If desired, you can use any other options, but the above are the most convenient and inexpensive.

You will also need means of securing: glue, stapler and other fasteners.

For complete similarity you will need paint of appropriate shades and luminous elements. Various battery-powered light bulbs are best suited for this.

The optimal material is whatman paper. It's thick enough to be durable, but not as thick as cardboard. This allows you to fold it neatly if necessary.

Made from inexpensive materials it can look more like iron than others with proper decoration.

Reference. Whatman paper combines the necessary properties of paper, cardboard and aluminum, and is therefore often used to create such products.

Color spectrum

The main parts of the character's iron shell should be red with gold accents. But if desired, you can use any other colors. And although in this case the image will turn out to be non-standard, it will still be recognizable.

The main thing is to maintain proportions in the combination of two colors, because in the original, important functional elements are highlighted in yellow.

It is best to give a suit the desired color using paint, without wasting time on selecting materials that are suitable for this parameter. Even if they are initially the right colors, paint is the best way to disguise sloppy gluing.

How to make a costume

how to do
In order to assemble a suit well, you need to be able to work with drawingsAnd. It is not necessary to create drawings yourself, because there are a large number of blanks on the Internet. But you will need the ability to change the model to suit your parameters, as well as make mock-ups and real things using drawings.

It is advisable to use special computer programs to create such layouts. There you can enter parameters, dimensions, and other requirements that are determined individually.


The result is a finished layout that can be edited if necessary. You can print it out, or you can immediately transfer it to the material for the costume.



Having printed or redrawn the layout, you need to cut and glue (or fasten in another suitable way depending on the material) them in accordance with the numbering.

Important! There is no need to glue the back part because it is removable.

Having assembled the helmet, you will need it cover with two-component glue, fixing it from the inside to avoid distortion.

Then you need Glue the product with fiberglass from the inside and re-coat it with glue on both sides.

When the work is completely dry, all that remains is to sand the surface and then paint.
The back part should be done separately according to the same pattern.

When put on for fixation, both parts can be secured with Velcro or magnets.

Body, limbs


All other parts are assembled according to the same principle as the helmet: transferring the software layout onto the material, cutting, gluing, fixing, polishing, painting.

Pavilion 2

Do not forget that the suit will have to be put on and taken off. That's why the body should not be solid, but consist of two parts (front and back).

building - 3

Arms and legs must bend, so special attention should be paid to the knee and elbow bendsm. In such a suit, freedom of movement will be limited anyway; you should take care of minimal comfort.


Additional image details

Iron Man has source of energy in the chest. In the costume his role can be played regular LED flashlight of appropriate shape and sizeA.You can secure it with regular glue.

For creating glowing eye illusions best to use LED lights. They should be placed under the eye holes, and two pieces of clear plastic should be secured above them.

The light switch must be accessible, otherwise the accessory has no meaning.

In the same way, you can add luminous elements to any part of the costume. This technique can be used to create a costume from any other materials, even fabric.

Assembly Features


  1. When creating a layout in a special program, all parts will be numbered, and this numbering must be strictly observed.
  2. It is also important that all parts fit tightly and evenly to each other, otherwise one inaccuracy can throw off all other connections.
  3. When assembling and fixing each element of the costume, it is important to try it on. Otherwise, it may turn out that there was an error in the initial calculations. Because of this, wearing the product will be impossible.
  4. It should be remembered that the glue and paint must dry completely. Firstly, it is harmful, and secondly, the suit will be damaged in the very first minutes of use.

Thus, you will get a real Iron Man suit. Of course, you can't fly in it; it's not as durable as the character's. But it will look almost like the original.

The process of making it is complex, so only diligent craftsmen can do it and is unlikely to be suitable for small children. Nevertheless, if desired, it can be created by the whole family, and in the process the child will try himself in several areas at once.

The disadvantage is that such an image is only appropriate for costumed events, which means that the costume cannot be used in everyday life.But for those who love making amazing creative things with their own hands, this will not be a problem.

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