How to wash a Gorka suit?

types of gorka costumesThe Gorka suit was designed for the military. It is able to withstand adverse environmental conditions, which is why canvas clothing is now actively used in tourism, fishing, hunting and other extreme situations. Thermal insulation properties allow the suit to be used in winter. In order for Gorka to retain its functions for a long time, you need to ensure proper care of the fabric.

Rules for washing such workwear

Gorka costume - detailsMost often, encephalitis is used to sew a Gorka costume. This the fabric shrinks a lot during washing, so some manufacturers do not recommend wet cleaning. But in certain cases, this is a necessary event, so there are a number of rules on how to properly clean.

Preparatory manipulations

man in a gorka suitThe Gorka suit reliably protects against bad weather conditions, but the washing process for such clothes can be disastrous. Some people believe that if you wash a suit, it will be ruined forever.But this event cannot be avoided.

All zippers will need to be fully zipped before wet processing.. The main fasteners are located on the pockets and the outside of the sleeves. Straps and valves require special attention. Requires removal of foreign objects from pockets.

Important! Washing must be carried out according to certain rules so that the suit retains its main functions: protection from wind, water, heat retention, and comfort.

What means can be used?

you can't use soapFor washing It is prohibited to use newfangled aggressive powders, bleaches. It is best to do without detergents altogether. But to remove stains, use laundry or baby soap or liquid powders. It is necessary to rinse the suit well several times to avoid streaks.

How to wash by hand?

To preserve the quality of the Gorka, you should wash it by hand. In addition, some manufacturers' instructions prohibit the use of the machine. Careful actions will protect clothes from shrinking, plaque formation, and damage to the protective layer.

Hand wash requirements:

  • man on the hillthe temperature of the liquid should be no more than 30 degrees;
  • It is allowed to use baby or laundry soap, liquid powder as detergents;
  • It is prohibited to use bleaches and other aggressive compounds;
  • To remove stains, you can use a brush with medium hardness.

The suit needs to be turned inside out. Then the clothes need to be soaked in water with added detergent. The pants and jacket are kept in the warm liquid for 3–4 hours. If there are no stains on the clothes, then you do not need to use powder or soap.. This will help avoid fabric damage and color loss. Do not rub vigorously.You need to rinse the product well, but it is not recommended to wring it out too much.

Important! To ensure resistance to moisture, the Gorka suit must be treated with a special shampoo before wearing.

How to machine wash?

suit insideSome manufacturers prohibit washing the Gorka suit in a machine. This is due to the materials from which it was made. But in certain cases, it is still allowed to use technology when preparing clothes for wear. Before washing, you can use a special spray that will preserve the waterproof properties of the product, but this product may prevent summer use of the Gorka.

Wash only on delicate cycle without spinning, but with double rinsing. It is forbidden to set the temperature above 40 degrees. You will have to abandon the spin cycle or use low speeds (400–600) to avoid wrinkles. Rinsing is performed 2 times. It is better not to load other things along with Gorka.

Advice from professionals

If possible, you should avoid washing Gorki. Cleaning should be done with cold water without detergents. It is allowed to use only a brush with medium-hard bristles. If stains suddenly appear, you will have to use baby or laundry soap. It is not recommended to squeeze the product.

Washing Tips:

  • internal slide pocketsdo not wash frequently;
  • It is better to clean the suit by hand, avoiding the washing machine;
  • Do not use hot water;
  • Do not use bleaches that destroy paint.

It is required to carefully and carefully clean the Gorka suit. Over time, even the highest quality product will begin to deform. But with proper washing, the slide will last longer.

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