DIY watermelon costume for a boy photo

watermelon costume for boyThe watermelon costume is one of the most memorable and unusual costumes for children. You can dress your child in this outfit for a matinee, holiday or masquerade ball. First of all, this is a very recognizable outfit. No one will have to guess what kind of costume the child is wearing. Bright green and pink fabric with all sorts of details and attributes of a real watermelon will bring joy and create a warm atmosphere. After all, everyone associates watermelon with summer and warm autumn, when the harvest ripens. And perhaps this is one of the most favorite fruits among children and adults. This determines the positive side of choosing this image. In general, all the outfits of fruits and vegetables are quite interesting and allow you to use your imagination one hundred percent when creating them, having studied the recommendations and photos.

Features of a watermelon costume for a boy

watermelon costume parts for boy
A watermelon costume will be an ideal solution not only for girls, but also for boys. It can consist of different elements: trousers, a jacket, overalls, a shirt, a cap or a hat. All these things can be combined with each other and look for the most optimal solution for the child. The peculiarity of such an outfit, of course, will be its color. To create the look, fabrics in green and scarlet shades, as well as white, are suitable.

Watermelon has a round and large shape. This should also be reflected in the design of the image. You can sew wide and voluminous clothes. Also a distinctive nuance that all children love is the use of real watermelon seeds in the costume.

What material is best for creating a costume?

watermelon costume for boy
On the Internet you can find a watermelon costume made from the watermelon itself. This is truly amazing. The watermelon was peeled from the pulp, divided into two parts, and two parts of the costume were obtained. One piece is a watermelon hat, and the second piece is a piece of overalls with suspenders attached. Therefore, in terms of materials, you can show all the wealth of imagination.

The main thing is not to forget that the child is comfortable and comfortable in such “clothing”. Indeed, at many events where themed costumes are used, there are a huge number of competitions, round dances and games in motion. Therefore, it is important not to forget that the child is comfortable jumping, running and performing normal movements. While in some designer suits, this will be quite difficult to do.

Attention! Of course, it is better to give preference to hypoallergenic and lightweight fabrics. Bright shiny fabrics (satin, satin), as well as velvet, look beautiful when creating such clothes. In the process of making a suit, various sewing accessories and stationery will come in handy.

It is also worth considering that shoes should be as comfortable as possible if a child goes, for example, to a matinee or skit party.It is better to decorate ordinary sneakers, Czech shoes or sneakers than to choose shoes with thick soles or heels.

Reference! There should also not be too much decoration on shoes. You just need to choose the right color to match your suit or paint the shoes with acrylic.

A simple watermelon costume for a boy: how to make it quickly

how to make a watermelon costume with your own hands
If you don't have much time and you need the costume tomorrow, then you can make a very simple version of the watermelon costume for a boy. You will need a red T-shirt or shirt and red trousers or shorts. And also additional materials:

  • Sequins or black buttons. Or, if possible, real watermelon seeds;
  • PVA glue or instant glue;
  • Sewing accessories: green and red threads.

It’s worth clarifying that it’s better to use clothes that you won’t mind experimenting with. This is due to the fact that watermelon seeds or sequins will need to be glued with glue. Sequins and buttons can, of course, be sewn on. It all depends on personal preference. But how impressive and at the same time clear a suit with real watermelon seeds will look. They can also be glued to a cap or plain sneakers. The complexity of this costume is minimal.

Attention! Children can enjoy gluing watermelon seeds to clothes and can make their own costume. The main thing is to control the entire creative process so that everything is first and foremost neat.

Also an interesting and simple version of a costume for a boy is a poncho cape. It's enough to sew one cape to liven up your look for an upcoming event. The cape is easy to sew:

  • Take green or red fabric and draw a circle;
  • In this circle we measure a hole for the child’s head;
  • Cut out the circle according to the parameters;
  • Next, the fabric needs to be decorated. If the poncho is green, you can paint stripes like a watermelon with acrylic. And if the fabric is red, then decorate it with paint or markers with a pattern reminiscent of watermelon seeds. Watermelon seeds made of black velvet will also look impressive;
  • At the bottom you can sew a green or red ribbon around the entire perimeter of the poncho as an additional decoration element.

This creates an improvised raincoat or poncho. This outfit will look even more impressive if you complement it with a headdress. Let's look at the process of making a simple rag hat:

  • First, you should measure the child's head using a measuring tape;
  • Next, cut out a circle of red fabric with a diameter equal to the circumference of the head. You can simply trace the outline of the child’s cap;
  • A thin elastic band is sewn along the edge of the circle. The resulting product may somewhat resemble a shower cap;
  • The hat can be decorated with natural watermelon seeds or cut them out of black velvet and glued to the surface;
  • You can run a green braid along the edge of the cap.

Important! You can also quickly make a headband out of paper or cardboard. To do this, you need to draw a watermelon and paint it with bright colors. In this part, make a hole equal in size to the child’s head and sew on an elastic band. Also, the resulting part can be attached to any hat or headband.

How to make a full-fledged watermelon costume for a boy

DIY watermelon costume
If you still focus on originality and complexity, you can sew a costume that no one else will have. To create it you will need the following materials:

  • satin fabric in green (light or dark shades) and red (you can choose another type of fabric, but satin looks more impressive);
  • padding polyester;
  • cardboard;
  • markers and pencils;
  • scissors, ruler;
  • sewing accessories: threads, needles, tracing paper;
  • elastic band for clothes;
  • sequins, buttons or acrylic paints.

When all the materials are ready, you can begin making the costume itself. It’s worth saying right away that it is not produced as quickly as the previous ones. Therefore, you need to stock up on time and patience. But the result will fully justify itself. The costume will consist of overalls and a hat. Let's look at making a suit step by step:

  • We make a hat. You will need several cardboard pieces to hold the fabric to the frame. Next, padding polyester is sewn onto the cardboard for volume, and the fabric is stretched on top. It is better to use thicker cardboard to make the structure look more durable;
  • Next, let's start sewing the overalls. We also sew it from satin fabric, which was used for a headdress. The necessary patterns can be downloaded from the Internet or made based on an existing jumpsuit or trousers;
  • To do this, we put the clothes on paper, trace them and make the necessary corrections and clarifications. The watermelon costume should be voluminous, so on each side you should add an extra few centimeters at your discretion;
  • At the stage of creating a pattern, we think through all the important details. The overalls can be one-piece, and also fastened with straps, with or without sleeves;
  • Next, we cut out the resulting parts and begin sewing;
  • For greater realism, you can make inserts on the sides of their chiffon. They are sewn on before the process of sewing all the parts together;
  • First, we grind down all the side sections of the product.Don't forget about the clasp. It is necessary to leave a place for it;
  • We make a fastener (zipper, buttons or Velcro), if provided;
  • We process the lower section of the legs and sleeves (if any) with an elastic band. To do this, the side edge is bent and an elastic band is sewn into it;
  • The costume can be decorated with a large slice of watermelon. Let's cut out two elements from red fabric and combine them with a piece of green. Next, we sew the two parts together and fill them with cotton wool or foam rubber to add volume. Such a piece can be sewn onto the front part of the overalls. Watermelon seeds can be painted with acrylic paint.

If the overalls were sewn entirely, then it is better to make a beautiful collar in the shape of a slice. To make the neck voluminous, you can insert a filler into it, as well as an elastic band along the entire cut. In this case, a zipper-shaped fastener is made on the back. Also glues the bones. You can also make an interesting headdress. To do this, you need to draw a large watermelon on cardboard, cut it out and paint it with bright gouache paints. Next, such a part is glued to the cap or headband.

The use of face painting will help complement the already finished image. It is better to take special water-based paints. They are safe and do not harm children's skin. You can draw a couple of ripe berries on your cheeks.

Reference! Watermelon seeds can be cut from skin. This is a good imitation of real seeds.

Thus, you can prepare a festive costume for a children's party quite inexpensively and with your own hands. Moreover, there are a lot of costume variations on this theme. We hope that this article will serve as a source of inspiration and help you create an unusual outfit for this beloved berry.

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