Knitted suit for a newborn

With the birth of a child, all the worries and thoughts of parents are devoted to him. They look after his health, nutrition and, of course, carefully choose his clothes. But they don’t always have the opportunity to purchase a beautiful and high-quality item, because children grow so quickly. And this is where handicraft skills come to the rescue. With the help of knitting needles, you can not only constantly update your children's wardrobe with wonderful costumes, but also know that these items will be of the best quality. To do this, you do not need to have super abilities in this type of needlework, just know the basics. But even if you have never held knitting needles in your hands, do not despair; if you have enough desire, you will be quite capable of the job. It is enough to find a competent, complete description of the model and follow it.

Features of knitting a newborn costume and what you need

DIY costume for a newborn
Children are very sensitive creatures and the acquisition of material for the production of their clothes, as well as the choice of model, must be approached with special care. Clothes for infants must meet the following characteristics:

  • Be free enough and not restrict movement. In the first year of life, a baby grows quickly and actively learns about the surrounding reality, so they move very intensively. This means that clothes should be spacious enough, but not too large so that the child does not get entangled in them;
  • The fiber for knitting should be hypoallergenic and soft so that the finished fabric does not irritate the baby’s delicate skin.

Reference! You can determine whether the thread is sufficiently soft by placing the skein against your cheek; if you feel even slight discomfort, such fiber is not suitable.

  • Neat seams. If the seam is rough, it can injure the baby's skin;
  • Pay special attention to the neckline. Since a newborn cannot dress himself, the opening should be large enough so that you can put on and take off the item without any problems.

Important! If you are afraid of making a mistake when choosing yarn, then choose the option marked “children’s”. Each manufacturer has one in stock in their product line. It is specially designed for the manufacture of children's things and has all the necessary parameters.

Knitted sets for babies do not strictly differ in style. They mainly differ in color: For girls - pink and red shades, for boys - blue and light blue, the rest are considered neutral colors. Also, in boyish models, more preference is given to strict patterns, while girlish variations are more elegant.

How to knit a suit for a newborn boy

Before you start knitting the chosen pattern, you should decide on the seasonality of the option: summer or winter.For warm weather, choose light fiber: silk, cotton, linen, and for cold weather - wool, alpaca or angora. It is better not to use mohair for children's clothes, as it fluffs a lot and as a result will only disturb the child. It is also better not to use synthetics, because they can cause an allergic reaction.

blue suit for newborn boyHaving decided on the yarn, proceed to choosing a tool. To do this, fold the thread in half and compare its volume with the thickness of the knitting needle; the figures should be the same.

Now let's look at the manufacturing process with an example.

you will need 300 g of wool yarn with parameters 380m\100g, knitting needles No. 2.5 (circular and stocking) and 5 buttons.

The working process:

  • The details of the shelves and back are knitted in one piece. To do this, dial 126 sts and knit 6p. garter stitch. For subsequent knitting, distribute the loops: 1 edge stitch, 4 stitches. garter stitch, pattern according to pattern 1, 4 stitches in garter stitch, 1 edge;knitting pattern
  • While knitting, make five holes for buttons on the placket on the right side;
  • At an altitude of 76 rubles. from the beginning of knitting, form holes for the floodplains of the sleeves as follows: 1 edge, 23p. shelves, close 8p., 62p., close 8p., 23p., 1 edge;
  • Set aside knitting;
  • For sleeves, dial 46 sts. and knit 6p. garter stitch. Then knit with fabric pattern according to pattern 1, while increasing one loop in every sixth row on both sides;
  • Having completed 76r. put off knitting. Perform the second sleeve in the same way;
  • Gather all the details onto the knitting needles and knit in garter stitch, while in the first row evenly reduce the number of stitches to 196;
  • Repeat contractions every 6 p. 8 times 12 loops;
  • After 50 r. after starting to knit the yoke, remove another 24 stitches and continue knitting between the strips (4 stitches in garter stitch from the edge) with a 2x2 rib;
  • Having knitted 10 rubles. close the loops according to the pattern;
  • We knit the pants from the bottom. To do this, for the trouser leg we dial 52p. and knit with a 2x2 elastic band to a height of 30cm;
  • Next, work the fabric in garter stitch, making additions in every sixth row;
  • After 70 r. close three loops on both sides and set aside the work;
  • Do the second part in the same way;
  • Next, knit both parts together in garter stitch 110 rubles;
  • Knit 20 r. elastic band 2x2;
  • Make seams:
  • We turn half of the elastic on the pants to the wrong side and hem it;
  • We insert the elastic into the pants and sew the buttons on the blouse.

We knit a costume for a newborn girl with our own hands

pink suit for girls knitted
The costume for girls is distinguished by the use of more airy patterns and delicate colors. For example, this variation.

This model is made from medium weight wool yarn using the following knitting patterns:

Completing of the work:flower pattern

  • Knit sample patterns and make calculations;
  • For the jacket, cast on the required number of stitches and knit a flower pattern in one piece;
  • Execute the canvas to the beginning of the floodplain. Close the floodplains and continue work with the pattern of the upper part;
  • Make decreases to form the neckline;
  • Cast on the estimated number of loops for the sleeves and knit several rows with a 1x1 elastic band to form a cuff; jacket pattern
  • Next, divide the stitches as follows: garter stitch, flower pattern, garter stitch;
  • Evenly increase the length of the sleeve;
  • Using decreases, form the sleeve cap;
  • Perform the second sleeve in the same way;
  • Connect the shoulder seams and sew in the sleeves;
  • Cast on the required number of loops for the strap along the edge of the shelves and knit 5-6 rows with a 1x1 elastic band, while making holes for buttons on one side;
  • Tie the neckline with several rows of 1x1 elastic;pants pattern
  • Sew buttons;
  • For the panties part, cast on the estimated number of loops and knit the cuff with a 1x1 elastic band;
  • Next, alternate patterns between the front stitch and the pattern for the upper part;
  • To form a waistband, finish the piece with several rows of 1x1 elastic;
  • Knit the second part in the same way;
  • Sew central and side seams;
  • Hem the top edge and insert elastic.

Costume decor options for a newborn

suit for newborn with lace
Not the last element in shaping the elegant appearance of an object is its decoration. And children's clothing is no exception. But the smaller the child, the more carefully you need to approach the choice of decorations used. A child at this age spends a lot of time in a lying position, which means they should not cause discomfort. It is also not recommended to use sewn-on elements: beads, pendants, since small children put everything in their mouths and such decoration can be harmful.

It is best to resort to these variations:

  • Embroidery. This method will highlight the beauty of the object and add bright colors to it. At the same time, it cannot be torn off and will not cause discomfort;
  • Beads or beads can only be used if you knit them while creating the fabric. At the same time, give preference to small options.

Lace will do. You can use a ready-made sample purchased in a store, or use crochet to create it. The second option will hold tighter and look more harmonious.

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