DIY Indian costume

One of the popular and favorite costumes for children's parties is the image of an Indian. This brave, courageous and independent man has been the hero of many books and films for many decades.

Budget-friendly, simple and versatile option

It’s very easy to create a spectacular outfit for this character with your own hands and using available materials that are found in every home. In the simplest and most budget version, the main component of the costume is an ordinary painted T-shirt, a spectacular headdress and beads made from one popular hand-made food product - pasta.

example of a suit

REFERENCE! The headdress (roach) consists of a large number of vertical feathers.

What you will need

The materials used can be varied and depend on the imagination of the author. In the process of making a costume, you may need the following materials:

  • T-shirt and pants;
  • fringe or material from which it can be made;
  • pasta of various shapes, but with a hole for the passage of braid;
  • fabric paints or markers and food coloring;
  • brush;
  • scissors;
  • feathers;
  • cardboard;
  • glue and others.

Preparation stages

how to make feathers

This type of suit is not without reason called one of the easiest to make. The fact is that the main part of it doesn’t even need to be sewn. Any plain T-shirt, preferably in grey, brown or beige, is perfect. Girls should wear a t-shirt tunic and boys should wear matching pants. Beautiful and even stripes are simply cut along the edge of the hem and the edge of the sleeves. But on the side of the pants you can sew pre-purchased fringe. You can also complicate your task by including a historical component in this clothing. You should study the features of ancient symbols and decorate things with them. This is easy to do using acrylic paints or fabric markers.

ATTENTION! A tunic for a girl can also be made from an ordinary pillowcase. To do this, just cut holes in it for the neck and arms.

An important accessory for a real Indian is massive beads. This is where pasta comes in handy. They can be effectively colored using food coloring. To do this, pasta is poured into a jar and paint is added. Then they should be shaken a little and placed on a baking sheet so that they do not stick together. Next, simply string the pasta onto a cord or elastic band. For greater realism, you can add multi-colored feathers, small wooden decorations or coins. It is better to fix the color of the pasta with clear varnish.beads


IMPORTANT! Making a roach is also not difficult. To do this, a hoop is made from cardboard slightly larger than the circumference of the child’s head. A circle of red cardboard or colored paper is placed in the center. This is a kind of symbol of the sun. Next, purchase or homemade feathers are attached.

Creating and combining elements into a costume

A couple of accessories will help add completeness and integrity to the look. So, you can give a boy a bow and arrows, and for a girl you can make a couple of bracelets from cardboard or leather. The basis for the bow can be a flexible branch or twig. They are treated with varnish and the ends are secured with tape. For greater realism, faces are painted with special paints for face painting or ordinary shadows and pencils from a cosmetic bag are used. The most suitable colors are brown, white and red.

This type of outfit is one of the easiest and fastest to make. All materials used can be found in your own home. We hope that this article was informative and will help you make an unusual and colorful costume for the holiday.

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