DIY suit made from waste material

DIY suit made from waste material photoWhen a child unexpectedly announces a costume show, masquerade or performance is being prepared at school or kindergarten, do not worry. Every home is always full of waste materials. From them you can quickly and without any financial costs make an original outfit with your own hands. In it, the child will look fashionable and original. In addition, joint creativity will create a good mood and bring parents and children even closer spiritually.

Costumes made from waste material

As a rule, a beautiful suit in a store is quite expensive, but a child will only be able to wear it once.

But there are many different models of children's holiday outfits that any of us can easily make on our own. This will not only save the family budget, but will also add some zest to the current scenario. After all, the child will be proud to tell others that he himself took part in the making of this unique costume.

And you can make it from improvised objects, of which there are always a lot in the house. Plastic bottles, stray music CDs, plastic bags, candy wrappers, cardboard boxes and newspapers are suitable for these purposes..

If you use your imagination and a little imagination, then from these seemingly unnecessary things you can create a surprisingly elegant dress for a girl or a wonderful holiday suit for a boy.

Important! Make the outfit together with your children, then the pleasure you get from the holiday will hardly compare with anything else.

From plastic bottles

You can make a whole range of original carnival costumes from unnecessary plastic bottles.

Mermaid costume (kikimora)

  • Cut up a lot of plastic bottoms from green bottles.
  • Cut off the necks of the bottles. We burn holes in a narrowed place and collect all the details on thick threads in the form of garlands, and then form a skirt.


  • Secure the prepared bottoms along the skirt edge. They can either be glued, sewn, or secured with a stapler.
  • The bodice for the dress will be an old T-shirt trimmed with plastic parts.
  • For the crown, cut out fancy feathers from plastic and attach them to a hoop or ribbon.

Flower Princess


  • Build a standing skirt in the form of a wire frame.
  • Cover it with thin fabric.
  • Cut out all kinds of petals from multi-colored plastic bottles. It all depends on creative imagination.
  • Collect them into flower buds and attach them to your skirt.
  • Cut spirals from bottles with a capacity of half a liter and secure them to the skirt in the form of a serpentine.

Astronaut costume for boy

  • Tie a couple of plastic bottles together.
  • Attach fabric straps to them.
  • Hang them upside down on the back of the future astronaut.
  • To imitate jet fire, glue bright strips of red and orange to the neck.

Headdress of fairy-tale characters

This type of headdress can be worn by different characters. For example, a hero, an alien, a king, a gentleman, a cat in boots, etc.


  • Take a plastic bottle of a suitable large size (usually 5 liters).
  • Cut out hat brims from thick cardboard paper.
  • Make a crown from the bottom of the bottle (in the form of a cylinder) or from the top, in the form of a helmet or “bowler hat” of an alien creature.
  • Decorate with feathers cut from plastic.

Costume dresses made from newspapers, bags, leaves

A sufficient number of plastic bottles must be stocked in advance. This means that you need to take care of their storage, because they are quite voluminous. But there are also more compact materials at hand: newspapers, bags, etc.

Queen of Print Media from Old Newspapers

from newspapers

  • Take sheets of newspaper, fold each one in half to increase rigidity, and roll it into a ball shape.
  • Carefully attach them to the skirt using glue. This should be done starting from the bottom edge of the hem, gradually moving upward.
  • Each subsequent row must overlap the one below.

Rain suit made from plastic bags

  • Take multi-colored garbage bags in two shades.
  • Cut each one to make a panel.
  • Model them into a bodice and a straight skirt.
  • Inflate up to 20 airtight bags with air.
  • Attach them to a long skirt in rows.

Advice! You can use another option. Cut fringe from the bags and sew it onto the skirt in the form of lush, beautiful flounces.

Autumn costume made from dry leaves

from leaves

  • Find a suitable piece of material or an unnecessary dress in your wardrobe.
  • Collect large quantities of fallen maple leaves in the park.
  • Spray dry leaves with water to moisten them so that their edges do not curl. As a result, the dress will look aesthetically pleasing.
  • Carefully glue each leaf onto the skirt. Start from the bottom edge and gradually move up. Subsequent rows should overlap the previous ones.
  • Iron each fixed row of leaves with a warm iron, first placing a sheet of paper or a piece of damp gauze.
  • If there is still time before the start of the ball, then every four hours you should give the costume a cold shower using a spray bottle. Do not let the fabric base get wet!

Important! For greater harmony, you should take into account the different colors of the collected leaves.

These wonderful outfits will undoubtedly surprise and delight everyone present at the masquerade.

Cardboard Box Costume Ideas

These costumes are perfect for boys.


from the box

  • Take a cardboard box that is sized to fit the child’s torso.
  • Make slits for the arms and head.
  • Cut out many different shapes to form the neck and head of the prehistoric animal.
  • Glue them together behind the child’s head into something in the form of a headset, using your imagination and engineering imagination.

Cowboy on horse

  • Take a rectangular cardboard box.
  • Make a hole in it for the child's torso.
  • Attach a rope tail and a fabric strap.
  • Make a head from a small box.
  • Attach it to the “torso” using a wooden stick.
  • Make a horse's face from a plastic bottle.
  • Secure the suit to the boy using a shoulder strap.

Of course, these outfits are not very convenient for round dances and dances, but your son will undoubtedly become the hero of the day.

Using plastic utensils for costumes

from plastic glasses
The “Princess” costume for girls is very good, the basis of which is a fluffy white dress.

  • Sew a children's hoop along the bottom of the skirt.
  • Attach disposable plates in the form of scales throughout the skirt.
  • Cut out a frill from tulle.
  • Cut each plate into four pieces.
  • Attach each piece to a dangling scale tie.
  • Tie the resulting decoration around the girl’s neck.
  • The headdress is a headband to which is sewn a plate with a bow attached.

In this outfit, any girl will be simply irresistible.

Useful tips for creating a costume from waste material

A few practical tips will be very useful when creating fancy dress costumes from waste materials for boys and girls.

  • Before starting work, measure your baby. Then the festive clothes will look better and be more comfortable for the child.
  • To better decide on suitable materials, first find out the holiday scenario. It is also important what role your son or daughter has in it, as well as the character of the chosen character.
  • When creating an image, you need to remember the age of the child so that the baby does not get hurt or swallow some parts. In addition, it is worth considering whether he is allergic to any of the components.
  • To make your child happy, consult with him how he imagines this or that costume. A boy most often wants to be courageous and strong, while a girl wants to be beautiful and extraordinary.
  • Don't forget to take photos from the holiday! It will be a reminder not only of fun entertainment, but also of wonderful moments of joint creativity.

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