DIY cabbage costume: for girls and boys

Every day the New Year holidays are getting closer, which means that all kinds of matinees and carnivals are on the horizon. Children's celebrations require unusual and bright costumes, and parents have questions about where to find or how to make one.

cabbage costume for girl

How to make a cabbage costume with your own hands?

Outfits for children's parties are very diverse. And absolutely every parent wants their child to be the most beautiful and original at the carnival. However, sometimes the rules of attire are dictated by the dress code, and in this case, whether you like it or not, you need to comply with it.

Creating a costume with your own hands using scrap materials sometimes seems like overwhelming work. But if you look into the issue in more detail, it turns out that the task is not too difficult.

DIY cabbage costume for girls

Sometimes children's matinees are accompanied by bright and unusual performances, which require very unusual outfits to participate in. For example, such as the cabbage suit.When you hear this for the first time, it seems that it is completely unclear what exactly it should look like and where to even start. But in this article we will look at the options for creating a costume in more detail, and you will see for yourself that making a cabbage outfit with your own hands is not so difficult.

Step-by-step instruction

Cabbage is a unique holiday costume that can be made from completely different materials. For example, use felt, fabric or even corrugated paper. In general, in order to prepare such an outfit, you just need to use your imagination and figure out what the final version should look like.

DIY cabbage costume for girls

The main distinguishing feature of cabbage is its green color, a combination of different shades and several layers, as in regular cabbage.

A smart costume for a girl can be easily made based on a dress of a suitable color or a special leotard for gymnastics. There are plenty of materials to create it. They can be combined or used the same texture - it depends on the model you have chosen.

DIY cabbage costume for girls

Based on a sundress

The easiest way to make a cabbage outfit is to use a sundress of a suitable color. You should select a piece of similar fabric of a different shade for it and sew the missing elements of the layering from it.

Dress, cabbage skirt

In order to make a cabbage dress, you need to prepare some materials and tools:

  • fabric of at least 2 shades;
  • Velcro;
  • elastic band;
  • scissors.

DIY cabbage costume for girls

If you take a sundress of a suitable color as a basis, the process of creating a suit will be significantly simplified. This means that you will only need to sew a skirt from several elements and parts, as well as prepare a headdress. If desired, the suit can be decorated with puffed sleeves.

  1. From a rectangular piece of fabric you need to cut out semicircular elements of leaves of different sizes.
  2. The lower part of the leaves should be processed in a zigzag manner or with a thin tape and folds should be formed.
  3. Cut a rectangular strip of fabric 8 centimeters wide for the belt on which the leaves will be attached.
  4. Sew the sheets to the belt, alternating their sizes.
  5. Insert an elastic band into the waistband.

This is how the process of creating a simple model of a cabbage costume for a children's party looks like.

A very colorful headdress for this outfit would be a scarf tied like a solokha.

DIY cabbage costume for girls

Hat, other options

In order to sew an interesting cabbage headdress, you need to use your imagination and a little improvised means. For example, you can use pieces of thick felt or viscose napkins. Such a headdress will keep its shape perfectly and will also be the most original at the holiday.

To make such a hat, you will need to cut out several identical parts according to the pattern and sew them together.

cabbage costume hat

cabbage costume hat

After this, future cabbage leaves should be cut out in any shape. It is better to start with small ones and gradually move on to larger leaves. The cut out elements need to be stretched a little along the edges and given a wavy shape.

Work carefully so that the hat is not only original, but also very beautiful.

cabbage costume hat

cabbage costume hat

Leaves should be glued with a glue gun, starting with the smallest ones at the top. After all the leaves have been glued, you should stitch the bottom rectangular strip and you can go to the carnival!

cabbage costume hat

Cabbage costume for boy

Although boys like to dress up less than girls, they still know how to take part in fun activities at matinees.Therefore, sometimes such interesting roles as cabbage can go to a boy.

Preparing a funny costume for a boy is also quite simple. The main materials for it are pieces of fabric of different shades of green and fantasy.

cabbage costume for boy

For example, such an interesting model of a cabbage costume will definitely delight everyone present with its originality.

Jacket, overalls

This option for a boy consists of two main elements: a jacket and wide trousers. If desired, the pants can be replaced with others of a suitable color, however, if you need to achieve a complete look, it is better to sew all the details.

cabbage costume for boy

Making a jacket of this format is quite simple. The basis of the pattern can be any children's item. However, it should be remembered that cabbage is a rather voluminous vegetable and the costume should be loose enough for the child.

For a cabbage leaf, you need to cut a piece in the shape of a cabbage leaf, run lines of light fabric along it, imitating veins, and attach Velcro to the back side to freely attach the leaf to the suit.

Cabbage hat

For a complete look, you can sew it from the same material as the main suit, or make it from paper. In order to make a hat from corrugated or plain paper, you need to make a base of thick cardboard the size of a child’s head and cut out a sufficient number of oval parts for future leaves.

The paper should be gathered on one side so that it is wavy. This will be an imitation of veins. The leaves should be of different sizes and you need to collect such a hat from small to large. This assembly option will provide the necessary volume for the headdress.

Cabbage costume hat

As you can see, making a costume for a girl and a boy is not a very difficult task that can be solved literally in one evening. In the process of creating a costume, it is very important to use your imagination and not limit yourself in combining different materials. This is one of the most important conditions for creating a unique and unforgettable costume for your child’s debut on stage. We wish you bright New Year holidays and fun children's carnivals!


