DIY mosquito costume for a boy

DIY mosquito costume for a boy photo For any children's event you need to constantly come up with a costume. Of course, I want to make it as simple as possible, but at the same time beautiful, so that the child can like it.

Boys are more unpretentious in this regard, unlike girls who constantly need something new, stylish and fashionable.

Despite the undemanding nature, even young gentlemen want to look decent. Nowadays you can buy costumes in any store for children. And we will teach you how to make them yourself. This way you can get the exact size and style you need. And you will be confident in the quality of the material from which the thing is made.

In our article we will talk about the mosquito costume. Unprepossessing at first glance, it provides enormous scope for creativity, thanks to its ease of execution. You can complement it with a variety of decorations and attributes, and create your own unique style.

Costume base options

the basis
Before you start creativity and use your imagination, you need to decide on the main part and details for creating a mosquito.

To make the image believable, you need to remember what a mosquito looks like in real life. You don’t have to go out and catch them, just look at photos of atlases or find them on the Internet. There are several ways to create a mosquito costume. Let's arrange them in order of increasing level of manufacturing complexity.

  • First option. The easiest way. Does not contain the suit itself. You can only create a mask, wings and a nose. Essentially, you're just using image attributes.
  • Second option. In this case, the base of the costume is already being prepared. But they simply use ordinary gray things that the child no longer wears. You customize your wardrobe to suit your suit and add details to it.
  • Third option. Sew all the details yourself using a sewing machine and create a unique, creative design. This option will be more complicated and take a lot of time.
  • Fourth option. In the most difficult version self-made items are used. And all the necessary attributes are made with your own hands, and then additionally decorated.

Depending on the amount of time left before the event, desire and strength, you can choose one of the options. And then complete all steps according to the instructions. This outfit will not take much of your time and will not require any special skills.

Advice. Even if there is very little time left, it is still better to choose a model with the base of the suit. An image consisting of only wings and eyes will look empty and may upset the child.

Important details of the image

In order for the appearance to truly resemble a mosquito, all the details should be thoroughly worked out. In nature, we see that all mosquitoes look the same.Although they have their differences, to the human eye they seem insignificant and are practically unrecognizable. We can only compare them by size.

The costume, on the contrary, will be different in that it can be created to suit every taste. It is not necessary to achieve an exact match; you can add something of your own. Get creative and don't be afraid to use your imagination!

IMPORTANT! When coming up with the appearance of a character, try to preserve the features of its structure.

Everything else depends on your imagination.

In order to get a full-fledged mosquito, you need to develop the following elements of the outfit.

  • The basis discussed above.
  • A cap that will serve as a head.
  • A nose or proboscis is also necessary.
  • Wings of any size.
  • Shoes that match your suit and are comfortable on your feet.

Important! All elements must be gray shades. This will be the leading color in the image of a mosquito.

Additionally, you can use red, purple, black colors, but do not put too much emphasis on them.


For the base, you need to choose a cap, or rather, the future head of a mosquito. This issue can be resolved in several ways.

  • Use a regular gray knitted hat.
  • Sew your own headdress using a machine and attach an elastic band to it, which will hold it in place.
  • You can use a carnival mask as a basis.

The cap should look like a real mosquito head. For this you need to cut out eyes from cardboard and glue them to the front edge. On the sides you can decorate the part with sparkles or gray tinsel. Additionally, it is worth installing antennae. This is very easy to do with two wires. Bend them into a wave and attach them to the hat material. You can paint them black or cover them with cardboard.


The most interesting detail is the nose. You can make it any length, but A long proboscis will look funniest and most unusual. It's not difficult to make.

  • Take cardboard paper and roll it into a tube. Use multiple sheets to make the piece longer.
  • Connect the sheets together with tape or glue, putting them on top of each other.
  • Paint the nose the color you want. You can add red paint to the tip or cut out a small drop of blood.
  • After drying, attach an elastic band to the base. Its length should be sufficient to put on your head.


Probably the most complex element in the entire costume. For him we You will need wire, gray transparent fabric, a felt-tip pen, and gray dense material for covering.

  • Bend the wire along the contour of the wing.
  • Stretch the sheer fabric around the perimeter of the wire. Do not make the tension too strong, it is better to loosen it to avoid breaking.
  • Use a felt-tip pen to draw the veins.
  • Cover the wire with thick fabric and cover the entire frame.
  • Attach the wings to the back of the sweater.


These elements are not mandatory, but can perfectly complement the image. And they will look beautiful against the general background. The following parts can be used.

  • Based on the famous cartoon and fairy tale, you can arm our mosquito with a saber or sword.
  • On shoes, attach shiny square plaques to the strap.
  • Complete the look with a butterfly.
  • You can use a top hat instead of a hat. You will turn out to be a real aristocrat.

Use your imagination and ask your boy what he likes. Together you can choose your design and create a unique look. Treat your son to a new suit and go to the event together. Happy holiday!

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