DIY cat costume

DIY cat costumeA children's event is an exciting quest for mom. In a short time, you need to choose a character, think through the image, find a costume and accessories, and, if necessary, put on makeup for the child. One of the popular characters at children's parties is the cat. This can be either a stylized image of an animal, where the color, shape of the ears, length of the tail, fluffy coat and accessories depend on the taste and available materials of the creator. Or the hero of your favorite cartoon or a child’s fairy tale.

Ideas for creating a “cat” costume

Undoubtedly, the outfit should meet the aesthetic needs of the mother, but it is important to remember that the main critic is the child.
Modern children did not grow up in the times of the kind Leopold, the cunning Basilio, and the hardworking Matroskin. Therefore, the images of these characters at children's parties are losing relevance.

The current generation has its own heroes.

  • Merry Korzhik, Caramel and Compote - the animated series "Three Cats".
  • Brave Supercat - animated series "Lady Bug and Supercat".
  • The magnificent Puss in Boots - cartoon "Shrek".
  • Catboy is a PJ Masks animated series.

Costume options



The basis

It is not difficult to reproduce the image. Surely the young fashionista has a red trapeze dress in her wardrobe. If not, mom will try and sew it together in a couple of hours.

In order not to fiddle with the pattern for a long time, take any loose dress of the girl and create an outfit based on it. Sleeves and collar are not needed. The top can be cut figuratively or straight, then treated with bias tape to match the dress.

Reference! You can make the bias tape yourself. Cut strips 4 cm wide diagonally relative to the grain line, fold them in half lengthwise and iron.


A big red bow and cute angular ears will look amazing on little fashionistas. You can attach the components to the headband.

For the ears you will need fur triangles in red tones, as well as white fleece elements of a slightly smaller size. The parts are laid face to face, joined on a sewing machine or by hand, and stuffed with padding polyester. Then they are turned inside out and sewn to the rim.

A large bow is tied in the center of the headband. To prevent it from falling during active games, just attach it to your ears with a couple of stitches.



The basis

Top: blue striped T-shirt or vest. If you don't have any striped items, you can sew colored stripes onto a white T-shirt.

Bottom: blue trousers or jeans. Every boy probably has one of these.


On the head is a cap, like a sailor's. If friends or relatives borrow it for one evening, great. If not, making it yourself is not difficult.

A rectangle 6–8 cm high, 35 cm wide is cut out of thick blue cardboard and glued into a cylinder.A white circle is also glued on top, the diameter of which is 1.5–2 cm larger than that of the cylinder. An image of an anchor is applied to the front part of the resulting cap, and two satin ribbons, 15 cm long, are sewn on the back.

In order for the headdress to hold well, you will need a thin elastic band, for which holes are cut on the sides of the cylinder. The ears are made in the same way as Caramel’s and are attached with an elastic band along with the headdress.


Top: green shirt. Bottom: green trousers. If you have old, light-colored clothes lying around at home that your child won’t wear, you can experiment and change the color with special paint for clothes.

If the trousers are a little short, no problem. Trimming them further will make great capri pants.

A green kitten's cap can easily be obtained from cotton stockings by making a cuff on them. And sew a pom-pom from knitting threads onto the tip.

It is necessary to stuff the cap with synthetic padding so that it holds its shape. Or insert a cardboard cone inside. Everything, including the ears, is attached with an elastic band.

Super Cat

Super Cat
The basis of the suit is a black turtleneck and trousers, ideally tight-fitting ones.

Under the neck, at the level of the jugular notch, you need to sew an amulet, which has the shape of a ball with a diameter of 3–4 cm. It is done simply, just buy gold foil at any stationery store and crumple it into the required shape.

Ears and headband

To create a blindfold, black knitted fabric is best suited. The edges of the jersey do not need to be finished when creating the eye holes. This makes the job much easier.

For the ears you will need black felt. 4 identical parts are cut, sewn together in pairs and stuffed with a thin layer of synthetic padding. A wire is run along the contour, which will give the required shape.After the ears are formed, they are sewn on with an elastic band.

Puss in Boots

Puss in Boots
For a raincoat, a piece of black fabric is suitable, which will be fastened under the neck with a button.

Reference! It is better to purchase a large button on a leg with a metallic tint. It will look better than usual and harmoniously complement the image.

To create boots from thick paper or fabric that holds its shape well, two truncated cones are cut out. The smaller base is attached to the shoe with ribbons or elastic bands. The larger one is turned away and edged with burgundy braid. The boots themselves must be black.

You need to complete the image with a sword. If you don’t find one in the toys, thick wire, foil, the cut off bottom of a plastic bottle and a large bead for the tip will help. A hole is made in the center of the bottom of the bottle into which the wire is inserted. One end of it turns into a handle, and a bead is attached to the other.

Attention! No sharp objects are allowed at children's parties, so a tip is a must!

After production, the sword is completely wrapped in foil.


The character's ears are hidden under a black hat with burgundy trim. Finding a headdress of this type will not be difficult, but sewing on colored braid will take 10 minutes. One of the sides is carefully attached to the crown, and a large yellow feather is inserted there. Similar accessories are sold in decoration and decor stores.

Reference! A good alternative to a store-bought pen would be a homemade one. You need to cover the wire with colored tape or paper and cut out the required shape.


The little ones' favorite is dressed in a blue fitted outfit, so a turtleneck and trousers in these tones will come in handy.

A white design in the form of an eye mask is applied to the chest line with acrylic paints.If you don’t have paints on hand, you can cut out an applique from white fabric and carefully sew it on.

We'll put a blue knitted hat on our head. Ears of similar colors are sewn onto it. The hat itself must be chosen so that it covers the eyes and nose. After the slits for the eyes are ready, white eyebrows and stripes are carefully drawn on the sides of the head and on top, just like the young hero.

An important detail of the costume is the tail.

  • For Caramel, Korzhik and Compote, the tail design is the same. A fur or fabric strip with a pile is folded in half, stitched on both sides, and lightly stuffed with synthetic padding. It is better to connect Caramel's tail with the girl's tights so that it protrudes from under the dress. For Kompot and Korzhik, the tails are attached to the belt.
  • Super Cat. A thin and long tail can be made perfectly from a black stocking, which is stuffed with padding polyester and then attached to the belt.
  • Puss in Boots. The removable fluffy collar also makes a great tail, similar to a fur one.

Reference! To ensure that the hero's sword is always with him, you can thread a hair tie into the belt.

  • Catboy. The tail is sewn from blue jersey, decorated with light stripes and lightly stuffed. You can sew it to the waistband of your trousers.

Useful tips for creating a cat costume


  • Do not fill the tail too tightly, otherwise it will lose its mobility and softness.
  • With ears it’s the other way around; the more densely they are stuffed, the better the shape is maintained.
  • Every character needs gloves. It is advisable that the accessory matches the suit. Nails are painted with acrylic paints, or felt triangles are sewn onto the fingertips;
  • An eye pencil can be used to draw beautiful whiskers - an important attribute of any cat.

Children's activities are designed to spread joy.If you see that the baby is in the image of his favorite hero, with a sparkle in his eyes and a happy smile, then mom did everything right!

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