DIY swallow costume for a girl

swallow costumeThe New Year is approaching, which means that soon all children will begin holidays in kindergartens or schools. How to make your daughter look original and interesting, but without spending money on an expensive suit? An excellent solution would be to make a costume yourself from available materials and allow your daughter to participate in the creation along with you. This way you will be able to do exactly what she wants and show the child that you care about him and are ready to spend time and effort for his holiday.

Which suit should you choose? In this article you will learn how to dress your daughter as a swallow, what is required for this and how different variations of this seemingly simple New Year's costume can be.

Costume options

The simplest thing would be to take existing things as a basis and decorate them so that the image of a swallow is immediately recognized by everyone around you. To do this, you can take a white dress, suit or other white things, complementing them with a mask, robe or some kind of headdress.

costume option costume option 2

There are many options and choosing the right one is very simple: imagine a real swallow or look at photos of ready-made costumes on the Internet, and then remember what might be suitable from what you have at home. Surely the child has white things, and after drawing or craft lessons there is still colored paper, glue and other creative items with which you can create attributes for the image.

We will look at several options for a swallow costume, but which one to choose is up to you and your daughter to decide.

Making a swallow costume for a girl with your own hands

swallow costume for girlThe main colors for the future outfit: black and white, which eliminates the need to buy additional fabric or special items. You can even use a one-piece black swimsuit by wearing white tights underneath if your daughter has ever danced. And if there is nothing suitable, but you have the desire and white fabric, then you can sew the outfit yourself.

What you need for sewing

Depending on what exactly you will sew, a dress or a two-piece suit with pants and a turtleneck, you will need a pattern suitable for this item, fabric, scissors and a needle. You should not take complex things, especially if you have little experience in sewing. There is such a high probability of making a mistake and wasting too much time. Things can be left monochromatic, and the emphasis can be placed on the attributes.

For the mask and other elements you will need colored paper, glue and any decorative elements that you can find in the house: feathers, rhinestones and others.

Costume base

main part of the costumeUsing a pattern, make a dress or other item from white fabric.Be sure to finish all the edges and pay attention to the size of the resulting product: the child should be comfortable in it, because he will spend several hours in the clothes, dance and participate in various children's competitions.

If you take ready-made clothes, then make sure that they are not too small for the girl and that she will not be hot.

IMPORTANT! White color is very sensitive to stains - be prepared for the fact that after the holiday, your new turtleneck may no longer be as snow-white. Therefore, choose those things that you can definitely put into proper shape later or those that you can sacrifice for the sake of the holiday.

Mantle with tail and wings of a swallow

mantle with tailAn important element of the costume will be the bird's tail and wings. All this can be placed on a mantle, which is easy to sew and will not greatly interfere with movements. In addition, this will eliminate the need to look for other black things and will enhance the similarity of the costume to a real bird.

In order not to attach the wings separately, you can process the edges of the sleeves in the form of a fringe, so that they resemble feathers. And the mantle itself needs to be narrowed towards the end and with the help of slightly wider cutouts a “tail” should be created.

For a robe, it is better to choose the lightest possible fabric that will not hang as a heavy burden on the girl’s shoulders. Flowing silk or chiffon will be the best choice.

Making a headdress

swallow headYou can put either an existing black panama hat or cap on your head, or you can also make a swallow’s head yourself.

If you are also going to make a mask, then the headdress should be as simple as possible, preferably plain, black. Otherwise, there is this option: make a swallow’s head out of cardboard with a beak. It will consist of a not very wide rim, a pattern and a beak glued to it.This method is suitable for mothers who know how to draw and love to do it.

Swallow mask

Making a mask is also easy. For this you will need:

  • swallow drawing;
  • scissors;
  • rubber.

swallow maskIt is very important not to make a mistake with the size of the mask. It should ideally suit the child both in terms of head circumference, width and length, as well as the location of the eye slits.

It is important that the girl can fully navigate in space with a mask on her face and that she can breathe comfortably.

Instead of a mask, it’s easy to make a small beak with an elastic band. It is made either from black and colored paper, or from plain paper and then painted.

Now you know how to make a full-fledged swallow costume yourself, using available materials and involving your child in the process. In this look, the girl will look unusual and beautiful, so she will remember the New Year as one of the best holidays!

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