DIY nurse costume for Halloween

nurse costumes for halloweenHalloween is a special day. According to ancient legend, on this day evil forces rule the earth, walking freely across the surface of the earth. Therefore, in order for them not to harm mortals, people must wear carnival costumes that depict representatives of evil spirits. But over time, the mystical celebration transformed into a cheerful holiday. And people dress up not only as scary monsters, but also in any interesting form.

One of the most widely used images is the nurse's outfit. It can be made in a traditional direction, represent a crazy medic, be a sexy medic or a scary zombie. After reviewing the conditions for creating each of them (examples in the photo), you can choose the one you like best.

Basics of a Classic Nurse Halloween Costume

nurse image for halloween
The image of a classic nurse is familiar to every person. But for Halloween it has some differences, which are not so difficult to build with your own hands.It is enough to follow these recommendations:

  • For the basics, you will need a white coat or medical suit. You don't have to buy a new one, you can buy a used one. You can also use a green medical gown. If you wish and have the sewing skills, you can sew this part yourself;
  • You will also need red paint that imitates blood in color. This is the paint you need to stain your robe. These can be bloody splashes or drips, and handprints also look great.

Important! Another touch that can enhance the ominous impression is an unevenly torn hem or holes with torn edges.

You will also need several additional attributes of the costume: medical instruments (a syringe with red liquid, a phonendoscope) or piercing objects (knife, scissors, cleaver), torn stockings and a medical cap or scarf.

The face should be whitened and dark circles should be drawn under the eyes, and the lips should be highlighted with scarlet lipstick. Hands and face can also be decorated with various designs in the form of wounds or streaks of blood.

How to make a flirty nurse costume with your own hands

flirty nurse
If you like to be the center of attention or challenge those around you, then add a playful touch to your suit. To make your outfit more attractive to the stronger sex, you should add some details:

  • Deep neckline: Unfasten the top buttons of the robe so that a seductive cleavage is visible;
  • Mini: the bottom edge of the robe should be slightly higher than the edge of the stockings. It is advisable to choose a model of the latter with a mesh or openwork design;
  • High heel shoes. Black pumps will look great.

In this outfit it is better to avoid being particularly gloomy.Use makeup to highlight your eyes and highlight your lips with blood-red lipstick. The best accessories to use are a stethoscope or a syringe.

How to create a zombie nurse costume with your own hands

zombie nurse for halloween
Another commonly used image of a nurse for Halloween is a zombie. It is performed on the basis of a basic costume using several elements of deep makeup. The result is an ominous image of the risen dead. There are several options for this look:

  1. Nurse from the movie “Silent Hill”. This is the easiest way to create a zombie medic. To bring the classic image to life, stains of dirt on clothes and bloody bandages are added, which are tied around the entire head, leaving holes for breathing and slits for the eyes;
  2. Traditional zombie medic. From horror films about zombies, we know that in the traditional plot, zombies are the dead. This means they have traits such as rotting flesh. For this outfit, makeup will help create this look. For example, cadaveric spots can be depicted by first bleaching the skin, and then applying spots on it using green and black shadows that imitate the decomposition of tissues. You can enhance the impression by using special contact lenses that will hide the iris and make your eyes white.

Another option is a nurse with lacerations. This sinister outfit is not for the faint of heart. He shows terrible wounds exposing bones or entrails. This option is especially popular among the modern generation.

To create these wounds you will need:

  • PVA glue;
  • Red dye (food coloring is best);
  • Foundation, blush and shadows;
  • Blade or very sharp knife;
  • Sponge for applying tone, brushes and cotton pads and sticks;
  • White paper napkins.

To simulate small wounds or burns, apply a little diluted glue to the skin and wait until it dries, then cover the area with makeup.

For larger damage, place a piece of double-sided tape slightly larger than the damage on the intended location of the wound. Saturate several napkins with glue and secure them with tape. Cut the napkins and soak the edges with artificial blood (made from dye and water).

How to complement the created image

DIY nurse costume
When creating a Halloween costume, do not forget that when choosing an image, you must behave accordingly. That is, if you are a zombie, then your movements should be jerky and jagged. But your success will not only depend on this. The effectiveness of the suit can be enhanced by small details:

  • A medical mask will add mystery to your appearance;
  • Using vampire fangs in combination with a flirtatious appearance, you will embody the appearance of a vampire nurse;
  • When creating lacerated wounds with makeup, enhance the darkness of your image by placing foreign objects in the damage: glass shards, artificial blades, or an imitation of a stuck knife or syringe.

These recommendations will allow you to create an original and suitable outfit for the holiday.

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