DIY carrot costume for a girl

carrot costume for girlIn the fall, you may need a “seasonal” carnival costume for your kindergarten - after all, there will probably be an autumn festival there! A non-standard costume - carrots - will look original and bright on any little girl. Of course, you can purchase a ready-made carnival outfit in a regular or online store. But does it make sense to spend money if creating it yourself is very easy? In addition, you can use the creative act as an educational moment: let the child help you, compose a fairy tale about this vegetable, learn poems about it. This is a great opportunity to chat with your baby on an educational topic: what other vegetables does she know, what can be made from carrots... A smart mother will always find something to interest her! And your daughter will be pleased to wear the “work” if its creation is associated with your attention for her.

How to sew a carrot dress suit for a girl

DIY carrot dress

So, it was decided to sew a “carrot” suit - young lady, of course, it will suit the dress.What you will need for an inexpensive and uncomplicated option:

  • as a pattern, use your daughter’s existing loose dress or tunic;

  • fabric - orange (on the dress) and green (on the collar)cheek) gabardine;

  • orange thread, the same button and a piece of bias tape;

  • elastic for the bottom edge;

  • everything for sewing - basting needle, machine, scissors.

Important! Gabardine is a wonderful fabric, one drawback: it frays, be careful with the needle.

When all the materials and tools are at hand, you can begin:

  • Cut out the main part like a tunic;

  • Make the neckline in a semicircle (when sewn it will be more oval);

  • On the back, make a small additional teardrop-shaped cutout in the neckline to make it convenient to put the finished item on over your head;

  • Cut the facing for the neck according to its shape, process it from the outer edge, stitch it with the neck, turn it inside out and sew with a reinforcing seam on the front side;

  • Sew on a button, make a loop of thread for it;

  • Sew the side seams, finish with a frequent zigzag (option: overlock stitch);

  • Fold 5 mm at the edges of the sleeves and machine stitch;

  • Fold the bottom of the dress and form a drawstring, also stitch, leaving an area of ​​1-2 cm unstitched to thread the elastic;

  • Thread the elastic, gather the bottom, sew the edges of the elastic.

The main part of our “root vegetable” is ready, but you must admit, this sheath dress doesn’t look like a carrot yet! Because she has tops. This is where green gabardine comes in handy.

If you are not sure that you will be able to immediately cut out the “greenery” in a figurative manner, use a paper template to apply the outline to the fabric:

  • Cut out the “leaves”;

  • Apply bias tape to the inside of the collar, leaving 20-25 cm of tape on both sides - these will be the ties;

  • Unfold the binding and sew it to the wrong side of the neckline;

  • Fold it over to the front side and stitch it as well.

Important! Curly edges should be carefully processed using a match or lighter to prevent the fabric from fraying.

We build a carrot costume from separate parts: skirt + turtleneck

carrot costume skirt

Another version of the carrot outfit is possible: in two parts, and you don’t need a sewing machine. You can create an airy, fluffy, bright tulle skirt without it!

ANDSo, for the second - prefabricated - option you will need:

  • a piece of orange tulle (length needed at least 2 m);

  • wide elastic band - it will act as a belt and hold the skirt on the figure;

  • needle, threads in color, scissors.

Important! Use medium-hard tulle. The hard one will stick out unattractively, and it will be uncomfortable for the baby to touch it, and the soft one will not hold its shape.

When all the materials have been collected, we begin making the skirt:

  • You should estimate, based on the height of the small model, how long the skirt is required, and cut the tulle into strips: 50x20, 75x20 or any other required length;

  • Measure the waist circumference and mark on the elastic band, plus 2-3 cm. Pin the edges with pins. Put the elastic band on something so that it is convenient to attach tulle strips to it (the back of a chair will do);

  • Attach the strips to it, tying it with loose knots, in a circle. If you want your skirt to be full, don’t skimp on tulle;

  • Sew the ends of the elastic. The skirt is ready.

For a complete set, you need to find a suitable top - a turtleneck, a T-shirt, a green blouse (you can also have an orange one, but then you will need an additional accessory or a hat).

Other carrot costume options for girls

DIY carrot costume for girls

There are several other easy ways to create a costume:

  1. Very simple.Buy orange lining fabric (from 1 m), cut a neck hole in it. Cut a circle out of cardboard, also with a hole, so that it lies comfortably on the child’s shoulders. Put a cape on top, figure out how to cut it so that the cape tapers downwards. On the head - attach a “top” made of green paper, sold in flower shops, to a hairband;

  2. "Upside down". In this case, the “tops” will be at the bottom - pick up any, preferably loose, green clothes - a dress, overalls, blouse with trousers. And the carrot itself will be a hat - roll up a cone from thick colored paper. You can also use a simple white Whatman paper, and the child himself will paint it with orange paint (taking part in the creative process). To keep the hat tighter, you can attach ties or an elastic band to it;

  3. “Very ripe carrot.” You will need an orange raincoat fabric - cut out two triangles. The top edge is the size of the shoulders, the length is to the knees (do not forget about the allowance for finishing). The volume of the “root crop” can be given by cuttings of padding polyester or foam rubber - they need to be attached from the wrong side. Sew together two halves of the pattern, leaving holes for the head, arms and legs, and leave a slit in the back from top to bottom. You can be puzzled and sew in a zipper - but black lacing will look more interesting. You can decorate the entire product with the same laces and be sure to pull them a little, wrinkling the material - a relief will appear. Do carrots have black stripes? For such a naturalistic option, you will need an equally expressive “top”: think about a shaggy green wig or the same hat with a fluffy pom-pom made of yarn (by the way, pom-poms are easy to make - if you don’t know how, learn and do it with your daughter, girls are usually delighted with it process!);

  4. Another “reverse” carrot, funny and extravagant. Again you will need green clothes - and the ability of your mother or grandmother to knit. The vegetable itself will be a knitted cone-shaped hat - you can make it quite tall and stuff it with cotton wool or synthetic padding, but you will have to make a fairly dense base that fits directly on the head and holds the knitted “tower” (thick cardboard, lined with soft fabric on the inside, will do, so that the carrot hat sits denser and did not cause discomfort);

  5. From paper - you should choose durable but wrinkle-resistant paper, cut out two trapezoidal blanks from it from the shoulders to the waist. The finished suit will be worn with the wide side down. Let the glue dry, paint the workpiece orange with black stripes, wait for the paint to dry, cut holes for the arms and glue the edges securely. It is worth making sure that the child is able to get inside freely. Glue a cone-shaped cap from the same paper, paint it the same way as the main part, thread a ribbon or elastic band that will hold it on the head. The role of leaves will be perfectly played by a green skirt - even one made in half an hour from strips of material tied to an elastic band (as in the case of making a tulle skirt);

  6. A symbolic option is a long white tunic, green leggings and shoes, with a large carrot applique sewn on the front;

  7. The original version - if you know how to sew a tunic, leave the front shortened, and at the back make a long tapering train - a “tail”, reproducing the shape of a vegetable (however, this option is not suitable for kids’ active pastime - they will definitely step on it! But you can show off and then just pin it his).

Important! Be sure to check whether your daughter feels comfortable in the suit and can move freely.A carnival outfit that restricts movement, especially for children, is a misunderstanding! Your girl will probably move actively at the holiday, participate in games, events, dances - the main thing is that she is comfortable!

What to choose as accessories and decoration for a carrot costume

DIY carrot costume

You don’t have to decorate the costume itself with tops, but give this role to a headdress or accessory. You can make “leaves” in several ways:

  • From a rectangular piece of fabric (length twice the circumference of the head). Fold the fabric in half and machine stitch it. Create a drawstring and insert elastic into the bottom edge. Finish the top one, open, with an overlock stitch and simply tie it with a green elastic band or string;

  • If ypointsand there is a hair hoop, it’s very easy to attach carrots to itb, made from matter or made from paper. You can use the hoop as a baseattach to it "leaves" from fabrics, inserting wires into them so that they stick out (or wrap the wire with yarn);

  • Will play the role perfectly leaves lush bow on the head, scarf, cape, a scarf tied in a spectacular knot, a shawl with fringe or tassels,lace frill at the neck.

Important! Be sure to think through the overall concept of the entire costume. It is advisable that the accessories stylistically harmonize with it: after all, this is an outfit for a girl, and it should still turn out to be a carrot, and not a stuffed vegetable garden! If He realistic, That its attributes must be appropriate to a plump carrototherwise an elegant lace bow on foam rubber is unlikely to be suitable; it will be combined rather with a stylized attire.

In autumn, it’s time to dress up boys and girls in beautiful and original costumes. You can make them yourself.To do this, it is recommended to use these recommendations and study several photos with examples.

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